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Upgraded Kajabi Email: Your Questions, Answered!


Feb 28, 2020
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The recently upgraded Kajabi Email gives every Kajabi user increased control over the design and layout of their emails. (Watch the official announcement here.) Naturally, with such a big update, our community members have had questions about how to use new features and unleash the full potential of the powerful new Visual Editor. 

We’ve been listening! To help you get familiar with the new Kajabi Email, we’re answering the most common questions we’ve seen on our Facebook Group and Support Chat.

Q: Can you point me to a training to start using Kajabi email?

Yes! There are several resources you can use to start learning how Kajabi Email can help grow your business. 

First, the Kajabi Help Center has articles about Broadcasts, Sequences, Email Best Practices, and more. You can view it here.

You can also contact our support chat or use Kajabi Assistant for answers to specific questions. And just in case you haven’t watched the live training replay, that’s worth checking out.

Q: Can you send a Kajabi email sequence to a mailing list you have on Kajabi? 

Kajabi Email lets you send two types of email campaigns: one-time broadcasts and multi-email sequences. Currently, the new Visual Editor is only available for Email Broadcasts. 

When creating a new email campaign in Kajabi, you’ll have the choice of creating an Email Broadcast or Email Sequence. Read more about creating email sequences at our Help Center.

Q: Is there an easy way to control spacing without having to edit the code? I write my emails in Word, then cut and paste into Kajabi, but the text usually imports in a super tight format. Is there some way to avoid that without having to retype everything in Kajabi?

Depending on your browser, you can paste without formatting to remove any additional styling that might accidentally get imported. Here’s how you do that in the most common browsers:

  • Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + V (Windows) or CMD + Shift + V (Mac)
  • Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + V (Windows) or CMD + Shift + V (Mac)
  • Safari: Shift + Alt + Command/Ctrl + V

You can also copy/paste into another type of editor such as Google Docs, then re-copy/paste into Kajabi Email to “clean” the extra styling of your email.

Q: How can I add a list of contacts to Kajabi and send out those subscribers my first email?

Simple! First, follow the steps from this Help Center article to import your contacts. Then follow this article to send an email campaign

Q: When I have made and sent an email campaign to some of my list and now want to send it to another group in my list do I need to make a new email campaign? I am not seeing where I can send it again with a different tag. How is tagging and segmenting different in Kajabi than other email service providers like Mailchimp?

Like the majority of email service providers (including Mailchimp), you’ll need to clone and resend an email campaign to a different segment if you want to reach a different group on your list. 

Tagging and segmenting in Kajabi works similarly to other email service providers in that you can tag individual contacts and segment groups of contacts. Learn more about Segments and Tags on our Help Center. 

Q: How do I let users unsubscribe from receiving some of my emails, but not stop receiving all of my messages entirely? For example, if someone only wants to hear my tips about coaching vs. receiving everything I send. 

If your subscribers click the “Unsubscribe” link that’s automatically added to the footer of every email, they’ll be removed from your subscribers and no longer receive any of your emails.

However, you can use custom segments and tags to be more deliberate about which subscribers receive specific messages. This can help improve engagement and ensure your audience sees messages which are relevant to their interests.

By adding an automation to your marketing, you’re able to add or remove tags to individual subscribers. Then, you can choose to send campaigns to only subscribers who have a specific tag. Or, you can omit subscribers with a specific tag.

So, in this case, you may want to create an automation that adds a “Coaching Only” tag to your contact when they click a link in your email body that says “Unsubscribe me from all non-coaching emails”. That way, when they click the article, the customer will be tagged (or untagged), and you can control whether they receive emails on this topic moving forward.

View this Help Center article to learn more about tags, and feel free to contact our support chat if you need additional assistance.

Q: I'm just starting to work with my people/email list in Kajabi, and I'm wondering how the name field works. By default, it has only one ("Name"), rather than two ("First Name" and "Last Name"). Does it automatically recognize two names in the name field as first name and last name? What if someone has three names (like Billy Bob Thornton or Anne Marie Johnson)? If I create two custom name fields instead, will that mess with any of the automations? Will the two names of imported contacts sort into the custom fields?

By default, Kajabi uses a single field for a user’s name. 

If you would like to create custom fields for first, middle, and last names, you can do so by clicking the “Add Custom field” on the Edit Details screen

From there, you can create the fields you need and add them to your forms. You may need to edit your contact’s information manually for existing subscribers.

Q: How do I attach the pdf to a button in one of the new templates? I can only see how I would make the button connect to a landing page or check out page or URL (it used to upload and create a download link tied to Amazon AWS I believe it is called) I'm having trouble finding where to do this with the new editor.

We've just added the ability to attach a file in the Kajabi Email text editor or link to an uploaded file via a button. Follow the same steps you’d follow when adding a file to a Page.

Q: I'm looking for updates about the server score issue regarding the email IP? Has Kajabi updated its server quality? If not, why? and when will it?

Deliverability is a complicated, multi-faceted issue that depends on:

  • Server reputation
  • List health
  • User engagement
  • Subject lines
  • Email content
  • Time of day
  • ...and more.

Deliverability algorithms are complex and vary by email client, email service provider, and more. That’s why deliverability and IP reputation can change from day to day or even hour to hour – even when sending emails to the same list on the same platform. 

At Kajabi, we take deliverability seriously and are constantly implementing improvements. We are currently working on several upgrades that will help increase server score and deliverability across the board.

Q: How can I change the language of the sentence that appears at the top of the email?

At the moment, the language for “View this email in your Web Browser” and the footer information is static, but the text is presented in the language you’ve chosen for your site. You can change your site language by following the steps in this Help Center article.

Q: How do I properly size videos in Kajabi email so that they look right?

Email clients do not support the playing of live videos within emails. 

However, the new Visual Editor has a Video section that simplifies the linking of videos on Kajabi and other site pages.

 This makes it simple and fast to add a thumbnail preview with a play button that links to the video when clicked. You can learn more about the Video Section here.

Q: How do you use the new Kajabi Email Visual Builder in Automations?

Currently, the new Visual Builder is only available in Email Broadcasts. Like Pages, we are working to expand the Visual Editor so it works throughout the entire Kajabi platform.

Q: Inside the new email platform, can someone tell me the best way to attach my actual signature at the bottom of my email?

If you have custom HTML or a signature that you would like to add to the bottom of your emails, you can add a Text block. Then click the “Source Code” button above the text field and paste your HTML there.

Q: How can I edit an email that’s scheduled to be sent?

You can unschedule and edit a scheduled email broadcast by following the steps found in this Help Center article.

Q: Can I create a countdown timer in the new Pages or Emails that counts down in relation to when a coupon expires? It seems that the countdown only works for an "event".

By creating an event that occurs at the same time a coupon expires, you can add a coupon countdown code in the Visual Builder. Follow these steps to add and customize a countdown timer to your emails.

Q: I have a question about something not listed above! How can I get help?

For any additional questions, feel free to use Kajabi Assistant to search our Help Center or get in touch with our live Support Chat.

Q: I’d like to submit an idea to improve Kajabi Email! How can I do that?

You can submit feature requests and vote on future features in the Customer Feedback Portal. Learn more on our Help Center.

We hope this post has helped answer some of your questions so that you can hit the ground running with upgraded Kajabi Email. 

If you have more email questions you’d like answered, leave them in the comments!

And If you haven’t tried our new Visual Email Editor, it’s included inside every Kajabi account. Start a free 14-day trial of Kajabi today and experience it for yourself. Sending beautiful, brand-forward emails is the simplest way to impress your audience and grow your business online, and the Visual Editor makes it effortless...

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