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How it Works: Blazing Fast Animation Inside Kajabi Pages


Dec 27, 2019
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Kajabi Hero Live
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A few weeks ago, we hosted a small group of #KajabiHeroes at Kajabi HQ to show them an exclusive demo of our new Kajabi Pages.  

When we asked them which feature stood out the most, we got responses like this:

“Animations - just little details like that... it just looks so much more professional, and it's literally clicking a button, so I don't have to do anything or code anything.” - Jamie Dana

And some surprising revelations, like this:

“There's one part of my business where we're actually still on Wordpress, and one of the big things that keeps us over there is animation. Creating the dynamic page… so that, what I just saw? That's the deal." - Ryan Kingslien

It's no surprise that the animations got a significant share of the glory. After all, it's their job to be eye-catching, attention-grabbing, and impressive. 

They're there to leave your visitors with the impression that you hired an expensive developer to create a slick, professional website. When in fact, all you did was animate your page yourself with a few clicks. 

But during our live broadcast, we also got the following user question:  

Won't the animations slow down my page?

This concern isn't a surprise. At one time or another, we've all seen a site that was bogged down by slow-loading animations.  

Some of our users have undoubtedly experienced this with their sites on other platforms. 

This problem occurs because of the time it takes for a browser to download an animation script via CDN (Content Delivery Network). It gets even worse when the script is bloated with unnecessary or duplicate code. 

When you're adding animations to your site via a random plugin, you can't tell if your animation script has unnecessary code that's causing it to download slowly. And even if the script is perfect, downloading via CDN takes longer regardless. 

What's worse, when you do get complaints from customers, you're at the mercy of some random person to perform maintenance and updates to the code. Either that or you're stuck starting from scratch. 

That "stuck" feeling is something we never want you to have inside Kajabi. 

So here's what we did differently:

First, we used a minified script to compile the animations. 

Minification is the process of removing unnecessary or redundant data without affecting how the browser processes the code (it's a fancy way to say that we've streamlined every single script inside Kajabi Pages for ultra-fast loading).  

Second, we made all of our animations CSS3 based, which is the simplest and fastest language for a browser to read. That was a no-brainer.  

And finally, instead of waiting for the browser to download the script via CDN, we baked the script right into the theme, which means that the CSS3 animations are loaded and ready to run in literal milliseconds.  

We put all of this magic under the hood to ensure one thing: that your visitors never know the meaning of lag. 

Kajabi Pages is all about helping you present an elevated, professional online presence to your audience. Zippy little animations are just one of many ways to do that, but they're undoubtedly one of the most noticeable and fun. 

So go ahead, shake up your landing page and bring things to life with animations. We've got the speed-issue covered.

Start your free 14-day trial of Kajabi today!

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