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1000 over $1000! 💥 #kajabihero Update


Dec 15, 2016
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Kajabi Hero Live
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We knew that the #kajabihero concept was going to take off, but even we didn't know it'd get this big, this fast...

You may have heard of our Kajabi Heroes program already, and even seen the really cool t-shirts that Kajabian's are modeling, however its true purpose is to remind you that YOU are the Hero of the story.

It’s you who took a chance to take your passion and turn it into a profitable business on Kajabi.

Today, we’re so excited to announce that we have now blown past over 1000 Kajabi Heroes.

That’s right - in just a short time since Kajabi’s release, over 1000 users have already become #kajabihero's.

And that’s just the beginning. It’s doesn't stop at $1000, it’s tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even seven-figure businesses that everyday people like you are building on Kajabi (seriously, check out this interview with your fellow Kajabi Hero).

So, from all of us here at Kajabi, thank you for being our Hero. It’s your dedication and passion that inspires us every day.

Become A Kajabi Hero Today

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*Please keep in mind that the results discussed in this blog post are real and verified, but they aren't typical, and using Kajabi doesn't guarantee that you'll be instantly wealthy. Success using Kajabi, just like any business, requires hard work, commitment of time and resources, and a willingness take on the risk and uncertainty of business ownership. You may have results that are far greater than those discussed in this post, or none at all. We work hard to make software tools to help you succeed online, but this is by no means a magic button to riches. If you ever have any questions, please reach out to us at

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