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Forwarder Mid-Cycle Recap


May 3, 2018
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Welcome to our first ever mid-cycle recap!

As usual, our team of mad scientist developers are hard at work, writing code and what not. But instead of waiting until the end of the cycle to show you all our new features we want to give you a behind the scenes look at what's coming.

We are currently in the middle of our Forwarder Build Cycle, where the entire goal of the cycle is to help you move forward with your business. So some of our goals include things like helping you eliminate roadblocks, saving you time, and automating your business.

With all that said let me show you what we are working on.

Improvements to the Kajabi Assistant

As you know we recently redesigned the Kajabi sidebar. We wanted to help streamline your user experience. And while we were at it we decided to improve the Kajabi Assistant as well.

Here’s a look at some of the new improvements:

Kajabi Assistant Quick Jump

The Kajabi Assistant quick jump allows you quickly access any part of Kajabi with a simple click. This will help you bounce around to different parts of the App both efficiently and effectively.

Kajabi Assistant Help Articles

Have you seen our new help site? Well, our Assistant is now fully integrated with the help site as well. Meaning that you can search the Assistant for different help articles and pull up different videos walkthroughs in a few clicks.

Kajabi Contextual Help

We have also added a new feature called contextual help. This feature will empower Kajabi to automatically suggest different actions or help articles based on where you are in the app. For example, if you are creating your product our Assistant will automatically suggest things to help you with building your product.

Bulk Video Uploading

This one is pretty straightforward and is going to save you a bunch time. Just as the name implies, you’re going to be able to upload multiple videos at once just by dragging them into Kajabi.

The best part is that each video you upload will automatically become its own post. Meaning, your course will be all laid out for you when it’s done uploading.

Just imagine - you can drag an entire folder of videos into Kajabi, go grab a coffee, and come back to a fully built-out course!

And in typical Kajabi fashion, we wanted to save the best for last. We are very excited to announce...


We teased this out in a previous video, but pretty soon we’re going to add a substantial update to Kajabi called Automations.

Automations will allow you string together different building blocks & actions in Kajabi, i.e., if an action happens inside Kajabi, you can set up an automation that fires off another action inside Kajabi.

For example, here are some things you can do with Automations:

  • When someone opens a certain email, then can a add a tag to that user
  • When an assessment is completed, then you can add them to an email sequence
  • When an email sequence is completed, then you can register them for an event

There are potentially hundreds of different configurations of Automations you can set up.

All of these are super simple to set up. No complexity or confusing flowcharts, just straightforward steps to make your business smarter and more hands off.

It’s a perfect balancing act of giving you power without sacrificing simplicity.

That's all for today!

Keep an eye out on your email for when we release these new features to the world!

And if you don't yet have a Kajabi account, why not jump into the app and try it out for free today? You'll experience what everyone is talking about when they say Kajabi has been a *complete* game-changer for their online business!


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