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Vigilant Cycle Recap


Apr 5, 2018
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We’ve just wrapped up our latest development cycle, Vigilant, which means we have new features to the Kajabi platform!

Today, we're excited to lift the veil on what we've accomplished! Let's dive right in.

Here are some of the biggest highlights you need to know about...

New User-Interface Improvements

When you login to your Kajabi account you may notice it looks a little different. Well, that’s because we decided to give the app a bit of a facelift this cycle. We told you about the new sidebar during our last cycle, but we received such positive feedback that we decided to adopt it as our official sidebar for Kajabi!

Additionally, we have updated the interface for our Landing Pages, Pipelines, Forms, and Products. Take a look at some of the images below to see for yourself.

Landing Pages








The New Sidebar

Help Site

This one is pretty straightforward - we made an entire new Help Site!

As we officially transition to our new sidebar we wanted to make sure we had all of your questions answered. So we built an entire help site complete with guides, articles, quick answers, and video tutorials all designed to get you the information you need to be successful.

Site-wide Branding

We’ve now added the ability to create some default site settings for your specific branding. So for example, if you upload your logo, instructor bio, or site color scheme, whenever you create a new page in the future it will automatically be installed on the page.

Also, at the site level, you can now install javascript or analytics code that will automatically populate on all your future pages.

Double Opt-In

A double opt-in form is basically just a regular opt-in but it includes a confirmation step where the contact receives an email and has to confirm their signup. So the process looks like this

  1. A person completes your Kajabi form.
  2. They automatically receive a confirmation email, and they have to click the link to confirm.
  3. They are officially added to your list  

The advantage of the double opt-in process is that you'll know the user entered a valid email address and that they actually went through two steps to be on your list. Also, this will help you comply with the new GDPR regulations in Europe. A double opt-in will help make sure that people who are on your list actually want to be on your list.

Frictionless Checkout

We’ve updated the checkout page in Kajabi and made it even simpler for your customers to buy your products. This basically allows your customer to fill out a minimal amount of information in order to purchase your product, which will ultimately lead to higher conversions.

Domain Checkout

To put simply, we have now set it up so your checkout page will be linked to your custom domain. Your checkout address will now have a uniform appearance with the rest of your site. This will help with conversions and analytics tracking.

That’s all for now.

Coming Up: Forwarder

We hope you enjoy all the updates from Vigilant! As always our main goal with Kajabi is to give you the tools you need to reach your goals. Not all of these features are available inside Kajabi yet, but rest assured they are coming soon!

We have some very exciting stuff coming up in next development cycle Forwarder that includes “automation”...that’s all I can say for now. We can’t wait to pull back the curtain and show you the new stuff that's coming.

And because we really want you to experience our Vigilant features, we're giving 30 days of Kajabi for FREE to all new Kajabi users! Grab your trial below!

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