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August Feature Rollup


Aug 31, 2018
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We’ve just wrapped up some of our latest developments, which means we have some exciting new features now available on the Kajabi platform! We just went live on Facebook with our co-founder and CEO, Kenny. Check out the replay above! 

Today, we're excited to lift the veil on what we've accomplished! So let's dive right in.

Here are some of the biggest highlights you need to know about...

People Management

Smart And Dynamic Custom Segments

Managing your people within the Kajabi platform just got a whole lot easier! Our new ‘smart segmentation lists’ feature allows you to filter at a higher level based upon any of the updated 32 criteria available.

Plus they’re now completely dynamic, which means you only have to set up your segmentation one time and it automatically updates any new people onto that list as they come through and meet the assigned criteria.

You can also save each of your custom smart lists at the top of your tabs giving you quick access to any segmented actions you’d like to take.

Bulk Selection And Actions

You’re now able to bulk select any of your smart lists and process a handful of new actions all at once. From granting and revoking offers, adding or removing tags, and registering or registering for an event, the new bulk features make using Kajabi that much more efficient.

New Filters: Email Engagement, Assessments, Active Leads

You can now filter based upon actions taken such as whether someone engaged, opened, or didn’t open an email. You’re also able to sort based off this same activity set for assessment completion, incompletion, or if someone is an “active lead”. An active lead is defined as anyone that’s ever opened an email and is also a customer.

Each of these new filters allows you to more easily segment your people and create a customized action for each subgroup far faster than before.

Video Actions

We’ve added a whole new set of features inside your videos. The goal was to give you even more control and new options in how you present your content.

Closed Caption Support

In order to have closed captioning on your videos now, all you need to do is to upload your .srt file and Kajabi does the rest! You can use platforms like or other transcription services to get a .srt file made fairly inexpensively.

Download Your Video

Many of you have been asking for this and now it’s finally here! You can now download your video right inside of your custom page builder in Kajabi!

Upload New File

The upload new file option makes it that much easier to replace a video file without deleting the original.

SSL Streamlined

No Cloudflare Necessary (coming soon)

We’ve made this process as smooth as possible by no longer requiring Cloudflare! Simply tell us the domain and go into GoDaddy.

*If you’re already on Cloudflare, then no problem! Nothing you need to do...your website is perfectly fine!

Email Interface

Cleaned Up Email UI

You may notice we’ve done a little tweaking here and there inside the email interface in order to improve the user experience. Even if it’s just a slight change, we’re always looking for ways to make it a better experience on your end!

Coming Up: [Sonoma]

Teaser:   we are changing pipelines in a very significant way that will change the way that you market your business for good…(excited yet??)

We hope you enjoy all the updates as much as we enjoy making them for you! As always our main goal with Kajabi is to give you the tools you need to reach your goals. Not all of these features are available inside Kajabi yet, but rest assured they are coming soon!

We have some very exciting stuff coming up in next development cycle Sonoma that includes changing pipelines in a very significant way that will change the way that you market your business for good....that’s all I can say for now. We can’t wait to pull back the curtain and show you the new stuff that's coming.

And because we really want you to experience our newest features, we're always giving away 28 days of Kajabi for FREE to all new Kajabi users! Grab your trial below!

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