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How Six-Figure Creators Are Using AI Chatbots for Growth


May 15, 2024
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We’ve all been there. You share your landing page for your online course or lead generation freebie and start generating interest with your target audience. Traffic and leads start coming in — and that’s when the questions roll in, too. 

While you’re happy to provide customer support, doing so takes time — time you don’t have as a busy creator. The answer? Automation through AI tools.

According to Kajabi’s State of Creators 2024 Report, 43% of six-figure creators use AI tools to help them increase their marketing content output and build digital products weekly, while 29% use AI tools daily.

The best AI solutions are ones built specifically for creators, like Kajabi’s Creator Studio or, a new tool powered by Kajabi. is an AI-powered chatbot that can help you complete key business tasks like lead generation, customer support, or acting as a teaching assistant.

To better understand how can help you save time and scale your creator business, let’s dive into how successful creators are using it within their business workflows.

Avery Smith: Scaling Support and Saving Time With a Chatbot 

Avery Smith, a six-figure creator who’s earned over $500K in revenue using Kajabi and has over 100,000 followers on LinkedIn, knows firsthand how time-consuming it is to manage the communication and support aspect of running an online course. 

Avery is the founder of Data Career Jumpstart, which offers online course content and resources for people who want to launch a data career without prior experience. Naturally, he receives numerous inquiries and support messages from students who are interested in or currently taking his course. 

Before discovering, Avery used a combination of solutions to answer messages, including relying on virtual assistants, creating an FAQ page, and personally responding to student messages. Whether he set aside time to answer questions or designated that task to a VA, the response time wasn’t immediate. 

And when 90% of customers expect an immediate response to customer service questions, making them wait is risky.  

Avery knew he needed a solution to improve his workflow with current students and generate more leads without sacrificing his own time and resources. So he set up a chatbot using and named it AveryGPT. He installed it on his website to help visitors get their questions answered while also generating leads for his newsletter and podcast.

“Setting it all up takes about five minutes,” says Avery. “After that, you have a perfectly trained bot to help your students and customers.”


Avery was able to train his chatbot by simply feeding it past LinkedIn posts and course content via files and URLs. 

Using the info you feed it, automates the customer experience by providing instant answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting common issues, and surfacing help content. Creators can easily create a chatbot workflow that can be embedded on your website or inside your product, whether you host your content on Kajabi or not. 

In addition to helping answer student queries and saving Avery and his team several hours a week spent on customer support, Avery suggests the tool is also a beneficial feature when marketing his course. It can function like a sales tool by suggesting his paid products based on a visitor’s question.

“If you're using Kajabi, this tool is a no-brainer,” says Avery. “It integrates seamlessly with all your Kajabi content to create a second version of yourself in chatbot form. 

Deanna Fenton: Integrating for Searchable Membership Content  

Deanna Fenton is a digital strategist and online marketing tech expert who helps online course and membership site creators increase their income and impact on Kajabi. She does this through a monthly membership program and one-on-one coaching. 

Before discovering, Deanna was using Searchie to add a search function to her membership site. Piecing together multiple tools was not ideal. But more than that, Searchie’s chatbot relied on ChatGPT to source information. Deanna didn’t like that the tool used random content on the internet — that was sometimes incorrect — to inform her audience. 

In order to provide her customers with accurate and on-brand content, Deanna replaced Searchie with As a user of Kajabi, Deanna seamlessly incorporated the AI-powered chatbot on her website to answer specific questions such as “What services do you offer?”

“I love that only uses the content that I give it access to,” says Deanna. “I am more confident in the output since I know that it is only using MY content and not random content from the internet.” 


In addition to gaining confidence in the type of information her new chatbot generates, Deanna has also experienced significant time savings. 

“Providing my members with access to search content easily saves me probably five hours per week answering the same questions over and over again,she says. “In addition, using has saved about three hours per week of my VA’s time that used to be spent adding the Zoom recordings and waiting for the transcriptions using Searchie.”

How You Can Get Started With 

Wondering how can help scale your creator business? The AI-powered chatbot has several uses. 

In addition to acting as a customer support tool, can also act as a teaching assistant to help students or members find the information they need or answer questions about your course content. It can also be used as a lead generation tool that automatically collects email addresses or people visiting your website. 

Getting started is simple whether you already have a Kajabi website or not. Head to to sign up and create your first chatbot for free. 

Next, it’s time to train your chatbot on your resources.’s chatbot will only answer questions based on the content you upload and won’t pull from external sources that don’t align with the voice you’ve created for your brand. You can upload all types of files, including PDFs, DOCX, and EPUB, to name a few. 

After creating your chatbot, will generate an embed code for you to add to your website or Kajabi course. And you only need to upload it once; no need to add it to individual pages. 

Once your chatbot is up and running, you can also look at your chat history. Not only does this help you identify common questions, but this will also help you discover themes that you can create valuable content around. 

Ready to unlock the power of automation? Create your first chatbot for free by signing up for!

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