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The Real Costs of Selling Content Online


Apr 28, 2016
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Do you think you’re saving money by piecing together all of the tools needed to sell digital content? Think again…

Let's go through a comparison of total average cost of utilizing multiple platforms, versus using New Kajabi.

Here’s the average annual cost of the multiple platforms needed to successfully maintain an online business.

Average Annual Costs of Digital Content Tools: 

  • Website Hosting: $197
  • Video Hosting: $413
  • Content Management Systems: $947
  • Landing Page Software: $968
  • Email Marketing Platform: $1,478
  • Shopping Cart: $297
  • Developer To Compile Everything: $2,103
  • Total: $6,403

In addition to the cost alone, think of the hassle of keeping everything effectively stitched together, not to mention the issues you face if a single piece fails or requires an update!

Now, let’s review the cost and features of our New Kajabi Pro Plan, which has all of those pieces together in one place.

Average Annual Costs of New Kajabi Pro Plan:

  • Website Hosting for 3 Sites
  • Unlimited Video Hosting
  • 100 Products
  • 100 Landing Pages
  • 40,000 Marketing Emails Per Month
  • Integrated Shopping Cart
  • 0% Transaction Fee
  • Multiple Customizable Site & Product Themes
  • Total: $4,668

This leaves us with a total average savings of $1,735 when you choose New Kajabi as a content platform. Who wouldn’t want an extra $1,735 per year in their pocket? Not only are you saving money, but you can also access all of these wonderful features from within a single dashboard! This cuts out all the time and effort it takes to make multiple products work together in unison, which means you’ll have more time to focus on your content.

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