September 16, 2016

Kajabi Video Stats and Heatmaps: Better Online Course Analytics

You can now track your video stats and view heatmaps from within the Kajabi dashboard to get better insights on how your online courses are performing!

REad time: 2 min

We are beyond excited to announce a brand new feature now available in Kajabi!

You can now track your video stats and view heatmaps from directly within the Kajabi dashboard.

Being able to view video stats empowers users to analyze how many of your viewers are engaged and at what points their engagement peaks or declines. 

The best part is, video stats are included in all Kajabi plans at no additional cost to users, saving hundreds of dollars a year!

Let's go over this amazing new feature, shall we?

Total Plays

The 'Total Plays' represents the total number of times that a video was watched, not the number of unique visitors who played this video. 

Your heatmaps will show the amount of plays per person, but we'll go over that in a bit.

This is where you'll also be able to see how long ago your video was uploaded. 

Play Rate

If you offer any text in your posts whatsoever, you may have some members who prefer to only read your content rather than watch your videos. 

To each their own, right?

This is the basis of your play rate calculation. 

Out of the total amount of people who load your post, the play rate will show you how many unique visitors play your video.

Average Engagement

As the name implies, the average engagement tracks how much of a video members watch.

For example, if only the first half of your video is being watched, then your average engagement will be around 50%.

It's calculated by taking the total time watched by your members, and dividing it by the "Total Plays" x "Video Length." 

You can visually see where your viewers are engaged on average through the 'Visual Engagement Viewer.'

Visual Engagement Viewer

We've arrived at one of my favorite features of Kajabi video stats. 

With a graphical overlay, you can view the parts of your video where users were either engaged or disinterested. 

If an audience tends to stop watching the video during your outro, then you'll see this visually in the graph, allowing you to adjust as needed.

Viewer Heatmaps

Viewer Heatmaps give such amazing insight to your viewership. 

Each color represents how many times a single viewer played your specific parts of your video.

White sections show that the user didn't watch the video at all.

Green areas represent that the video was watched exactly once.

As the colors become darker, it represents an increase in total replays.

Yellow shows you where a video was replayed one time, and orange shows where members replayed twice.

As the colors go into red and darker red, this represents 3 and 4 replays, and so on.

You'll be able to see specific members' individual video engagement, how cool is that?!

Come Experience Our Exciting Heatmaps!

If you're like me, you're having a hard time containing your excitement for viewing video stats within the Kajabi dashboard!

Well, what can you do to utilize this amazing new feature? 

You can do one of two things.

If you're a Kajabi member, you can login to your dashboard, and navigate to your posts.

Open a post containing a video, select 'Video Stats' at the top, then start tracking your stats right away!

If you aren't a Kajabi member, you can take advantage of our current 14-day free trial offer and start test driving the entire platform today!

Join me in celebrating yet another powerful tool added to the Kajabi platform by diving in and checking out our amazing features! 

Experience This Amazing Feature!

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