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[Infographic] Knowledge Commerce: How to Turn Your Skill Into a Thriving Business


Jun 21, 2018
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What is an infopreneur?

A term coined by H. Skip Weitzen in the 1980s, an infopreneur is simply “a person who turns knowledge into a source of income through media, teaching, consulting, and knowledge commerce.”

So maybe you have a passion, skill, or unique kind of knowledge which you’d like to create an online business around?

A business which provides freedom from the ‘time for money trap’, location independence, and the opportunity to teach people all around the world.

Well, we think that’s a smart idea! Here’s why...

The E-Learning Market is on track to reach a 241 billion dollar evaluation by 2022!

This is why you’ve seen such a dramatic rise of online courses, masterclasses, and digital training...the industry is absolutely booming! It’s paved the way for the revolution currently going on inside both formal and informal education.

But specifically in regards to the high demand for ‘Massive Open Online Courses’ (MOOC). From large commercial businesses, down to university and government ran non-profits...the demand for online courses is nearly untappable right now.

This boom is occurring because E-Learning opens the door to:

  • On-demand and more easily accessible information.
  • Less expensive than formal lessons or higher education.
  • More flexible for both teachers and students.
  • Allows for much more niche communities to be created.

So there’s no question…

The demand, the opportunity, and the potential customers are all there!

The only question left is...are you up for it?

Becoming A Knowledge Merchant

Your next steps are simple…

Begin to take an inventory of your strengths, passions, or interests. What do you wish someone had taught you which you had to learn through years of trial and error?

It’s all about combining your unique knowledge with your unique personality, view point, and teaching style. That’s why you see hundreds of people teaching the “same topic” but all still able to wildly succeed. Each of them are different and share unique angles to how they share their content.

So there’s no “right way” to doing this...there’s only your way.

Some use E-Learning as way to create a secondary income stream and some earn extra money on the side, while others leverage tools like Kajabi to build a thriving and sustainable life changing business.

The choice is yours.

And we’re here to help...

Use Kajabi to Turn Your Knowledge And Content Into Products You Can Sell

At Kajabi, we’re working to build a world where everyone can build a life and business around their income. 

With Kajabi, you can sell your expertise online. Create online courses, establish membership sites, offer coaching programs, host a podcast, and sell other digital products. Plus, you'll get marketing tools like a website, CRM, email marketing, landing page templates, and helpful analytics to help you spread the word about your products and earn more revenue.

Fully explore what Kajabi has to offer and start building your business during a free trial. Start your free 14-day trial of Kajabi today!

Still researching? Check out Kajabi’s free downloadable ebook guides on launching and growing a knowledge commerce online business!

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