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Kajabi launches Podcasts as newest digital product


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Kajabi has launched our newest product, Podcasts. Now, you have access to the podcasting tools you need to import, create, distribute, and monetize a podcast from the same platform that can manage your entire knowledge commerce business.

What are podcasts?

A podcast is a series of episodic audio based content. They have roots based in radio series and have been called audioblogging or internet radio.

In the present day, podcasts are available for download or streaming from various audio platforms. Whether entertaining or educational, there’s a podcast about almost everything, with some of the most popular genres including business, comedy, true crime, and history. 

Podcasts are a rising content medium because of their convenience and breadth of content topics. Listeners can enjoy them while doing a number of other tasks and may enjoy the  story-based, humorous, or informative nature. 

Why should you start a podcast?

Podcasts can be incredible lead generation and branding tools. Business owners will use a podcast to share their expertise and grow their audience by sharing content that people in their target market are actively seeking.

Podcast producers like using them because they are often more accessible to produce and distribute than video.

Some podcasters will have both public episodes and private episodes, with exclusive content only available for purchase. This means that the content can turn into an income stream in addition to a promotional medium. 

Podcasts on Kajabi can be private. So, you can monetize podcasts or include them as part of another product, like a membership community. With Podcasts on Kajabi, you have another option of a product to add your offerings, meaning you can diversify and generate more revenue.

The Podcast experience in Kajabi

We’ve designed the Podcast user experience to be smooth and easy to navigate. Here are some specific things you can do:

Easily import your existing podcast into Kajabi.
With our built-in import tool, all you need to do is add your RSS feed URL and we’ll do the rest.

Distribute your podcast to Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify
. Publish episodes with show notes, transcripts, and episode thumbnails to the leading listening apps.

Create a private podcast for your customers
. Add additional content, or make your main podcast private all from the Kajabi platform.

Monetize your podcast.
Sell membership to your private podcast with Kajabi’s payments system, get paid instantly, and keep 100% of the revenue you generate - Kajabi doesn’t take a cut.

What Podcasts look like in Kajabi

Take a look at the Podcast interface.

Create both a public or private podcast:

See all of your podcasts in one place, with some handy stats:

Kajabi podcast index page

Overview page of all your episodes:

Screenshot of Kajabi app podcast episode page

Ready to create your first episode? Add a title, audio file, show notes, thumbnail, and select a publish date and time:

Screenshot of Kajabi app podcast episode creation page

Once your episode is published, in addition to the episode being sent to Apple, Google, and Spotify, anyone who visits your website will be able to listen to it. If your podcast is private, it will be available in your member library for anyone who has access.

Once you’ve created a private podcast, you can easily add it to an offer and see who is subscribed from the podcast episode list page:

Kajabi podcast episode list page

Want to know how your podcast is doing? See analytics by episode or podcast:

See all of your podcasts (index):

Screenshot of Kajabi podcast index page showing two podcasts

See your podcasts’ analytics:

Screenshot of the Kajabi app podcast analytics page with total downloads by date range, apps, devices, device operating system, countries, top 10 episodes

Why should you choose Kajabi for your podcast home?

Kajabi is the only platform with courses, memberships, podcasts, coaching, blogs, and community. We have all the tools you need to be a successful entrepreneur, including a website, payments, automations, email, affiliates, analytics, and more. 

Kajabi Hero Kilian Ekamp, a beta tester, says, “Podcasts are an essential part of my business and I brought my podcast to Kajabi for the simplicity of having everything in one place. I have my blog, products, and website on Kajabi, and now I have my podcast here too. That makes my life as an online entrepreneur so much easier."

“The new podcast feature is amazing,” says Kajabi Hero Dave Gambrill. “One of the things I know to be true is this: you will not have to pay anymore for another tool or another resource to host your podcast. You can do it right here on the Kajabi platform. It has all the bells, all the whistles, and all the features you would want, and you can also do a special paid podcast.”

Getting started with Kajabi

With Kajabi, you own your brand. You get all the tools you need to run your business, your way, and we don't take a cut of your revenue. Ready to get started? Start your 14-day free trial of Kajabi now and explore our digital product and business building tools.

Still researching? Check out these helpful resources:

Get help podcasting
Kajabi University Course
Kajabi Edge Podcast
How to make your podcasts, videos, and audio courses sound better
How to measure your podcast performance

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