5 Easy Ideas To Start Making Money Online Today
With this article, new digital entrepreneurs can learn how to overcome the challenge of launching an online business - like developing your first digital product!
Have you ever walked into a restaurant or business and seen a one dollar bill perfectly place in a glass case up on the wall? Most of us have.
This represents the first dollar that business or business owner ever made.
With that said, what do you think is the biggest hurdle new digital entrepreneurs have to overcome when first launching their online business?
While complicated tech can definitely get in the way, create frustration, and slow down the entire process, it’s not quite the biggest hurdle every time...
And it’s not always being unsure of which niche to pursue either. Many just starting out have a fairly clear idea of the general niche which they plan on launching in.
The #1 Hurdle To Your Successful Online Business
The most common hurdle we see time and again is the struggle of making that very first online sale. Going from nothing or never selling anything online before, to that very first sale is truly a life-changing experience.
It’s hard to explain what it’s like creating an informational product and having someone give you money for it. Let alone waking up to cash in your account from a buyer you don’t even know.
That truly has to be one of the coolest feelings in the world.
Once a business owner makes that first online sale, something happens…
Maybe it’s just momentum…
Maybe it’s the tipping point after years of hard work…
But in our experience, we think it has more to do with personal belief than anything else.
Once you’ve made that first sale online -- even if it’s only a $7 eBook -- there’s a belief which dispels fear, doubt, and inaction.
The belief of “I can do this!”.
You get that and the rest is history.
That first sale leads to the next sale which leads to many more.
By simply focusing on the first, you unleash an avalanche of opportunities to come.
But quite often getting that very first sale can be somewhat overwhelming. We sometimes tend to focus on this huge big picture and everything that’s required to take our business from nothing to a multi-million dollar empire.
First Product - First Sale
When in reality, all you need right now is the first sale.
And to get the first sale you need to create and launch your first product.
Simplify and focus on that and the rest automatically begins to piece itself together.
It’s also why so many experience great success in “pre-selling” an offer. This is where you sell a digital product you haven’t even created yet. You’re testing the market to make sure they want it without risking anything at all. Then if they respond positively (i.e. they give you cash) then you’re now on the hook to make it.
Nothing like taking someone else's money to motivate you into action, right?!
So below we’d like to touch on 5 simple ways you can sell digital information products online.
Again, this isn’t every single product idea under the sun. To be honest, you don’t need that yet. When you’re just starting the focus should be on simple, quick, and easy. While delivering valuable content in everything you do.
So let’s dive in…
5 Easy First Product Ideas
Idea #1: Mini-Course
Creating a mini course is one of the most effective ways to get your feet wet with selling information online. Plus, video training typically has a higher perceived value than just normal text, so you can still offer it at a premium.
Here’s a simple process:
- Identify a common, specific, and urgent specific problem your market faces.
- Create 3-5 hyper-focused videos solving this problem.
- Give it a great product title.
- Consider choosing a low price like $7 which normally helps acquire first time buyers.
Your course could include 3-5 videos of screen-recorded training, or even using your iPhone. When you’re starting out, focus more on getting something out there than on having the most professionally produced content.
You could literally create your mini-course in a day and use Kajabi’s built-in marketing and payment processing tools to make your first sale! It’s that easy!
Idea #2: PDF Special Report
Along with a printed book, this is probably the most classic type of information product there is. And for good reason as it’s quick and easy to create.
This follows a very similar pattern of our mini-course. Select a single problem and create an outline which provides the solution. You can create a graphic design type cover for it and publish it as an eBook if you want. But you truly don’t have to right now.
We’ve seen one page $20 pdf’s sell extremely well because it contained valuable and wanted information. So the goal again is to not complicate this more than you have to.
Identify a problem, create an outline that solves that one problem, and fill in the blanks. Boom! There’s your first info product.
Idea #3: Facebook Lives To $3 Live Webinar
This is something that we’ve seen a few people do with success recently.
Whether you have a business page or personal page, this strategy can still be used. Simply begin by giving away some great content in one or two Facebook lives over the course of a day or so. Then let everyone know you’ll be holding a special live webinar diving deeper into what you’ve been recently talking about.
Let them know you’ll be charging a small fee of $3 (or whatever you choose) as you want to make sure that people are committed to this information. Reiterate that people value things that they pay for and you want to really help them. Even if it’s just a small fee.
This is a way to get paid before you create the product. You don’t need a website, a fancy logo, or anything like that.
You’ll do the initial lives on Facebook, then use Kajabi to create a simple sales page, process the payment, and host the live webinar. Then you can even use that paid recording (and other 2 lives you did) as a mini-course if you wanted to!
See how easy this product creation process can be when we give ourselves permission to keep it simple?
Idea #4: Hybrid Product
Whether it’s a simple information product or something much larger, your goal should always be to create an irresistible offer. An offer contains your content, how it’s delivered, and any bonuses, guarantees, etc.
One informational product which lends itself to being an irresistible type offer is that of a hybrid.
Simply put, it’s where you combine one of the options above (a digital informational product), with some form of one-on-one or group coaching.
Anytime you combine coaching and training, you’ll typically see more people take that offer.
So you could create your mini course and offer a bonus 30-minute coaching call to answer any questions they might have. Or you could offer a group webinar presentation where you go through Q & A’s, or dive deep into one of the topics in your product.
Just like above, this is quick and easy and can be launched as fast as you’d like.
Idea #5: The Vault
Lastly, one of the easiest yet most effective first products you can create is what we call “The Vault”. You’ll typically see this included in membership sites or as bonuses to larger offers, but it works incredibly well as something to help you get started and get that first sale.
This product is simply a collection of information, resources, or videos your market might find useful in solving a specific problem.
So if you were just starting out in the fitness niche, you could create a vault product of 10 of your favorite belly-flattening exercises as well as the 10 recipes to help you lose belly fat. You could simply upload all of that into a Kajabi product and offer it as a buffet style type informational product.
It’s like a cookbook of helpful information.
Some business owners will even simply aggregate all of their most helpful YouTube videos they’ve come across or even blog articles. While your customer could go and find this info on their own, you save them time from searching and worrying about if the information is valid.
If you’re struggling to create your first product, use the vault type of offering to get one created today!
Simple Products Sell
As we wrap this article up, remember...simple products sell. There’s definitely a time and place for professionally produced content using the best equipment money can buy, but if you’re just starting...that time is most likely not now.
Focus on solving a single problem in a single, easy to produce and consumable product.
Our 5 quick and easy ideas were:
- Mini-Courses
- PDF Special Report
- Facebook Lives To Paid Webinar
- Hybrid Product
- The Vault
Whether it’s these or some other type of informational product, our invitation is to take action today!
Unsure Of What To Sell?
And If you’re still in the “idea stage” and are unsure what you’d even teach online, we’ve recently put together a brand new, completely free, 3-part video training series which takes you from idea to your first mini-course.
Click the link below to get immediate access to the first video:
If you already know what you’d like to teach and would rather jump right into the Kajabi platform and take it for a risk-free test drive, below you’ll find a link for your 14-day free trial…
Use Kajabi to Turn Your Knowledge And Content Into Products You Can Sell
We know that you have something to teach the world. We also know there are people out there who want to learn what you know.
That’s why we created Kajabi. It’s a full-featured platform that allows professionals like you to create their own businesses from home.
Create online courses, establish membership sites, and sell other digital products. We offer tons of marketing tools to help you spread the word about your products and earn more revenue.
Of course, launching a business represents a huge commitment. We understand that.
To help ease you into the process of creating a Knowledge Commerce business of your own, we offer a 14-day free trial.
Get unfettered access to our tools, templates, and other assets so you can fully explore what Kajabi has to offer.
Are you ready to become your own boss? Now’s the time.
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