January 3, 2020

Your Kajabi Pages Questions, Answered

Here’s a list of the other questions you asked that we didn’t get a chance to answer on the Kajabi Pages launch event.

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During the live Kajabi Pages launch event, we tried to answer as many of your questions as we could. (If you missed it, check out the replay here!) There were a ton of amazing questions and we wanted to make sure and address all of them. 

So, here’s a list of the other questions you asked that we didn’t get a chance to answer on the Kajabi Pages launch event.

Q: When will Kajabi Pages be activated in our accounts?

A: Kajabi Pages is now available to all customers. 

Q: Is this available for the basic plan?

A: Yes! Unlimited Kajabi Pages are available at all plan levels.

Q: Do you own my site and my content?

A: You, the creator, own all of your content inside your Kajabi Portal. You are welcome to export your content at any time.

Q: When do non-founders get access?

A: Kajabi Pages is available right now to everyone. 

Q: Will there be a list of all the new features in Pages?

A: Everything you need to know about Pages can be found here

Additionally, you can visit our help center for in-depth information about how to use Pages’ new features. Click here to be taken to the help center.

Q: If we pick a new theme from our existing page, will it import existing content?

A: Kajabi Pages is a fresh take on page building inside Kajabi, so all existing content will need to be recreated if you would like to utilize the new Pages features. With that said, pages made with the old editor and the new Kajabi Pages can co-exist on the same site. This means updating is not required as we will be supporting all existing pages. You may choose to re-make a page if you see a need that Kajabi Pages addresses. 

​Q: Is there anything new compared to what's been available for founders in recent weeks?

A: The version of Kajabi Pages that has been available to Kajabi Founders is a Beta Version. The final production version of Kajabi Pages has all of the Beta functionality along with some new improvements based on beta feedback to make the page editing experience more enjoyable.

Q: Will we be able to make custom checkout pages with this? Does this affect the checkout page?

A: The new functionality of Kajabi Pages is currently limited to page building and does not affect other Kajabi features, including the checkout page building experience. 

We are actively looking at improvements to our checkout pages and are excited to continue to deliver on the promise of a world-class buying experience via Kajabi Checkout. 

Q: Can I keep my regular Wordpress website, but have a redirect page to Kajabi and my “university”?

A: Kajabi Pages can be used on their own or with any other pages that you currently have built. 

Q: Are the homepage and blog still in Premier? Will there be new website designs along with the landing and sales pages?

A: Currently the default website theme is Premier. We are working on bringing everything we have learned with Kajabi Pages into the website building experience and you can look forward to a much more robust website experience in the coming months. 

However, Kajabi does give you the ability to set a Kajabi Page as the homepage of your website. For further details, go here.

Q: Other platform instructions/tutorials use a lot of tech jargon, even when they say it's great for “non-techies.” Does Kajabi speak “non-techie” language?

A: Yes! Our platform was built on the mission of helping entrepreneurs, experts, and influencers with their online business without the frustration of tech or feeling overwhelmed. 

Also, Kajabi offers the best in class support. So, if you are in need of extra help, we encourage you to reach out to our support team and they will gladly provide you with easy-to-understand guidance. 

Q: Do you have any holiday discounts?

A: As a company, we feel we can best serve our customers by ensuring that they are able to buy with confidence knowing that the price they pay is what everyone else is paying – no more pricing games. 

We will continue to add value to the product to ensure that what you pay is matched by the quality of the platform. 

Q: Is it easy to use our own artwork and are their restrictions as to size, etc?

A: Adding images and art to Kajabi Pages is as simple as point and click. You have full control over all visual aspects of your page, including image sizing. 

Q: Are the sections designed to be "folds"? (i.e., above, below, middle, etc.)

A: Because of the level of control we give you over all of your sections inside Kajabi Pages, you are able to ensure that your page content displays exactly where you would like it on every device. This means you can make design decisions on desktop to ensure that content lands above the fold and then also style that content on mobile to ensure it also shows above the fold.

Q: Can we now clone a custom offer card?

A: Currently only sections can be cloned inside Kajabi Page. 

Q: Does uploading the video natively slow down performance? Or, are you embedding a code?

A: With Kajabi Pages you have the option to upload a video from your computer and have it hosted by Kajabi or you can add a video via a YouTube or Vimeo embed code. Both options are terrific solutions and you will not notice a drop in performance if you choose one over the other.

Q: Will you be able to build funnels through Pages or do you still have to connect to a third party for this?

A: All the power of Kajabi Pages will soon be coming to Pipelines (i.e., Funnel Building) in the coming months. 

Q: How do you recommend we apply theme to existing pages?

A: We recommend that you take the migration to Kajabi Pages slow, on a case by case basis. 

This change has no negative impact on your existing pages. We suggest that you only update a page if you feel that your business will be better served by a piece of functionality that’s missing from your existing page. As you build new pages, we recommend that you take full advantage of Kajabi Pages and it’s easy to design tools. 

Q: Can we embed Vimeo and YouTube videos?

A: Absolutely!

Q: Is there a memory limit on hosting our videos on Kajabi?

A: Yes, for best performance, the maximum file size for video uploads on any page is 4GB.

Q: Will there be a way to see all assets that have been uploaded in the past, like WordPress media folder?

A: Currently Kajabi does not offer a full media library but we do give the ability to utilize recently uploaded media. If you feel that any functionality of Kajabi could be made better with a specific feature we encourage you to visit your dashboard and let us know via the feedback link in the top right corner. 

Q: Is there a way for me to share a template that I have in my Kajabi with a client who also uses Kajabi? (For example, a sales page template that I've created using the page builder.)

A: Yes all Kajabi Pages can be exported and then imported into any Kajabi Portal. 

Q: I'm brand new and in the process of starting my first online business. Do you have any comprehensive course material that's available to watch on the whole platform?

A: Yes, Kajabi University is available to all customers and is designed to give you all the tools and information you need to build and run a successful business utilizing Kajabi.

Q: Will the animations slow down the load time?

A: No, the animations in Kajabi Pages will not slow down your page loading time. 

Q: Are there new fonts that are more minimal and modern that are added for us to use?

A: Kajabi Pages are loaded by default with a large variety of web fonts that you are able to take advantage of directly out of the box. If you are looking for a more customized look and feel, Kajabi Pages gives you the ability to embed any font you would like with ease.

Q: Will you be offering email customization?

A: We are currently working on upgrading many features within our email area, and customization is one of them. 

Q: How do we edit the spacing like we used to do for extra small, medium, large, etc.?

A: With Kajabi Pages, you have the power to customize your spacing down to the pixel. This gives you more control and does not limit you to the previous size options. Instead, you can position the sections and blocks on your page exactly as you see fit. 

Q: What customizations can we do for mobile? Can we change fonts, remove sections, etc.?

A: With Kajabi Pages we have taken the concept of being mobile responsive one step further and given you the ability to craft a completely unique experience for your customers. By default, pages are optimized to look terrific on mobile but you have full control over what shows and what doesn’t. 

Q: Does it animate in Mobile too?

A: You bet!

Q: Can you create audio elements to connect a podcast player easily?

A: Currently Kajabi Pages does not come with an audio player. However, we’re always looking for ways to improve the experience.

Q: Are there help tutorials for this?

A: Yes, you can access a full area of our help site dedicated to Kajabi Pages when you click here.

Q: Can we use Pages to have (or simulate) multiple Blogs? Will there be a built-in comment section coming to the blog? How about social sharing?

A: Kajabi Pages is currently limited to just page building. But we are looking for ways to bring the functionality to websites in the coming months and greatly improve the blogging experience on Kajabi. 

Q: Will we be able to split test pages?

A: At this time, Kajabi does not offer a way to split test pages. 

We find that most of our customers are not dealing with enough daily traffic to provide significant, reliable data for split testing. 

Should you find that this is a must for your business, there are both free and paid options on the market to address this pain point. Contact support for more information.

Q: How will your rollout affect pages that are published as we speak?

A: Kajabi Pages will have no effect on your existing pages. Everything will continue to work and be supported as-is. 

Q: What is support like? Do I need a premium plan to get my questions answered?

A: Support is for everyone, and we take it very seriously. Your success is our main priority, so we encourage you to reach out to support with any and all questions you may have. 

Q: Can you embed Facebook pixels in Pages?

A: Yes indeed!

Q: Is there a way to show me sample websites that have been done in Kajabi Pages so I can get a good sense of what's possible?

A: There are many examples of websites built with Kajabi Pages including the Kajabi Pages launch page itself!

Q: Is there any kind of plan to do an evergreen timer?

A: Currently Kajabi Pages does not come with an evergreen timer but we are working to improve our users’ experience with their amazing feedback. 

Q: Will it be possible for all types of businesses to use Kajabi Pages? Meaning hotels and activity companies that need to be connected to all kinds of sales pages?

A: Kajabi Pages is built to be as flexible as you need it to be to deliver value to your customers. With our enhanced section controls, as well as the ability to easily add custom CSS and Javascript, you can build more incredible, custom pages than ever.

Q: Will the sizes for the hero, header, and image sections change? I have templates for all of those and wondering if I will have to resize for Kajabi Pages. 

A: With Kajabi Pages you have full control of the sizing of everything on your pages. This means if you have content that needs to be a specific size Kajabi Pages can be customized to meet that need. There shouldn’t be a problem. 

Q: How does Kajabi Pages stack up against SquareSpace and Wix?

A: Kajabi Pages is a simple and powerful way to build beautiful pages online. Best of all, everything in your Kajabi Portal is integrated with your page out of the box. No other platform can offer that level of integration. For that reason, we believe that we are the best page building option for our customers. 

We invite everyone to try Kajabi Pages out for 14 days absolutely free and see if it meets their needs. 

Q: Will there be a block for integrating Shopify products? Will customization of the product listing be improved with the new pages by any chance? 

A: As of right now, we do not have that deep integration. However, we know that for many customers physical products are a key piece of their business, and for that reason, we are looking for intuitive ways to provide that service.

Q: What about integrating with a scheduling feature, like Acuity or Calendly?

A: Yes! You can easily grab the custom code from Calendly, ScheduleOnce, Acuity, or any other scheduling service and add a custom “block” inside of Kajabi Pages and insert the code directly.

Q: Is the new dropdown feature only inside this new feature? Or is it available in Navigation?

A: The dropdown functionality is only available via Kajabi Pages. 

Q: Can people without any developer experience develop pages using Kajabi Pages?

A: We built Kajabi Pages to meet you where you are at. Kajabi Pages is a simple and powerful way to build beautiful pages online with little to no tech experience required. 

Q: If I update my home page to a newly created Kajabi Page, will it affect my SEO for Google rankings?

A: Moving to Kajabi Pages will not affect your Google rankings. We have added lots of SEO optimizations to Kajabi Pages so you may even see your ranking improve when you switch over to Kajabi Pages. 

Q: What is the deal with the pipeline pages? Will Kajabi Pages be the new default?

A: Kajabi Pages will soon be replacing our current pipeline pages as our default option. All the power of Kajabi Pages can be used inside Pipelines currently by simply adding a Kajabi Page to a Pipeline. 

Q: Can we add SEO to our pics now?

A: Yes, Kajabi Pages now gives you the ability to add alt text to every image on your page!

Q: Any analytics updates for Pages?

A: Yes! If you have not yet checked out all the new and improved analytics features we’ve been adding to the platform, we encourage you to take a look as you can gain more insights than ever before. 

Q: When you talk about mobile, are you talking about in a browser on your mobile device, or in an app?

A: When we talk about mobile in regards to our Kajabi Pages, we are talking about a mobile browsing experience. Kajabi does offer a mobile app, but our pages are most often viewed in the browser and the mobile experience is designed for viewing products. 

Q: ​Will there be a way to better customize CTA buttons?

A: Yes! Kajabi Pages gives you much more control over the CTA buttons on your page, including customization options like button radius, button size (length and width), background, drop shadow, animation, and so much more! 

Q: Is there a way to apply changes across multiple pages?

A: Currently Kajabi Pages does not come with a way to have changes take effect on multiple pages. 

Q: Are you going to support auto GDPR pop-up?

A: As of right now, Kajabi Pages does not come with a GDPR popup. 

However, we do give you the ability to embed GDPR with ease. 

If you find anything that you feel is missing from your page building experience, we encourage you to head to our feedback portal found in the top right of your admin dashboard and let us know. We take all of our feedback seriously, and we are always looking for ways to improve customer experience. 

If you read through each question and answer, then that means you are pretty serious about your online business. And as you can see, Kajabi Pages is not just an upgrade, it’s a complete page building evolution. 

It’s just one of the many steps we are taking to help make life easier and more successful for our Kajabi customers. 

To learn more about Kajabi Pages and try it out for free, then click the button below now.

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