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Amy Porterfield: great time to create an online course


Sep 8, 2020
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Kajabi Hero Live
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They call Amy Porterfield the “Digital Course Queen,” and you’ll soon find out why.

She teaches entrepreneurs how to grow their email list and turn their knowledge, ideas and skills into profitable digital courses.

But that wasn’t always the case.

Like many digital marketers, Amy had a completely different career path before launching her online business.

Her reasons for switching paths?

“I wanted to be my own boss and call the shots,” says Amy.

Maybe you can relate.

According to Amy, with all of the changes in the country due to the pandemic, “there’s no better time than right now to create a digital course and launch it online, because digital courses have become the norm. I’ve never seen that in 11 years of doing this — and I’ve built a multi-million dollar business selling digital courses — and now is an even better time to do it then when I had done it when I was getting started.”

Amy was kind enough to have a virtual sit down with Allie Fernando, Director of Brand Experience here at Kajabi, to cover the steps you need to know to get started.

In this interview, you’ll hear exactly how Amy teaches digital course creation and how together, Amy and Kajabi make up the “Digital Course Dream Team.”

Plus, Amy shares how to overcome Imposter Syndrome on the spot, where to go to find a steady source of content topic ideas and why even an email list of 30 people can be incredibly valuable.

You’ll also get the low-down on Amy’s own course, Digital Course Academy (DCA.) It’s the number one resource for creating and marketing an online course from scratch, and most students of DCA are first-time course creators.

“Digital Course Academy is very doable for anyone, wherever they are on their journey,” says Amy.

If that’s you, go enroll in Digital Course Academy.

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