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We’ve Completely Reimagined Kajabi’s Page Builder - Check out


Nov 3, 2016
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This is one of the most significant developments we’ve made to date…

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve completely reimagined Kajabi’s landing page builder!

It's now more flexible, more intuitive, more beautiful and even more powerful than ever...that’s right - it was great and now it's even BETTER. 

We know that with our current page builder there are times where you just want to make small tweaks to your pages. Just a little more customization or flexibility and it'd be perfect, right?

You might love a certain template but you don’t want to dive into the code just to change one aspect, like adding a testimonial section or an extra call-to-action.

Now with our new page builder, you can do that and much, much more.

The best part is that it’s drag-and-drop easy. All you have to do is choose the type of section you want to add and drag it to where you want it to be on the page - that’s it! (and trust us, you'll want to see how cool the drag and drop functionality is) Imagine, with just a few clicks, you're building entirely new pages from scratch.



Let's say you wanted to place multiple call-to-actions throughout your page. Now you can easily do that, too. With our new theme customizer, you can do whatever you want to your pages, without needing to touch the code.

Here’s a few of the really cool things you can do with our new page builder:

  • Add any type of section you want - even multiple sections of the same type
  • Drag any section to wherever you want on the page
  • Turn any button into a two-step opt-in
  • Create an exit pop-up
  • And so much more

We could spend all day talking about all the features and how amazing it is - just watch the video above see our page builder in action and see our new flagship theme, Premier.

Our new page builder is available today! 

Kajabi is the best way to turn your knowledge into income

At Kajabi, we’re working to build a world where everyone can build a life and business around their income. 

With Kajabi, you can sell your expertise online. Create online courses, establish membership sites, offer coaching programs, host a podcast, and sell other digital products. Plus, you'll get marketing tools like a website, CRM, email marketing, landing page templates, and helpful analytics to help you spread the word about your products and earn more revenue.

Fully explore what Kajabi has to offer and start building your business during a free trial. Start your free 14-day trial of Kajabi today!

Still researching? Check out Kajabi’s free downloadable ebook guides on launching and growing a knowledge commerce online business!

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