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Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks: Your head-to-head comparison


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Today’s entrepreneurs are wise to the power of creating online courses and digital products to build their brands and connect with customers. But as a creator, the platform you choose to launch on can make a big difference for your long-term success. 

You’ve done your research, and you’ve got Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks as possible contenders to turn your knowledge into income. They might seem similar at first since both Mighty Networks and Kajabi allow customers to create online courses to attract students and convert them into lifelong customers. But the truth is this — each platform takes a considerably different approach to achieve these goals. 

To gain a better understanding of how the two platforms stack up, keep reading. Here’s what we’ll cover in this detailed Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks comparison: 

  • What is Mighty Networks? (and how does it view community compared to Kajabi)
  • Course creation
  • Membership sites
  • The big pricing picture
  • All about analytics
  • Which platform is right for you?

What is Mighty Networks? 

Mighty Networks provides creators with their own platform to create a community. They’ll even port your existing community over. Which means you own the content and the platform.

Creators who want to provide courses to their community can use Mighty Networks to create an online course, host paid events, like webinars or livestreams, or even have a paid forum. 

Mighty Networks and Kajabi are two of the most advanced online course platforms for content creators, but here’s where they differ:

  • Kajabi is an all-in-one business-building platform, built around hosting content. 
  • Mighty Networks's approach starts with community. 


Mighty Networks leans into the philosophy that you’re building a place where your members can find encouragement and support alongside the course material. Community interaction is the bread and butter of Mighty Networks. 

Once you create a network in Mighty Networks, you can set different access levels. You can let your members create posts that include images, texts, and videos to share with other members. You can also allow them to follow threads and message their fellow members. 

This functionality is available through both the desktop and the mobile app. If users are familiar with how social networks or forums work, they'll find Mighty Networks a comfortable place to settle in and chat.

However, this community-first approach has limitations. Creating an online community space where you can upload videos and discuss lessons is great, but it’s not enough if you want to grow a full-fledged business. 

You need a comprehensive business-in-a-box that lets you market to prospective and current customers in a way that’s authentic and genuine, without a whiff of high-pressure sales. In short, you're not marketing to your target audience, you're helping them learn, grow, and thrive. 

Kajabi lets you do precisely that — and gives you the power to increase engagement through an online community by offering private memberships to subscribers or students of your online course. 

Kajabi's communities function much like a Facebook Group. So if you and your users are familiar with how the social network giant handles groups, you'll feel right at home with Kajabi. 

You can also fully customize different aspects of your community group with drag-and-drop simplicity, such as adding links to upcoming live events and making additional product recommendations. There’s no question about it — Kajabi lets you create a valuable community on the platform. But it sets itself apart from Mighty Networks by providing valuable marketing tools to help you grow your business. With Kajabi, you can…

  • Build powerful, interactive courses
  • Drive more memberships
  • Hold virtual event
  • Monetize your podcast 

… and get paid instantly through Kajabi’s built-in payment system. 

Now let’s dive further into a few core features and pricing to unpack the true value of each platform. 

Course creation in Mighty Networks vs. Kajabi

Mighty Networks claims to enable easy course creation, but the experience may seem cumbersome compared to Kajabi. 

To build a course in Mighty Networks, you first have to build your community. You create your offer around a community rather than using the course as a foundation for building a community.  

The result: course creation options are not as robust as with Kajabi. You do have control over the sections and organization of your course, but you have very little say over how it's laid out for students. 

Conversely, Kajabi has been built from the ground up to facilitate the delivery of visually pleasing, professionally-developed courses with no programming or graphic design experience needed. Even if you’re brand new to course creation, you can easily create a stunning look and feel that showcases your expertise. 

With Kajabi, your control extends beyond the look and feel of your course. You can include self-assessments and quizzes for your students, making it easy for them to get feedback on their understanding of the course material without investing extra effort or time. Mighty Networks has no such functionality. 

Bottom Line: If you’re seeking more control over the visual and practical experience your course delivers to members, Kajabi’s approach to course creation will likely appeal to you. 

Membership sites (no web developer required) 

Both Kajabi and Mighty Networks make it easy to build a membership site using templates. There’s no need to hire a web developer unless you require something fully customized. However, with Mighty Networks, the design of your membership site needs to fit within the platform's community-based templates.

Kajabi offers greater flexibility when it comes to designing and setting up your membership site. You can create a sleek-looking, high-converting membership site right out of the box without any design or programming experience. 

Use Kajabi’s pre-made templates to organize and set up your membership site and trust Kajabi to create all the pages you need in the background. 

Bottom Line: If you have a specific vision for how you want your membership site to look, Kajabi provides more functionality than Mighty Networks's framework. And if you purchase Kajabi’s Pro plan, you can even modify the source code to customize your site more. 

The big pricing picture

This wouldn’t be a true Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks comparison without looking at pricing for the two platforms. 

Mighty Networks Plans
Kajabi plans

At first glance, Mighty Networks looks like it has a lower price point. But if you’re only looking at your monthly fee, you’re comparing apples to oranges.

That’s because Mighty Networks is a community platform with a few extras for monetizing that community. Kajabi, on the other hand, is an all-in-one business building platform for digital entrepreneurs. 

With Mighty Networks, you’ll have to purchase other apps and tools to market your business and support your clients. With Kajabi, everything you need is built into the platform.

Let’s look a little deeper.

The lowest price point for Mighty Networks is its Community Plan. That plan breaks down to $33/month when paid annually. At this pricing tier, you can create a basic membership site with events and Zoom integration so that you can chat and message with your fellow members.

In order to take advantage of Mighty Networks's other features, like online courses and analytics, you'll need to choose the Business Plan, which costs $99/month when paid annually. 

Kajabi's Basic Plan is just $119/month when billed annually, but you get access to much more than the comparably priced Business Plan of Mighty Networks. Kajabi’s Basic plan already includes:

Website – With Kajabi, you’ll get a fully fledged website that keeps your branding consistent and helps you manage your online presence and digital products in one place with no integration hassles.

Multiple digital products – Create up to three distinct digital products, such as an online course, podcast, and an online community.

Email marketing automation pipelines – Use email marketing automation pipelines to securely deliver your course content to your users, follow up to see if they have any questions and invite them to participate in your community.

Landing page builders – Create unlimited landing pages with the simplicity of an intuitive drag-and-drop website editor.

Customizable built-in themes – Change or customize built-in themes with just a few clicks.

Unlimited emails – Send an unlimited number of marketing emails to up to 10,000 contacts. (And to more contacts on higher Kajabi plans!).

You also get a quick-start call with customer service and chat support so you can get up and running quickly.

All of Kajabi’s pricing tiers also come with access to Kajabi University, a free online resource featuring video tutorials and walkthroughs that demonstrate how to use Kajabi to its fullest. 

With Kajabi, you don't pay extra to access specific features as you do with Mighty Networks. Kajabi’s pricing lets you decide when to move to the next tier as you scale your business. 

Bottom Line: The pricing for Mighty Networks may appear slightly lower than Kajabi on the surface, but you may end up paying more if you need access to specific features only available on a higher tier.

All about analytics

With the Community Plan, Mighty Networks’s lowest-priced plan, you get basic analytics on your community’s performance. If you want more detailed metrics, you’ll need to upgrade to the Business Plan. 

In that plan, you get the Mighty InsightsTM tool, which gives you details on member behavior, revenue tracking, content performance, and course data.

Kajabi’s complete analytics suite is available regardless of the plan you’re on. You’ll never be forced to upgrade when you want to view specific stats on the health and growth of your business. 

Check out how Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks stacks up on analytics capabilities. 


Bottom Line: With Kajabi, you get deep analytic insights no matter what pricing plan you subscribe to, so you have the data you need to scale your business from day one.

Which platform is right for you? Kajabi vs. Mighty Networks

If you’re a knowledge creator who’s serious about achieving success online with your business, then you need to ask yourself whether building a community is the right place to start. 

Of course, fostering a robust community that knows and loves (and is willing to pay for) your expertise is a critical component of success. But a community isn't something you just tack on to an online course and expect to see results. Thriving communities grow organically when you have a group of people who share an interest in learning about and discussing a particular topic. 

To reach that group of like-minded individuals, you'll need a strong marketing foundation to spread awareness, attract customers, and ultimately retain them. 

Whether you want to share your knowledge via a membership site, a course, a live event, or coaching, what better place to start than with a finely-tuned, professional-looking platform that has everything you need to create and scale your business.

Kajabi is that platform. But don’t take our word for it. Our free trial program lets you take Kajabi for a spin for 14 days — you don’t even need a credit card. Build your site, explore all the rich features and functionality, and try everything out with zero risk. 

See for yourself how easy it is to launch an online course, membership, paid newsletter, podcast, and more with the ease of fully integrated tools. Plus, you’ll have access to a 24/7 team dedicated to your success. 

When it’s all said and done, you'll be mighty glad you chose Kajabi.

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