New Feature: Email Subject Line Validation
Kajabi's new email subject line validation tool automatically scans your email subject lines, right as you type them into Kajabi.
A compelling subject line gets people to read your email marketing messages.
But when you’re trying to write something catchy and clickable, sometimes it’s hard to know how far is too far.
Where’s the line between “intriguing” and “destined for the spam folder”?
Keep Email Deliverability High
“Email deliverability” describes how likely your email is to actually end up in your recipients’ inboxes (instead of their spam folders).
To keep your email deliverability high, you’ll want to nurture your email list and send your audience relevant content on the regular.
But you also need to watch out for hidden “triggers” that can cause messages to be mis-flagged as spam, even if you’re sending them to people who have opted in to your list and who actually want to read what you’re sending (and we’ll go over the most common ones in just a sec).
How to Get More Emails Delivered
Luckily, there’s a way to know whether that email you’re about to send is likely to be flagged as spam.
Enter: Kajabi’s email subject line validation tool.
It automatically scans your email subject lines, right as you type them into Kajabi.
If our smart system detects a potential spam trigger, you’ll receive a friendly, specific warning telling you exactly what to fix.
This is going to be a huge help for those of us who use email to connect with audiences. Even if you’re not an email expert, you can now confidently send emails that are likely to end up in the right spot.
So, What Triggers Does the Email Subject Line Validation Tool Look For?
Currently, our email subject line validator checks 3 of the most common spam triggers:
Too much punctuation – like exclamation points!!!! – can get your message flagged by spam filters. To help your mail get all the way to the inbox, we’ll warn you anytime your subject line uses more than 3 punctuation marks.
Even if you’re EXCITED about your message, using too many capital letters can get your message sent to spam. We’ll let you know if capital characters make up too much of your subject line (ie: 50% of your characters or more).
Spammy words
Some words will get you instantly banished to spam. To help you beat this, we’re flagging common trigger words. These include words and phrases like:
- 100% free
- Fast cash
- No investment
- Stop snoring
- Credit
There are many more in addition to those listed above. We’ll be updating our list regularly, but you can see more common words that have been known to trigger spam filters over on our help center.
Get Started With Email Subject Line Validation Today
If you can’t wait to test out your email subject lines, there’s good news: it’s available right now.
Just create a new email marketing campaign and type in a test subject line. You’ll automatically start seeing suggestions for how you can improve the deliverability of your subject line.
Want to learn more? Check out our help center articles:
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