November 23, 2019

For Kajabi Partners: Get More Referrals With Custom Affiliate Campaigns

For Partners: Custom affiliate campaigns are the next evolution of affiliate links in Kajabi. Using our new affiliate link generator, you can now turn any link into a custom Kajabi affiliate link.

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If there is one thing we’re grateful for, it’s our amazing Kajabi Partners! 

You’ve built strong communities who look to you for mentorship and guidance, and you’re constantly blowing us away with the enthusiasm and creativity you bring when spreading the word about Kajabi. 

That’s why from now on, you’re going to have even more freedom and control to promote Kajabi however best fits your unique audience. 

Announcing Custom Affiliate Campaigns for Kajabi Partners!

Custom affiliate campaigns are the next evolution of affiliate links in Kajabi. Using our new affiliate link generator, you can now turn any link into a custom Kajabi affiliate link. 

As you’ve probably noticed, we’re going through an evolution here at Kajabi, where we’re becoming a more product-led company that doesn’t rely on promotional discounts or the “launch” mentality. 

Custom affiliate campaigns are a big part of that. We don’t want you to have to worry about timing your promotions in accordance with our campaigns or product launches. 

When you see (or create) a piece of content that you know will resonate with your audience and help you earn Kajabi referrals, we want you to use it, no holds barred! 

Any Link Becomes A Custom Kajabi Affiliate Link, On-Demand

Your days of sending in requests and waiting for a campaign to be posted in your partner dashboard are officially over! 

You’re now free to use links to your content, our content, or any other relevant content as a Kajabi affiliate link. 

Let’s say you want to create a youtube video full of advice about choosing the right online business platform — you can now turn that youtube link into a custom affiliate link and use that video to make referrals as a partner.

Follow the steps below to start generating your custom affiliate campaigns:

Step #1: Starting from the main Kajabi Dashboard, open your Partner Dashboard by clicking “Kajabi Partners.”

Step #2: Scroll down to “Campaigns” and click the “Browse Campaigns” button.

Step #3: Select “Create a Custom Campaign Link.”

Step #4: Fill out the “New Custom Campaign Link” form. 

Let’s say you want to create a custom campaign using the landing page from our recent Mobile App Launch. 

First, you’d give your campaign a name — to keep it simple, let’s call it “Mobile App Launch.”

Next, you’d paste in the URL of the page you want to use:

Finally, you’re going to give this specific campaign link a name. 

Naming your link is especially useful if you want to promote different links on different social media channels, so that you can track performance and figure out which channel is your strongest path to referrals.

So if you were going to promote this link using Instagram Stories, you might name it “IG - Stories”:

Once you've completed those fields, we will take the URL you inputted and generate a shiny, new URL that has your 30-Day tracking cookie attached for you to go out and share!

Just like any other campaign, you’ll be able to track your custom campaigns and see how specific links are performing:

Best of all, you can create as many custom campaign links as you want! 

We can’t wait to see all the new referrals you’re going to get with these custom affiliate campaigns. 

And if you’re not already a Kajabi Partner, what are you waiting for? Get 30% lifetime commissions for every referral you sign up to Kajabi. It’s a pretty awesome way to add a recurring revenue stream to your business, just by spreading the Kajabi magic. 

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