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How much does Kajabi cost? The ultimate guide to Kajabi pricing


Jun 11, 2019
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We get a lot of questions about Kajabi pricing.

We can tell you about our beautiful websites, fully functional marketing features, and award-winning customer service all day, but for a lot of people it comes down to how much they are spending.

They want to know, “how much does Kajabi cost?”

And they want to know now.

These people are often focused on how much they are spending rather than looking at Kajabi as an investment. In this blog post, we are breaking down the cost benefits of Kajabi and how it can better serve you in the long run! 


Spending vs. Investing

When you are spending it can often feel like every dollar counts.

These purchases you have to make but don’t necessarily want to, are called grudge purchases.

A grudge purchase, like insurance or buying a new mattress, is a purchase the customer doesn’t actually want to make but sees as a necessity.

When you make a grudge purchase, you want to spend as little as possible.

This can lead to making bad decisions in the name of saving money.

Like choosing a bargain online course platform only to end up paying way more in the long run when it doesn't work as advertised. 

With investments, on the other hand, how much you spend doesn’t matter as long as you make a profit.

What if Kajabi cost $1M dollars but was going to return you $2M dollars? You’d make that investment every day and twice on Sundays!

When it comes to how much Kajabi or any business software costs, you need to stop thinking about spending and start thinking about investing.

Instead of thinking about how much Kajabi costs, think about how much Kajabi could be worth to your business.

Imagine how much being able to quickly and easily create beautiful, mobile-friendly websites in just a few clicks without hiring a designer is worth to your business.

Think about how much it’s worth to you to NEVER have to try to duct tape together 4-5 different systems to be able to make sales.

No more staying up late nights trying to create PayPal buttons or stitch different websites together.

Get a notepad out and do some back-of-the-envelope math on how much you’re already spending on your website, email marketing, and course software. 

Think about how much it would be worth to you to make all of those headaches go away and just have a system that works!

And think about how much more money your business would make if you never had to worry about technology ever again! 

How much does Kajabi cost?

Like being asked how to play a specific hand in poker or position in chess, the answer is – it depends.

Kajabi pricing depends on two factors:

  1. The plan you select.
  2. Whether you pay month to month or annually.

Let’s look at how both of these affect how much Kajabi costs:

How Your Kajabi Plan Affects Kajabi Pricing:

There are three types of Kajabi Plans:

  1. Basic. Our Basic Plan is for beginners. If you are just starting your business or looking to create your first online course, this is the plan for you!
  2. Growth. Our Growth Plan is for those entrepreneurs who already have a business but are looking to grow fast! If you have a few online courses and a decent sized email list but aren’t quite where you want to be, this is the plan for you!
  3. Pro. Our Pro Plan is our top-of-the-line plan and is perfect if you already have a successful 6-figure business and are looking to get to the next level.

The Kajabi basic plan costs $149 a month if you pay month-to-month and gives you:

  • 3 Products
  • 3 Funnels
  • Unlimited Landing Pages
  • Unlimited Marketing Emails
  • 10,000 Contacts
  • 1,000 Active Customers
  • 0% Transaction Fee
  • 1 Website
  • 1 Admin User
  • Kajabi University
  • Webinars & Events
  • Ready to Use Templates
  • Assessments (Quizzes & Surveys)
  • Chat Support

The Kajabi Basic Plan is designed for people who are just getting started with their first or 2nd online course. Our Basic Plan gives you EVERYTHING you need to grow your business from $0 to 6-figures!

All for as little as $119 a month if you pay annually!

The Kajabi Growth Plan costs $199 a month if you pay month to month and gives you:

  • 15 Products
  • 15 Funnels
  • Unlimited Landing Pages
  • Unlimited Marketing Emails
  • 25,000 Contacts
  • 10,000 Active Customers
  • 1 Website
  • 10 Admin Users
  • Kajabi University
  • 0% Transaction Fee
  • Webinars & Events
  • Ready to Use Templates
  • Assessments (Quizzes & Surveys)
  • 24/7 Chat Support
  • Ability to Remove Kajabi Branding
  • Automations
  • Affiliate Program

The Kajabi Growth Plan is designed for people who have already created and sold their first couple of courses and want to scale! The Kajabi Growth Plan is perfect if you have a small online course business that is growing fast and want to get everything in one place for one price!

The Kajabi Pro Plan costs $399 a month if you pay monthly and gives you:

  • 100 Products
  • 100 Funnels
  • Unlimited Landing Pages
  • 2,000,000 Marketing Emails
  • 100,000 Contacts
  • 20,000 Active Customers
  • 3 Websites
  • 25 Admin Users
  • Kajabi University + Experts Academy
  • 0% Transaction Fee
  • Webinars & Events
  • Ready to Use Templates
  • Assessments (Quizzes & Surveys)
  • 24/7 Chat Support
  • Ability to Remove Kajabi Branding
  • Automations
  • Affiliate Program
  • Template Editor

The Kajabi Pro Plan is designed for the 6-figure entrepreneur who wants to grow their business to 7-figures and beyond! With the Kajabi Pro Plan, you get everything Kajabi has to offer to help you take your business to the next level!

So, that is how the plan you choose affects your Kajabi pricing.

Now let’s look at how whether you pay month-to-month or annually affects how much Kajabi costs.


Kajabi annual discount:

With the Basic Plan, if you pay monthly you pay $149 a month or $1788 for the entire year.

If you pay annually, you get a discount of over $350, meaning you only pay $1428 for the entire year!!!!!

If you charge just $98 for your online course, you only need to sell 15 courses to pay for an entire year of Kajabi!

The growth plan costs $199 a month on the month-to-month plan or $2388 for the whole year.

But if you pay for the whole year upfront, you pay just $1908, saving a whopping $480!

At $98 a sale, you only need to sell 20 courses to pay for a year of the Kajabi Growth Plan!

Finally, the pro plan costs $399 a month on the monthly plan or $4788.

However, when you sign up for the annual plan, you pay just $3828 – a savings of over $960!

At $98 a sale, you only need to sell 39 courses to pay for an entire year of Kajabi Pro!

So, how much does Kajabi cost?

It can be as little as $119 a month when you take advantage of our annual discount or it can be as much as $399 a month if you pick the Pro Plan and pay month-to-month.

Here at Kajabi, we truly believe in customizing everything for you, our customer.

We have built Kajabi to the exact needs of our customers and we want our pricing to reflect that as well.

No matter where your business is, we have a plan that is a great investment.

We want you to get the plan you need at a price you can afford.

If you’re just starting off and money is tight, you can get started for just $149 with our month-to-month basic plan.

If you already have 25 products and are killing it, trading in your subscriptions to services like Infusionsoft, Teachable, and Thrive templates for a Kajabi Pro Plan could save you thousands of dollars over the course of a year!

Remember at the beginning of this post when we talked about the difference between investing and spending?

Kajabi is an investment.

And it’s an investment designed to fit where your business is right now. If your business grows, it’s simple to upgrade your plan. We want to grow with you!

At Kajabi, we consider our customers true partners. Don’t take our word for it, listen to one of our Kajabi Heroes and original customers, Bonnie Frank:

"I've been with Kajabi since they started and literally every single thing that I have seen the Heroes suggest is now part of the Kajabi platform."

We know that Kajabi is the right choice for you, no matter where your business is today! Get started with Kajabi today by taking advantage of our FREE 14-day trial!


Further research

Check out Kajabi’s free downloadable ebook resources.
Attend free Kajabi webinars Monday - Friday to answer your questions about Kajabi's capabilities.
Tune in to the Kajabi podcast, Kajabi Edge to hear interviews with Kajabi Heroes.

Review how Kajabi stacks up to the competition. Hint - Kajabi is often a much better value!

Kajabi vs. Teachable
Kajabi vs. Thinkific

Kajabi vs. Podia

Kajabi vs. Clickfunnels

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