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5 ways to celebrate success and kick Imposter Syndrome to the curb


Sep 30, 2020
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Trying to figure out how to overcome Imposter Syndrome? You’re certainly not alone. Imposter Syndrome is widespread among the most successful people in the world.

Luckily, there are many steps you can take to combat Imposter Syndrome, including celebrating your accomplishments. 

Check out this video with the top five ways to celebrate success:

The psychological effects of celebrating success are fairly well known. Celebrating gives you a positive moment to pause as you churn through the everyday grind, and incentivizes you to keep going. Taking the time to recognize and reward your successes also allows you the chance to pinpoint exactly what worked so that you can repeat it in the future. Celebrating success is key to battling Imposter Syndrome because it reminds you of all the ways in which you are truly talented and is a marker of the hard work you’ve put in.

While the benefits can seem quite clear, knowing just how to celebrate success might be a little muddier. Here are five tips you can follow to help celebrate your achievements.

1. Celebrate the little things

It’s easy to think of big rewards and big wins, but you shouldn’t forget those everyday achievements. Celebrating success is important, no matter how big or small the win. People with Imposter Syndrome tend to focus on their failures and fear making more. One way to counter this and overcome fear of failure is by changing your attitude to focus more on successes.

Having an especially productive morning? Treat yourself to your favorite lunch. Got your weekly tasks done early? Use that extra time to catch up with a loved one and share the good news about your business.

Even something as simple as a fist pump or a little happy dance can be nice little acknowledgements of a job well done. Not every celebration needs to be huge. Keep celebrating the little things to fuel you as you chug along. 

2. Take your loved ones out to dinner

It’s no secret that doing nice things for others is one of the easiest ways to give yourself a little boost. Take your family and/or friends to a nice dinner and celebrate your success with them. There’s nothing quite like sharing your accomplishments with those who care about you most. They’ve been alongside you from the beginning and undoubtedly love hearing about the progress you’ve made.

This is also a good time to thank anybody who has helped you along the way to your success. Showing gratitude not only makes them feel good, it’ll make you feel good, too.

3. Get some rest and relaxation

Running a business is stressful and it can wear on you both mentally and physically. Celebrating your success is a great excuse to take a time out and reset. Take a day to unplug from your phone and computer, and simply relax.

Get a nice long therapeutic massage and take care of those sores you may have ignored in order to get things done. Take it a step further and spend the entire day at the spa and make sure you get totally and completely pampered.

Spas and massages not really your thing? Consider one of these simple but effective activities for bringing your stress levels down:

  • Take a hike
  • Learn how to bake something you’ve never made before
  • Go for a run outside
  • Take a cooking class (in-person or virtual)
  • Make a painting of your pet
  • Take a yoga class
  • Grab a glass of wine and watch your favorite TV show.

No matter what you choose to do, afterwards, you’ll head back into work feeling refreshed and ready to conquer any challenge.

4. Take a vacation

If a day doesn’t quite seem like enough of a celebration for your big successes, it’s time to get away. Take a nice trip out of town and really spoil yourself. Spend your days lounging by the pool or beach while sipping on drinks with mini umbrellas. Treat yourself to tasty meals, go dancing, and try something new.

Or, get creative and take a “staycation,” by transforming your everyday environment into a local paradise. Decorate your living space with flowers and tiki torches for Hawaii at home; break out the hot cocoa and light up the fireplace to transform your home into a cozy winter cabin; or light some candles, order from your favorite Italian restaurant, and put on some light opera music for a romantic “getaway” to the Mediterranean coast.

If you’re the adventurous type, consider an excursion to a remote place where you can spend your time exploring new terrain. While you’re spending all this time away, don’t forget to look back on the successes that got you here. As you think about your accomplishments, you’ll realize just how much you deserve your dream vacation.

5. Buy something nice for yourself

When you work for a larger company, it means you usually have someone above you to reward and recognize your achievements. When you’re running your own company, it’s up to you to treat yourself when you’ve overcome a large obstacle or reached a new business milestone.

Fight that nagging feeling that you aren’t deserving and give yourself the permission and space to treat yourself to something special. A new laptop or phone could be a rewarding and useful way to celebrate your success at work. Not only will you enjoy all the latest tech features but you might also be able to write the new gadget off on your taxes. Or, you can take work completely out of the picture and buy yourself those shoes you’ve always wanted or that car you’ve been eyeing. Or if you have a hobby, like painting for instance, celebrate your success by treating yourself to something related, like a new set of paints.

If you’re dealing with Imposter Syndrome, remember that celebrating success is one of the most powerful tools you can use to overcome it. It’ll take some practice, but after a while, recognizing and rewarding your accomplishments will become second nature.

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