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Customer Feedback Portal: Collaborate and Vote on Future Kajabi Updates!


Oct 3, 2019
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Customer feedback and co-creation is huge part of our product culture. We believe the key to your success lies in us understanding who you are and which new ideas will empower you to continue to build more success in your business.

Today, we’re rolling out our new Customer Feedback Portal to facilitate communication and build on that foundation. 

So if there's a feature you'd like to see added to Kajabi, or you just want to share a thought on how to improve things, now you have a whole new level of access!

Way more than just a digital suggestion box!

Through our integration with Pendo, Kajabi’s new Customer Feedback Portal is a tool for direct collaboration between our product development team and our customers. 

It’s a place where you can request new features or improvements to existing features, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

Inside the Feedback Portal, you get to play an active role in influencing which updates get made and what priority they get. 

Your feedback will be used to discover the ideas, pain points, and opportunities that will impact your business the most, and which will make all of our customers more successful in the long run.

Here’s how it works:

Let’s say you want Kajabi to add a certain feature that it doesn’t offer already. 

You can access the Feedback Portal inside the Kajabi App and immediately see if any other customers have already posted a request for that feature. Chances are, you aren’t the only one who wants to see it added. 



If the feature you want has already been requested, you can see that request, comment on it, and even upvote it so that it receives higher priority in our update schedule. 

Updates on feature releases, all in one place!

Oh, speaking of our update schedule - you can see that in the Feedback Portal too!

The official name for this update schedule is our “Product Improvement Roadmap” - that’s where you can see what improvements are coming down the Kajabi pipeline and how soon they will be ready. 



You’ll be able to see if the feature you’re requesting is already in the works and if so, what the current status is - no need to ask and wait for an answer. All pending updates are organized in one easily accessible place. 

If the update or improvement you want to see isn’t already on deck, you can create a brand new product request in the Feedback Portal that other customers and can see, comment on, and upvote.

And of course, our Kajabi product team can see it too. They’re always keeping an eye on the Portal to see what everyone is interested in seeing next.

That’s what makes our Feedback Portal so special - it’s a marketplace of ideas, where our entire Kajabi community comes together to see which improvements deserve the highest priority. 

What happens to my feedback? 

When you submit a request in the portal, it’s reviewed by our product team and initially set to “Awaiting Feedback” so that other users can dive in to view, comment, and upvote it. 

On a quarterly basis, our product team will meet to discuss the highest priorities of customers participating in the portal, as well as feedback from our team members and prospects, and how all of those requests align with our overall product strategy. 

If a request gets enough support to move forward, the status will change to “Planning” or “Building” and it will also be added to our “What’s Coming” tab in the requests dashboard. 

If you’ve submitted or voted on a request, you’ll get an email notification when the status changes - so there’s no having to check back and keep track of all your requests. 

We’ll also strive to share an explanation for status updates whenever applicable, to keep all of our collaborators in the loop! 

Please Note: If you reach out directly to our support or customer success teams, they'll be able to look up the ideas for you, but they won't have any additional information or be able to provide an estimate for when your item will be reviewed.

Ready to start collaborating? Here’s how to get started:

Giving us feedback in the new portal is easy!

Step #1: Click on the “Help” icon inside the Kajabi sidebar.

Step #2: Click the link "Share your ideas!" button.  

Step #3: Give us your honest feedback! Don’t hold back, we can take it ;) 

Experience the difference of running your business on a platform directly influenced by its most dedicated users today.

Try The Customer Feedback Portal Today!

Jump into Kajabi and send us your feature ideas

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