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Filming an online course: what you need to about camera gear


Sep 13, 2017
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Before we get into camera gear and filming set ups, a few disclaimers…

#1: These Are Suggestions, Not Necessities

Keep in mind, the biggest contributor to your online business' success, the only thing that truly matters... is your content.

Your course HAS to be good if you want to succeed.

You can have all the latest and greatest gear out there, but it isn’t going to save a course that isn’t thought out, inaccurate, or doesn’t accomplish what you intended.

For this post, we’ll assume you have studied up on what niche you plan to shape your business around and have created an outline of your course content. After this, you are ready to bring it all to life on camera!

#2: Expensive Isn't Always The Best

When looking into camera gear, it's important to remember the best piece of equipment is the one that allows you to start making sales right away and fits into your budget.

Spending hours obsessing over which new expensive DSLR to buy is a waste of time and you could have filmed your entire course on your phone by the time you finish reading all those Amazon reviews.

#3: We Aren't Affiliates For Any Of These Brands

This is not a sponsored post and we don’t get any money from talking about these brands or linking to their products!

We shoot a lot of videos and just want to share what we have learned along the way...

So, let’s talk about shiny stuff!

Here are 4 devices we highly recommend for recording video:

1. iPhone/Android

Most everyone nowadays has a smartphone, and whether you own an iPhone or an Android, the video quality on these things is insane.

If you haven’t filmed your course yet and have a phone, buy this tri-pod, then close this post, AND GO FILM YOUR DANG COURSE!!!

With a few settings adjustments, your Android/iPhone is all you need to start recording and selling your course.

Here is a link to the camera tripod extension for your smartphone that Joe mentions in the video!

2. Webcam

Just like with smartphones, if you have an online business, you more than likely have a computer with a built-in camera.

Using your computer’s built-in camera is another great way to get started with no additional investment.

Between the two, we would go with a smartphone, though, because the quality of a smartphone camera is far superior to that of a webcam.

If you do decide to use a webcam, be sure to film your videos facing a natural light source, with a clean background, and position your webcam at eye level.

These tips apply to all video recording methods. They will drastically improve the quality of the image, and most importantly, make you look good!

Also, if you have the budget and are interested in purchasing a higher quality external webcam, you can typically find them anywhere from $30-$100.

Here are a few we recommend:

3. Point & Shoot Camera

If you have a bit larger of a budget for your filming supplies, the next best option is to invest in a small point and shoot camera.

These cameras can range anywhere from $100-$300.

What’s nice about a point and shoot is, like the name suggests, they are extremely easy to use. The quality of most point and shoot cameras is pretty good and will definitely be a step above a webcam.

If you want to have a camera dedicated to filming videos for your business, here are some great options:

 **It’s important to note that the higher you go in price, the quality of camera improves at a smaller rate. In other words, the price difference is huge but the quality only slightly improves. Like Casey Neistat’s Guide to Filmmaking, the ROI diminishes the higher price you go.


If you are looking to make a serious investment for your online business and want the highest video quality, getting a DSLR is the next move up.

Again, keep in mind that the differences between camera models and additional lense options only increases the quality by a small margin compared to the jump in cost.

Here is where we highly suggesting spending time researching, reading those Amazon reviews, and looking for a model that suits your needs and experience.

It might be a good idea to take full advantage of alternate filming methods - like your smartphone or webcam - before purchasing your first DSLR.

If you are already running a successful online business, you have the budget, and want to take your business to the next level, the addition of a DSLR to your course production will help get you there.

Here’s a list of DSLRs to start with and some of the ones we use at Kajabi:

So, there are lots of different options out there, but once again, do whatever fits your budget and helps you get people into your courses as fast as possible!

The Kajabi Tech Corner video resources Joe mentioned are additional resources we have created for you to reference. These are videos are to help you succeed in recording videos for your online course!

If you are just starting out, we encourage you to work your way up to the more expensive options. Start by filming on your phone and once you have mastered that, then consider the best way to upgrade your business.

Filming videos should be fun and exciting!

And with all of the options and tips we have laid out for you, your videos are guaranteed to be awesome!

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