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What Is A Community Manager?


Jun 17, 2024
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You’ve probably heard of a ‘community manager’, but what is that job, really?

Building and interacting with online communities has become a vital part of business, as it can help build customer loyalty and foster growth.

Enter the community manager — the professional charged with fostering productive relationships between brand and consumer across all manner of online spaces.

What Is A Community Manager?

A community manager is a professional responsible for building, growing, and managing communities around a brand, product, or cause. They act as the bridge between an organization and its audience, facilitating communication, engagement, and a sense of belonging within the community.

Community managers wear many hats, from content creation and moderation to customer support and data analysis. Their ultimate goal is to create a booming, engaged community that benefits both the brand and its members.

Examples Of Community Managers

  • Brand Community Managers: These professionals focus on building and nurturing communities specifically around a brand. They create content, initiate discussions, and engage with members to reinforce the brand’s presence and values. Brand community managers often collaborate with marketing teams to align community initiatives with broader brand strategies.
  • Support Community Managers: Support community managers specialize in providing assistance and resources to community members. They are often the first point of contact for members seeking help or information. These managers work closely with customer service and product teams to gather feedback and identify common pain points, fostering a supportive environment that enhances the overall customer experience.
  • Content Community Managers: Content community managers focus on creating and curating engaging content that resonates with the community. With a keen understanding of their audience’s interests and needs, they craft blog posts, videos, and social media updates that spark conversations and encourage interaction. These managers often have a background in writing, media, or communications and collaborate with creative teams to develop content calendars aligned with community events and initiatives.

What Are The Responsibilities Of A Community Manager?

As a community manager, you’ll be responsible for a wide range of tasks that contribute to the growth and well-being of your online community.

Some of the responsibilities of a community manager are:

Developing Engagement Strategies

Creating content is the first step to engaging your community. Focus on developing and curating material that resonates with your members, whether it's blog posts, videos, or social media updates. 

This content should spark conversations and encourage interaction among everyone involved.

Another key strategy is organizing events. Plan and execute online and offline events to unite your community and foster a sense of belonging. Consider hosting webinars, live Q&A sessions, or even in-person meetups to strengthen connections and build a cohesive community.

Implementing gamification can further enhance engagement. Incorporate challenges, rewards, and leaderboards to incentivize participation. 

These elements not only keep your community members engaged but also add an element of fun and competition, making the community experience more dynamic and interactive.

Moderating Discussions and Content

Enforcing community guidelines is key to maintaining a safe and respectful environment. Establish clear rules and consistently monitor discussions and content for violations. 

When necessary, take appropriate action to ensure everyone feels secure and respected.

It's important to encourage conversations. Take part in discussions and urge members to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas. Guide discussions in a positive direction and ensure that everyone's voice is heard and valued within the community.

Another important responsibility is resolving conflicts. When disputes occur, use your communication and problem-solving skills to address and solve issues amicably. Finding solutions helps maintain a positive atmosphere and keeps the community cohesive and supportive.

Responding To Community Inquiries

Providing timely support is important for maintaining a positive community experience. Be responsive to members' questions, concerns, and feedback. Offer helpful information, resources, and solutions promptly to ensure everyone feels valued and supported.

When necessary, escalate complex or technical issues to the appropriate teams, such as customer support or product development. Follow up to ensure a satisfactory resolution for the community member. This shows your commitment to their needs and concerns.

Collaborating With Marketing And Support Teams

Work closely with your marketing team to ensure that community initiatives align with the overall brand strategy and messaging. Collaborate on content creation, promotional campaigns, and social media marketing efforts that showcase your community's value.

Regularly communicate community feedback, trends, and insights with your support team. This information can help identify areas for improvement in products, services, or processes, ultimately enhancing the customer experience.

Analyzing Community Engagement Data

Monitor and analyze key community engagement metrics, such as member growth, participation rates, and sentiment. Use this data to identify trends, measure the success of your initiatives, and make data-driven decisions for future strategies.

Compile regular reports on your community's overall health and performance, highlighting successes, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Share these reports with relevant stakeholders to keep them informed and aligned with community goals.

Benefits Of Having A Community Manager

A skilled community manager brings numerous benefits to your organization, positively impacting your brand, customer relationships, and overall business growth.

These are some of them:

Fostering A Sense Of Belonging

A community manager cultivates a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, experiences, and ideas. This sense of belonging encourages active participation and fosters meaningful connections among community members.

By initiating discussions, hosting events, and encouraging member-generated content, a community manager helps create opportunities for members to interact with one another. These interactions strengthen the bonds within the community and contribute to a sense of shared purpose and camaraderie.

Enhancing Customer Loyalty

A community manager is a consistent, reliable presence within the community, building trust and rapport with members over time. A community manager deepens the emotional connection between your brand and its customers by providing personalized support, recognizing member contributions, and celebrating milestones.

Offering exclusive benefits further enhances member loyalty. Work with your team to develop exclusive content, offers, or experiences for community members. These perks make members feel valued and appreciated, increasing their loyalty to your brand and their engagement with the community.

Gathering Valuable Feedback And Insights

A community manager actively listens to your community members' needs, preferences, and pain points. By monitoring and engaging in conversations, a community manager gains valuable insights into what your customers want and how your brand can better serve them.

The feedback and insights gathered can then be shared with your product development and customer service teams. This information helps guide improvements to your offerings, ensuring that they align with the evolving needs of your target audience.

Improving Brand Reputation

A community manager keeps an eye on your brand's online presence and deals with any problems or negative feelings that come up. By responding quickly and with understanding, they can prevent big problems and maintain a good brand reputation. 

They also share the positive experiences and success stories of your community members, which helps to show the value of your brand and bring in new community members.

Driving Business Growth

By understanding your community members' needs and interests, a community manager can identify opportunities to upsell and cross-sell your products or services. Collaborating with your sales and marketing teams, they can create tailored campaigns that appeal to specific segments of your community.

A thriving, engaged community serves as a powerful testament to your brand's value. A community manager helps showcase the benefits of being a part of your community to potential customers, attract new members, and drive business growth through word-of-mouth referrals and positive online visibility.

Want to turn your community into a revenue-generating machine? Grab our free guide and learn how to use your followers as a source of income.


What Skills Does A Community Manager Need?

To excel as a community manager, you’ll need diverse skills that enable you to effectively engage with your community, create compelling content, and drive positive outcomes for your brand.

These include:

Excellent Communication Skills

As a community manager, you’ll be the primary point of contact between your brand and its audience. Strong written and verbal communication skills are essential for crafting clear, engaging messages that resonate with your community members. 

You should be able to adapt your communication style to suit different platforms and audiences, whether responding to social media comments, writing blog posts, or presenting to stakeholders.

Empathy And Emotional Intelligence

Understanding and relating to your community members’ needs, concerns, and emotions is key to building trust and fostering positive relationships. You should be able to put yourself in their shoes, anticipate their reactions, and respond with compassion and understanding. 

Emotional intelligence also helps you navigate complex situations, such as resolving conflicts or addressing sensitive topics within the community.

Problem-Solving Abilities

Community management often involves dealing with unexpected challenges, from technical issues to member disputes. You should be able to think on your feet, identify the root cause of problems, and develop creative solutions that benefit your community and your brand. 

This requires a proactive mindset, attention to detail, and the ability to remain calm under pressure.

Creativity And Content Creation Skills

Engaging content is the lifeblood of a thriving community. As a community manager, you’ll develop and curate content that informs, entertains, and inspires your members. This may include writing blog posts, designing graphics, creating videos, or developing interactive experiences. 

A keen eye for storytelling, understanding your audience’s preferences, and proficiency in various content creation tools will help you craft compelling narratives that keep your community coming back for more.

Analytical Thinking

Data-driven decision-making is essential for optimizing your community management strategies. You should be comfortable using analytics tools to track key performance indicators, such as engagement rates, member growth, and sentiment analysis. 

Analytical thinking skills enable you to identify patterns, draw insights from data, and make informed recommendations for improving your community’s health and performance. This may involve conducting surveys, analyzing user feedback, or A/B testing different engagement tactics to determine what resonates best with your audience.

How To Measure The Success Of A Community Manager

Measuring a community manager's success involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your organization’s goals and objectives. These metrics provide valuable insights into the health and growth of your community and the effectiveness of your community management strategies.

Some of the most used metrics are:

  • Engagement Metrics: Engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates, indicate how actively your community members interact with your content and each other. Higher engagement rates suggest that your community manager creates compelling content and fosters meaningful conversations.
  • Community Growth: Monitoring your community's growth over time helps you assess the impact of your community manager’s efforts in attracting and retaining members. Track metrics such as new member sign-ups, active users, and churn rate to gauge your community's overall health and sustainability.
  • Response Times: Measuring your community manager’s response times to member inquiries, concerns, or feedback demonstrates their commitment to providing timely and helpful support. Faster response times contribute to higher member satisfaction and loyalty, as they feel valued and heard by your brand.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS is a widely used metric that measures the likelihood of your community members recommending your brand, product, or service to others. A high NPS indicates that your community manager successfully creates positive experiences and builds strong relationships with your members, turning them into brand advocates.
  • Sales Conversions: Tracking the number of community members who convert into customers or clients helps quantify the ROI of your community management efforts. Your community manager’s ability to nurture leads, provide value, and guide members through the customer journey directly impacts your bottom line, demonstrating the tangible business value of their role.

Is Hiring A Community Manager Worth It?

Investing in a skilled community manager is good for your business. A dedicated professional who knows your brand and target audience can build a loyal, engaged community that becomes a valuable asset.

A well-managed community keeps customers around and willing to speak positively about your business. When members feel listened to, supported, and valued, they are more likely to stick with your brand and recommend it to others.

An active, engaged community also boosts your brand awareness and reputation. As members share your content, take part in discussions, and recommend your products or services, they introduce your brand to new people and help build a positive online reputation.

Having open communication between your brand and its customers gives you valuable feedback. By listening to member feedback, ideas, and concerns, you get insights into your audience’s needs, preferences, and problems.

These insights can help you make better products, create better content, and develop better business strategies, so you can improve your service and stay ahead of your competitors.

Better customer support and satisfaction is another important benefit of effective community management. A community manager is a helpful resource and can provide timely, useful answers to questions and concerns. 

This lessens the load on your customer support team while ensuring a positive, personalized experience for your members.

Lastly, a thriving community can directly increase sales and revenue. As members develop trust with your brand, they are more likely to make repeat purchases, upgrade their subscriptions, or try new offerings.

A community manager can also find opportunities to increase sales and work with your sales and marketing teams to develop targeted campaigns that appeal to specific segments of your audience.

Why Choose Kajabi To Build Your Community

It’s important to understand the value that a community manager brings to your online community and your brand’s success overall. 

With Kajabi, you have everything you need to manage, engage and grow your community. With Kajabi, you get the most feature-rich all-in-one platform that helps you to build and manage a thriving online community. 

Kajabi helps you to engage and support the growth of your community through its numerous content creation options, interactive long-term forums, and automated community engagement tools to keep a conversation going. 

The integrated communication features ensure that your community members are kept regularly informed about group activities. 

Members are able to connect much more intimately with each other, making them feel like a part of your online tribe. 

Kajabi is the best solution for managing and cultivating your community for sustainable growth and loyalty. Your members will love you for it! Kajabi will help you build your community so all you need to do is step back and let your community members flourish.

Build your community today with Kajabi and empower your brand with a dedicated space where your audience can connect, learn, and grow together. 

Here’s one of our creators walking you through how she built and grew her community on Kajabi:

What Is A Community Manager: Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is A Community Manager Important For A Brand?

A community manager is crucial for fostering strong relationships between a brand and its audience. They help build customer loyalty, enhance brand reputation, gather valuable insights, and drive engagement and participation within the community, which can lead to increased customer retention and business growth.

What Types Of Content Does A Community Manager Create?

A community manager creates various types of content, including blog posts, videos, social media updates, and interactive experiences. This content is designed to resonate with the community’s interests, spark conversations, and encourage interaction among members.

How Do Community Managers Measure The Success Of Their Efforts?

Success is measured by tracking key performance indicators such as engagement metrics, community growth, response times, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and sales conversions. Regular reporting on these metrics helps demonstrate the impact of community management initiatives and informs future strategies.

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