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5 ways to offer an eBook in Kajabi


Jan 25, 2017
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Whether you're already a Kajabi user, or somebody looking to try Kajabi, you may be familiar with us being a one-stop shop for selling your knowledge and passion online. 

Well, we're here to show you another powerful way to utilize Kajabi to monetize and share your content with the world. 

Here's our guide on 5 ways you can offer your e-book on Kajabi.

1. Create a Free Download From an Opt-in

Creating a free download, that is triggered by an opt-in, is such an easy way to offer an e-book of any sort to your audience. 

The best part is, you can customize and optimize their entire journey from introduction to download.

Have you ever heard the motto "All good things in life begin with a good landing page?" 

Well... if you haven't, that's because we just made it up. But we do believe it to be true.

For this example, let's begin by creating a landing page in the Premier theme.

You can get as customized as you'd like, but you'll need to at least have a CTA button somewhere.

Now, simply set the action of this button to trigger a download.

You can have this button also redirect to a URL where you may house the book, but for this instance, we'll tell the button to begin a download.

Upload your book, and now this page is functional.

I know what you're thinking, "I need people to opt-in before they download the file."

Don't worry, we'll fix that now.

Creating a new landing page with an opt-in form will allow us to redirect traffic to the download page after entering in their information. 


From directly within your opt-in form, you can set the 'Thank You Page' as the landing page housing your download.

Now, traffic will enter their information, then be taken to your e-book or download of choice.

This will add them to your People dashboard, allowing you to now market to them as you wish. 

2. Send Customers to a Download Upon Purchase

Want to sell an e-book rather than offer it for free to general traffic?

Well, create an offer, and you can set the landing page as the Thank You Page in the checkout details.

This will direct people to your download after completing a purchase.

If you would rather your members login to access the download, then add it to the first post in a product that they have access to after the purchase. 

3. Create a Video or Audio Series for Your E-Book

Assuming you want to add a premium price point to your e-book download, you can offer the entire thing as a video series.

With your Product being your book title, you can continue to breakdown the chapters between Categories and Posts labeled accordingly. 

You can offer the downloadable text version of your e-book in the first introductory post. 

This will allow your audience to download your book while also following along with your video/audio series. 

If you're wanting to charge a premium price for your e-book, then this is a very effective way to justify the additional cost to your customers. 

4. Email Sequence to Landing Page for Download

Now, let's assume that you only want your e-book to be delivered by the way of email.

Simply build an Email Sequence, label the subject accordingly, and add the link to a button in your email.

But how will that email sequence be sent to the right people?

Within both the Opt-in form, as well as Offer Checkout details, you can choose to trigger the corresponding email sequence of choice.

In this instance, you'd choose to trigger your e-book sequence.

Now, people will be able to access the download link via their email you've sent.

Want more insight into how effective your emails were?

Luckily, the team at Kajabi gave you powerful insight into your email sequences by the way of reports.

From directly within your email sequences, you can track the performance and adjust accordingly.

5. Selling Your Book on Amazon? Create Associate Links!

Amazon is an enormous crucible of digital and print books from authors all over the world. 

In fact, many Kajabi members already have their publications on Amazon.

Well, if you're wanting to direct traffic to your Amazon book, then why not monetize even more with their associate program?

Once you have your website up, you can apply for their associates program.

You can create an associate link to your book directly, and attach the link to either a CTA button or an email sequence.

Here's the benefit; you can make a commission on ANYTHING your traffic purchases while they're using your link.

If you send people to your book, and they add a few personal shopping items to their cart as well, then Amazon will pay you on the entire purchase, rather than just your book.

We're not affiliated with Amazon in any way, but we do want to share knowledge that suits our members' best interests. Make sure to follow all the guidelines to avoid Amazon account suspension.

For that reason, we'd like to share with you an additional way to monetize your traffic from Kajabi.

Ready to Get Started Offering Your E-Book on Kajabi? 

Here at Kajabi, we want to give you the best tools available in order to help you share your passion online and make a life-changing income.

So many members hit a roadblock while trying to finish up their courses, and sometimes they end up feeling stuck.

This post was intended to showcase the power of Kajabi and it's ability to monetize your knowledge in more ways than one.

When we mention e-books, there's no true industry standard.

People sell 30-page e-publications, and others sell 1,000-page e-publications.

There's no minimum or maximum context amount needed to offer e-books online, and they're as easy to create as a PDF.

If you're wanting to get a list built, or a quick piece of content out to your audience, then consider offering an e-publication to your members and keep the momentum going.  

Begin Your Journey to Delivering Your Knowledge Worldwide

Sign up for a 14-Day Trial and Start Offering E-Books Today!

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