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Announcing Our Beautiful Sales Tools


Oct 20, 2016
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Kajabi Hero Live
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We’re constantly striving to make it easier for you to sell your content online, and getting more insight into your sales is big part of your success.

That’s why we’ve built powerful new Sales Tools to give you more power under the hood and more data on your sales.

Here’s what we’ve designed the Sales Tools to do for you…

Sales Dashboard:

This beautiful dashboard allows you to stay in touch with your sales easily by presenting them in a sleek and understandable way.

Data Charts:

Get a quick glance on how your Offers have been performing and see what trends are emerging.


Now you can set up coupons to give out for your Offers! Coupons are perfect for running promotions or giving out one-time discounts, and the best part is that they’re super easy to set up and give away.

Sales Reports:

View reports to get more detailed analytics on your sales so you can get a better understanding of what’s working and what’s not. Better insights = better decisions.


Someone once told me, "Know numbers, know numbers, no business."

These Sales Tools were designed to make your data come alive, and even add a bit of fun and enjoyment to what was previously a painstaking excel spreadsheet circus. I know, I've done the spreadsheet shuffle.

All of this is made possible using our built-in payment integration, designed to make it effortless for you sell your content globally, get paid, and be able to have all the actionable data you need at your fingertips.

Test Drive These Sales Tools Today — It's All Inside Kajabi

Try Kajabi For Free

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