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Kajabi feature announcement: Introducing audio


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We’ve built in audio capabilities so knowledge entrepreneurs have another medium to use when creating products. We’re introducing robust audio capabilities to Kajabi so you can meet your customers’ needs, diversify your product listings, and get even more value out of your Kajabi membership. 

The audio feature details

Now, you can upload content centered around a listening-only experience or leverage audio elsewhere in your website. Here’s what you will be able to do with audio posts in Kajabi:

  • Create Product posts with audio only
  • Create Blog posts that include an audio player
  • Add an audio player to landing pages 
  • Add an audio player to website pages

It’s simple to use. In your Membership Portal, you can select Audio as your Media and upload your file. We support .mp3 files. 

Watch how to add audio to a Product:

Here's how to add audio to a website Page:

To add audio to a blog post, select the media within the Blog Post editor.

You can add a thumbnail to represent the audio file. This is what a course with an audio component looks like: 

Screenshot of a sample course with an audio lesson

To add audio to a website or landing page, make sure you’re using the updated theme. For your website, it should be Encore 1.1.0, and for landing pages, it should be Encore 2.0.0.

Audio files come with the same powerful analytics within Kajabi available for videos. See how much of your audio clip people listen to on average, how many times the clip has been played, and how often someone plays the available audio when they land on the page. You can see what resonates with your audience so you can test and refine your content. 

How audio can benefit Kajabi Heroes

With audio now available within Kajabi, you can reach a wider audience with your courses and better match the way your customers prefer to consume their courses. This could help you increase customer satisfaction, generate course sales, or improve conversion rates. 

Kajabi Hero Lisa Moraeus hosts an audio-only personal development course and has received great feedback from her students. She says, “In one of my courses I only use audio. I invite the participants to listen to audio files from me and then reflect in their journal. Video wouldn’t make sense, it would just be a distraction.” 

Improve the customer experience

For customers who are on the go, having audio as a medium can help them engage with your content more easily, listening while they do something else in their day. 

Kajabi Hero Kathy Keats of One Life Inspired describes, “I have a lot of competition-oriented clients who listen as they drive or do stuff around the house before competitions.” 

Additionally, because you no longer need to use another tool to integrate audio into your course, the look and feel will be the same experience for your clients.

Facilitate content creation

With the new addition of audio playback in Kajabi, we’ve removed barriers to make it easier for you to produce courses. Some topics may not require video, like a guided meditation course, or may not translate well to video. If you are having issues with your film setup, or want to produce content without having to get camera-ready, you can channel ideas into audio-only courses.  

Audio can also be part of an offer or lead magnet. Kajabi Hero, author and coach Josh Coats says, “I added an audiobook to my library for people outside of the US that aren’t eligible for my free book with shipping offer so that I can still get them onto my list without having to pay $30 to ship them something.” 

As mentioned, the same analytics are available for audio content, making it easy for you to directly compare how your audio content performs compared to your video content.

Match your course style

Some products simply don’t require video, and they’re just better to listen to with audio-only. With the new audio player, Kajabi is making it easy to build and market these courses. That means no more workarounds, and no more relying on third-party tools.

Whether you’re teaching your members how to sing, record music, learn chants, meditate, or journal, Kajabi has you covered.

“We use audio for guided meditations in our Qigong and Tai Chi course offerings,” said Shawn Cartwright from TCCII.

“I use audio for members to learn Hawaiian chants,” says Kyrian Van Vliet from Mana O Molokai. “I upload the chant as an audio file for them to download or embed it with Soundcloud in a post in the membership, or as a movie. So people see my pronunciation. The members practice their chant and upload their chant as a video in a comment on a Facebook post in the membership group or in a designated Google Drive. I would love to have audio and video posts in a community, so I can move from Facebook.” 

In both of these scenarios, Kajabi Heroes have found audio to be more useful than video. While both media types have their place, it is important to test out what works best for your business. We can’t wait to see what you create!

Generate more leads

We know in most cases that audio is easier to produce than video. You don’t have to spend time on visual aspects of your content, and only focus on how it sounds. This makes the audio player in Kajabi a great tool to use to experiment and find a new way to generate more sales.

You could create a couple of samples or free versions of your course content and put it on your website. “I offer guided meditations as freebies (and soon paid) that are just audio,” said Tami Reagor from Higher Self Illumination.

Because audio takes less time to produce, you can quickly get to what works and what doesn’t.

When to expect access to audio uploading

The audio feature is now live in your account. Simply add an audio block to your pages or select audio as a media in your product post page. Need more information? Check out these resources:

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