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Behind Our New Mobile App


Nov 1, 2019
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Kajabi Hero Live
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“Your universe, in your customers’ pockets.”

We recently sat down with the creators of the new Kajabi Mobile App and discussed what it means for all of our Kajabi users and their online businesses.

“We really wanted to meet the consumer where they are at,” says Jeremy Saenz, VP of Product, “...we didn’t want to tell our users to go somewhere and pay a bunch of money to create a mobile app. We wanted to create something that business owners can use for their customers, and not charge them anything extra for it.”

Why Create The Mobile App?

In our research, we discovered that our users’ customers wanted a way to consume content while on-the-go. It made sense. We all have busy schedules, and it’s not always easy to make time to learn in front of a computer.

“The mobile app experience will be seamless for your customers.”

With the app, your customers will be able to pull up your content and learn, wherever they’re at. And, it will be a seamless experience - they can start, pause, and pick up exactly where they left off.

What Does This Mean For Your Customers?

Keeping your customers engaged is one of the most important parts of running your online business, and establishing a real brand that people love. That’s why we designed the mobile app to be so easy to use - it will keep your customers motivated to stay in touch with your content.

"Push notifications will keep your customers coming back."

Push notifications are built right into the Kajabi app. Your customers will now receive a message for updates and special messages, just like they’re receiving a text from a close friend.

Mobile-Friendly Content Delivery

You won’t have to build anything out to make sure your content is “mobile-friendly.” Once your customers sign in with their email, they’ll be able to see all of your content, beautifully presented, without getting lost or stuck. And when you add or update any content, the app will reflect the changes automatically, without you having to do anything.

“Your customers will love how convenient it is to interact with your content on mobile.”

These days, we’re constantly on (or nearby) our phones and tablets. With the new Kajabi mobile app, your customers are never more than an arm’s length away from a streamlined learning experience. 

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