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Introducing The Kajabi Assistant


Aug 2, 2017
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Over the last few months, we have secretly been building out a new feature inside Kajabi that's going to help you easily navigate the platform and work more efficiently.

Today, we're happy to announce that this feature is finally available inside all Kajabi accounts!


The Kajabi Assistant

Here's how to get started with the Kajabi Assistant:

Step 1. Click on the “Kajabi Assistant” (located at the top-middle of your Dashboard Page).   

Step 2. Type in what you want to do or where you want to go (e.g., Create a blog post).

Step 3. Click the search result that best meets your needs.

It's that simple! 

The great part about our new assistant is that it allows you to move seamlessly throughout the entire platform

Now, there are three key features that we wanted to showcase with our new assistant.

1. Take Any Action With Just One Click

We understand how important taking action is, especially when it comes to having success with your business... Which is why we wanted to make sure that taking action is easier than ever.

So whether you are creating a blog post, or a product, or a new landing page.... all it takes is a simple click to get this process started. 

Our new assistant makes it as easy as point and click!

2. Easily Locate Content

As a content creator you probably have been in a position where you need to quickly pull up and reference something from an old blog post or page you created.

In the past, this simple task could have you sifting through dozens of posts and wasting precious time.

Now, all you have to do is simply type the post or page you are looking for into your assistant and it will help you locate it in a few seconds.

Here’s a quick example:

3. Navigate With Ease

In the past, when you were choosing between websites, landing pages, products, email marketing, or pipelines, you had to click through the app and find the right page in order to get started.

Now, with our new assistant, you can actually bounce around to your different sites or different tools within each site seamlessly!

We hope you enjoy your awesome new Kajabi Assistant!

We're very excited in the direction that new assistant is headed. As we collect more data, we'll be able to make the assistant work better and faster so you can spend more time focusing on what matters to you, rather than trying to move around the app.

And as always, this new feature is completely free to ALL Kajabi users and is now available inside your Kajabi account!

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