February 19, 2021

How to name different membership levels & examples to inspire you

How do you choose membership level names? Learn more about how to name your tiers & get inspiration for creative membership level names.

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Figuring out the right membership levels is a critical decision for your business. Not only do the right memberships provide predictable revenue, but they also keep you connected to your most valuable customers.

We’ve created this comprehensive guide to help you understand: 

  • What membership tiers are
  • How you can pick the right ones for your business
  • How to choose membership level names that convert

Ready to take your membership website to the next level? Let’s get started.

What are membership levels?

The membership model is one of the most popular business models. Every industry, from entertainment to wellness to food and drink, has an example of a subscription-based business.

Why? Because they work.

In basic terms, membership levels determine what a customer gets from your business. Rather than a single purchase, people commit to a recurring payment for access to your product.

Depending on the level they choose, customers may have access to all of your products or just a few. Different levels may also determine the amount of time members have access to your site’s offerings.

Sites with a variety of membership tiers give the power to the consumer. Rather than settling for a one-size-fits-all subscription, individuals can pick the kind of experience that fits their needs and budget.

Businesses also benefit because membership levels keep their options open. A variety of price points means more opportunities to convert new customers. People who weren’t convinced can try a product for a very low barrier of entry and see the value over time. And, let’s face it, the best way to get people to pay for your product is to make it a habit. That’s what memberships do for your business.

If you’re considering membership levels for your site, read on for best naming practices.

Best practices for naming membership tiers

Before you build your membership site and start recruiting new customers, spend time thinking about how you want to name your membership levels.

Simple is usually the best answer, but you can’t expect to get any potential customer excited about your product if your membership names are Option 1, Option 2, and Option 3.

When you’re thinking about membership level names, it can help to start with the products offered in that tier. For example, if members gain access to different kinds of content based on their membership tier, explain that in the name.

Other differentiators might be the length or price of the membership. You may also segment your tiers by customer type or delivery type.

What you don’t want to do is combine these different naming conventions and confuse your members. Don’t call level one “Digital Only Monthly $12 Video Tier”. Beyond being a very boring name, it creates more questions than it answers. 

Checklist for coming up with good membership level names

What are some creative membership level names you can think of that would be memorable to visitors to your site? As you’re writing down your ideas, here are some things to keep in mind: 

  • Do the names describe your product?
  • Do the names connect to your business values? 
  • Do they use language familiar to your industry? 
  • Do the membership names make it clear what customers are getting for their money? 
  • Are they simple to remember?
  • Do all the membership level names work together?
  • Are they exciting? 
  • Are they unique to your brand?

If you can answer “yes” to most of these questions, you’re probably on the right track.

Still need more inspiration? Let’s get into some real-world examples of site with some of the best membership tier names.

Examples of different naming conventions for membership levels

Let’s take a look at some good examples of different membership level names so you can get a sense of what works for others and what might work for your products.

Based on access to content and services

If you’re familiar with Patreon, you’ve likely seen a whole library of membership level names based on access to content or services. Most creators on Patreon give their subscribers access to more content the more money they pay per month. 

Contrapoints’ membership prices on Patreon

Contrapoints is a video essayist (and one of the top earning creators on the platform), who offers 3 different membership levels on her Patreon:

  • Commendable Non-Freeloader for $2 per month.
  • Mysterious Benefactor for $5 per month.
  • Distinguished Enabler for $10 a month.

Each membership level is named in the same voice and tone she carries throughout her videos. Her audience expects that kind of snarky humor so they can trust that she’s been thoughtful about these memberships and the value they give to each subscriber. They also build on each other, increasing in access to content as the cost rises.

If you want your membership levels to inspire loyalty, both as a customer and to the brand you’re building, consider following the lead of the many Patreon creators.

Based on membership length

You can base your membership levels on the length of time a person wants to commit to. You can go with the straightforward “monthly” vs. “annual” designation if you’d like.

If so, make subtle hints that customers who can commit to using their product for a longer period of time will get added benefits. They can enjoy a lower overall price, as long as they’re willing to invest more up front.

This tactic is particularly useful for businesses who offer the same service across all membership levels. Offering a discount on long-term memberships not only helps the customer save, but helps you secure guaranteed business for the long term.

Based on membership price

One of the most common structures for membership levels is breaking each tier down by price. Classpass does an excellent job of keeping their names simple, their value clear and their membership easy for every customer. 

Classpass membership pricing plans

To enroll in a Classpass membership, you simply pick the amount of money you want to pay per month, and that’s your membership tier. There are no fancy names, but that works for what they’re trying to accomplish and what their audience wants.

In this instance, keeping it simple, straightforward and easy to understand works best for their business goals and their customers’ needs.

Based on customer type

Lastly, if you offer services to a variety of audiences and want to highlight that as an important asset, consider naming your membership levels by type like HelloFresh. In order to succeed, the meal delivery service had to make it clear that they can serve omnivorous, vegetarian, family, and calorie-conscious diets all at once. 

HelloFresh’s plan personalization menu

The membership pricing became less important for their naming structure. Instead, they focused on specifically calling out each diet, signally that they had the right product for that person. While each customer knows the pricing is the same across memberships, the more important differentiator is choosing the product that best fits their needs.

If you find that you have a similar structure, with products designed for a specific type of customer, consider structuring your membership level names around individual customers’ primary need or pain point.

Start building your membership site today

Now that you know exactly how to name your membership levels, it’s time to build a membership website. Kajabi can help with everything from creating the perfect landing page to sending out custom emails to your subscribers.

Find out why so many entrepreneurs choose Kajabi as their member management software. Start your free trial today.