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Feature improvement: Better contact imports


Jan 4, 2021
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We’re continually listening to what you Kajabi Heroes say will make the platform better to fit your needs. That’s why we’ve prioritized improving the contact feature to make it easier to import your existing lists.

The improved contact import allows you to: 

  • Upload a CSV directly to Kajabi to build your marketing lists 
  • Create new fields during import 
  • Intelligently map your Kajabi contact columns to your upload list 
  • Add notes and multiple tags to your imported contact list
  • Add more contacts than you could previously. 

Let’s go over how this feature improvement can help you achieve your business goals.

How the new contact import works

Your contact list is a vital part of your business. With Kajabi, you can use these lists to grow your revenue through email marketing and more.

We know that many of you Kajabi Heroes have contact lists outside of Kajabi. You can (and should) grow your email list through social media, in-person events and more. The improved contact import makes it easier than ever to add those contacts to Kajabi.

"Kajabi’s new contact importing system is a significant improvement to an already great product. I am impressed with the amount of user feedback they utilized in its creation," - Kajabi Hero Andy Vance

You can simply upload your contacts to Kajabi as a .CSV file. This will keep track of any existing tags or notes you have associated with the contacts. You can also add new notes or tags to the imported lists quickly.

Even if these contacts are coming from a different CRM platform, Kajabi lets you keep all the fields and information you’ve gathered around your contact. If you don’t need those extra columns and fields, you can strip those away when importing to Kajabi, too. You’re in complete control of your lists.

How to use the improved contact import to boost your business

"I totally adore this new feature! As a Kajabi consultant it has made my life sooooo much easier! Saved me tons of hours!" - Kajabi Hero Alba Delgado.

The improved contact import empowers you to take your marketing efforts to the next level. Along with names and emails, you can include valuable data like phone numbers, companies and more. You can take that information and automate key interactions with your customers like emails, coupons and product access.

The improved contact import feature is available now. You can access the improved contact import through the People section.

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