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Kajabi + Zapier: Connect & automate with 500+ apps


Jun 28, 2016
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Kajabi Hero Live
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Your time is valuable. Why waste it doing tedious tasks that a computer could handle for you?

Kajabi's new integration with Zapier gives you that time back. It lets you connect and automate Kajabi with more than 500 apps, so you can focus on your content and not the technical details.

Here's how it works: Zapier watches your apps for new data, and kicks off actions based on the rules that you set. For example, Zapier can:

  • Send Kajabi Form Submissions and Purchases to your favorite email provider.
  • Grant your Paypal customers access to an Offer on Kajabi.
  • Send you a notification whenever a customer purchases an Offer in Kajabi.

The best part: It all happens in the background. You can visit our in app integrations page to discover more use cases and sign up for a free account. Have a workflow you need to automate that you don't see here? Let us know.

Send Form Submissions to Other Apps

Grant Customers and Subscribers Access to Offers

Copy Customers to Other Apps

Get Purchase Notifications

Experience The Power of Kajabi Yourself!

Get Kajabi today and see our most powerful integration in action!

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