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Feature Rollup: Upgrading Your People Experience


Nov 9, 2017
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Welcome to this week's Feature Rollup!

We say this all the time, but we got more awesome new features to send your way in order to help you achieve your goals.

We just wrapped up our Nomad build cycle, and after reviewing our progress, it feels like each cycle just keeps getting better and better as our development process becomes more and more fine-tuned.

We sincerely hope you are finding all these new features helpful, and we highly value all your continued insight and feedback. In fact, many of the new features covered in this post are features that you (our loyal customers) have specifically asked for.

And with that said let’s dive in and explore the new Kajabi features.

Feature #1 - Redesigned People Dashboard

To start off, we went ahead and redesigned the entire people dashboard. You’ll probably notice the difference as soon as you click on one of your members. We know how vital it is to your business to be able to track and quickly analyze the proper information about each of your subscribers. So we wanted to help you organize all that information on a clear and concise dashboard. Take a look at the new people dashboard below:

Feature #2 - Lifecycle Insights

Along with redesigning the dashboard, we also developed some new tools to help you track the progression of your subscribers. The first new tool shows you the life cycle of each subscribers. This enables you to track important marketing metrics such as: how long they have been a member, email sequences they have received, tags that have been applied to that user, products they have purchased, and so on. This is powerful information for understanding what each user has experienced and how you can re-market to subscribers that have been on your list for a while.

Feature #3 - Deleting Contacts

Great news! You can finally delete your contacts in Kajabi. This has been a feature that has been requested for a while now and we wanted to make sure we delivered this. Now, you will be able to manually delete users on your list. This is particularly useful for deleting different test accounts or members that may be harmful to your community. Now, you can remove those accounts for good with a few simple clicks. All you need to do is click the “more actions” tab underneath their name and click the “Delete” button.

Feature #4 - Bulk Tag Users

We introduced Tags a little while ago and they are going to be an ever increasing feature in our email marketing system. If you have a huge list of people or maybe you imported a huge list to Kajabi you will eventually want to tag each user so you know how to market to them. This is where the new feature of bulk tagging comes into play. Now you can easily tag a particular group of users or all your users in one swift action. All you need to do is click on “Bulk Actions” which will open up a drop down menu, then simply click “Add Tag.”

And that wraps up this week's rollup! Stay tuned because that's not all that we got done in Nomad... we have a major update coming soon that we'll be announcing!

Finally, if you are a member, make sure to check out these new features inside your Kajabi account - they are available TODAY!

Or if you aren't a member click below to grab your free trial and experience these incredible updates today!

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