How often should you blog and how to promote your blog posts
In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about Blogging, how often you should blog, and how you can easily promote your blog posts.

Every so often, we get this question from one of our customers: "How often should I blog?" Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all answer.
Blogging offers an effective way to connect with potential customers as well as people who have already bought your online course. You can share all types of information with your target audience and make your website more visible to the public.
But knowing how often you should blog requires a careful evaluation of your current marketing strategy and your personal schedule. What works for one entrepreneur might not be feasible or sufficient, depending on the case, for another.
That doesn't mean disregard the industry's best practices when it comes to deciding how often you should blog. We're going to share with you a few tips and strategies that you can use to make your blog as effective as possible.
If you're not sure how often you should blog, take each of these tips into consideration. Create a blogging schedule that meets your needs and available time as well as your audience's demand.
What Are the Primary Benefits of Blogging?

Before we jump into the issue of blogging frequency, let's explore the benefits of blogging and the impact that frequency can have on your blog's effectiveness.
You might have noticed that many entrepreneurs start blogs only to give up after posting a few halfhearted attempts at articles. Those entrepreneurs gave up too quickly because they didn't experience immediate ROI.
Don't let that happen to you. Content marketing in general – and blogging in particular – is a long-term game. You won't see results in a few days or weeks. You have to keep at it.
That's why it helps to know what benefits you can garner from long-term blogging.
Blogging offers a way to connect with your audience and share your knowledge. Obviously, your most in-depth content will appear in your online courses and other digital products. However, it pays to share some of your information for free.
It's sort of like a screen test. Actors do screen tests to demonstrate their skills and to prove that they're right for a part.
Writing a blog shows your ability to convey information and to teach your audience, which can encourage readers to sign up for your paid Knowledge Commerce products.
The more you blog, the more you'll understand your audience and anticipate what they need. We'll explore other benefits of blogging later in this post, but know that your efforts will be rewarded after you've blogged for a significant period of time.
How Can Blogging Fit With Your Marketing Goals?
You might have developed a set of marketing goals for your online business. If so, pat yourself on the back.
Too many entrepreneurs begin online businesses without clear goals and objectives. That's a shame because otherwise talented professionals miss out on opportunities.
Blogging should not exist in a vacuum. It needs to be part of your overall marketing strategy and should align with the goals that you have set for your business.
That's why you must carefully consider the question of how often you should blog. It should tie into your other marketing strategies and complement them.
Maybe you want to increase brand awareness, drive more traffic to your website, grow your email list, or boost sales of your online courses. The specific marketing goals you set for yourself should inform your blog post content and frequency.
Have You Started Blogging?

The first thing you need to consider is your past blogging activity. Maybe you haven't set up a blog in Kajabi at all, in which case you're starting with a blank slate.
On the other hand, maybe you have an expert blog full of posts that might or might not fit with your marketing goals moving forward. You must consider the impact of those posts on your future marketing efforts.
You've already set expectations among your audience if you've already started blogging. You must decide whether you want to maintain those expectations and keep up the past frequency or turn over a new leaf and approach blogging differently.
The right answer depends on your marketing goals and the feedback you've received from your audience.
If you have never blogged before, go back to your marketing strategy. Create a new marketing plan that includes your blog as part of your overall campaign.
Based on the objectives that you have set for your business, you'll need to decide what you want to blog about and how often you will post.
What Specific Benefits Should Encourage You to Blog More Often?
The ideal blogging frequency depends on many factors, but it helps to know the red flags that might indicate that you should blog more often. Many businesses and entrepreneurs experienced extreme benefits when they ramped up their blogging frequency and thereby reach more customers.
Still others get more leads through other marketing channels and blog less frequently. There's no right or wrong answer except the one that benefits your business and your audience.
Let's look at a few of the specific benefits of more frequent blogging so you can make an informed decision about your own website.
Build a Community Around Your Blog
Blogging can help establish a community that supports your business and incentivizes purchases. You might notice that some of the most popular blogs receive hundreds of comments on every post.
You can't expect that level of engagement after blogging for just a few weeks or even a few months. However, if you're consistent with your blog schedule and devoted to nurturing your audience, you'll gradually see escalating engagement.
Think about businesses that are built around weight-loss products. Those businesses often establish thriving communities that allow members to support and advise one another.
You don't have to work in the weight-loss industry to experience the same benefits. In Knowledge Commerce, your brand revolves around your ability to teach your customers. If you are active in your community, you'll gain respect and credibility from your audience.
Get More Opportunities to Rank in the Search Engines
When it comes to search engine rankings, more pages give you more opportunities to rank. For instance, if you only have 10 pages on your website, you'll become less visible in the search engines because you can only rank for so many queries.
As you add more blog posts, you gain new opportunities to get found through searches related to your industry. You can focus each post on one or two primary keywords as well as a handful of LSI keywords.
Growing your website from 10 pages to 100 pages gives you 10 times more chances to get found by your target audience. Those pages also tell Google what your website is about and demonstrates that you are active on the website.
Of course, it's not just about posting new pages on your blog. Thin content that lacks value for the reader will only hurt your chances of converting visitors into leads.
How do you solve this problem? You choose a blogging frequency that allows you to produce value-driven, useful content that answers specific questions and helps your audience grow.
Yes, meatier articles take more time to produce, but you'll get more ROI for the time and energy you spent creating. You'll show up more often in the search engines and drive more traffic to your site.
Publish News and Updates to Keep Your Audience Excited
Excitement and anticipation should not be discounted when it comes to marketing – especially content marketing. While evergreen content offers lasting durability when it comes to traffic and search rankings, news and updates can bring brief spikes of traffic and whet your followers' appetites for future products.
Think of these types of blog posts as internal press releases. You can describe your products' benefits and features and help your readers visualize how they might benefit from them.
You should only post news- and update-related content when you have something newsworthy to share. Aim to create at least 80% evergreen content and no more than 20% promotional content.
Some entrepreneurs use news and updates as special blog posts. They exist outside the traditional publishing schedule and therefore attract more attention.
Compete More Easily With Others in Your Industry
A bit of competition research can help you decide how often you should blog. While this should not be the only factor to consider, it's helpful to know what your competition is doing and how effective it is for their businesses.
Choose your top three competitors in the Knowledge Commerce industry and check out the last 3 to 6 months of their blog posts. How many times per week do they publish new posts? How long are their blog posts on average?
In content marketing, producing better, longer, and more value-driven content can help you get better rankings in the search engines and to steal customers from your competitors.
However, you don't want to overextend yourself. You have to consider the amount of time you can devote to blogging so you don't disappoint your audience. We'll cover that in more detail later, they keep that idea in the back of your mind as you read this article.
Define and Manage Your Resources
Blogging doesn't cost any money unless you hire a writer to do it for you. However, it does cost time and energy that you could devote to other pursuits. When deciding whether you should increase your blogging frequency, consider your priorities when it comes to distributing your resources across all tasks on your plate.
It's not just about writing the blog posts, either. You also have to add images, promote the posts, and update older content so it remains relevant potential customers.
If you decide to increase your blogging frequency, something else will have to give. If you know that you have more time on your hands, blogging more often might be a great way to ramp up your marketing campaign.
Establish Your Credibility With Your Audience
Credibility means everything in Knowledge Commerce. Without it, prospective customers will not feel confident about handing you money for your digital products.
When you blog more often, you get more opportunities to demonstrate your credibility and your authority in your chosen niche. You get to demonstrate your teaching style as well as your command of the topic at hand.
You don't want to give away all of your information through blogging. Instead, you want to provide a hint of what prospective customers can expect after they sign up for one of your online courses.
If you feel like you lack credibility in your industry, ramping up your blogging schedule and rectify that problem quickly. When you receive queries from prospective customers about your experience and knowledge level, you can point them toward specific blog posts that might help them judge your credibility more easily.
Build More Equity in the Knowledge Commerce Industry
As Knowledge Commerce takes off, you want to stay at the forefront of your industry. Blogging more often can help you reach that goal.
At Kajabi, we regularly publish long-form content to not only help our customers and potential customers but also to solidify our position in the Knowledge Commerce industry.
In other words, when people think of Knowledge Commerce, we want them to think of us. You can do the same.
Blogging offers just one strategy in your toolkit for building equity in this industry. We recommend at least testing a more frequent blogging schedule to see whether it has an impact on your sales, brand awareness, and lead generation.
Create an Easy Reference for Your Customers
When your customers have a question, you don't want them to seek the answer from some other business or entrepreneur. Instead, you want them to come directly to you.
As an entrepreneur, engaging with your audience and answering their questions is an essential element of building your brand. Answering the same questions over and over again through email, social media, and other venues can quickly drain your resources.
However, you can cover more topics if you blog more frequently, then refer your customers and prospects to those blog posts when they submit related questions.
Make Your Business More Visible
An extensive backlist of blog posts doesn't just make you more visible to search engines. If you've ever gotten lost in a blog by clicking a link after link, you know how easy it is to get immersed in a publication because there's so much valuable information within it.
If that's the kind of environment you want to create on your website, blogging more often can make it happen. Interlinking your blog posts can help with SEO as well as keeping visitors on your website for longer periods of time.
Share Your Knowledge With People Who Aren’t Ready to Buy (Yet)
Many people will visit your website and your blog even though they aren't ready to buy one of your digital products yet. That's okay. In fact, it's a good thing.
Producing content for people who are not yet become customers will submit your brand in their minds. When they are ready to buy, you'll be the first business they consider.
Plus, they might share your content with their own audiences, which further increases your visibility. The people with whom they share your content might actually be ready to buy, in which case you just made a sale.
Get to Know Your Target Audience
The more you know about the people you educate, the better you can serve them. There are lots of ways to get to know your audience, but blogging is one of the most efficient and effective.
As engagement grows on your blog, you'll get questions from current and prospective customers as well as comments about the content you've posted. This feedback can help shape your future digital products so that you deliver exactly what your audience needs.
You can also use blog posts to gather information via surveys and polls. The answers to the questions you ask can prove invaluable when it comes to creating future online courses.
How Long Should Each Blog Post Be?

Blogging frequency isn't the only issue you need to address when it comes to creating a marketing plan for your blog. You also need to decide how long each blog post will be.
Let's say that you write a 500-word blog post on Monday and a 3000-word blog post on Tuesday. Your audience will sense the unevenness of your blog and might doubt that you're capable of delivering quality content.
Does this mean that you should never publish a 500-word blog post? Absolutely not. If you discover that your audience prefers short-form content, then shorter blog posts will serve you more effectively.
Decide on a target length for each blog post, then stick to it.
Should You Post Daily?
If you have the time and resources to blog daily, you might want to consider it. You'll become a constant source of information for your audience and you'll build up a backlist of blog posts rather quickly.
However, you should not commit to blogging once per day if you don't think you can sustain that frequency. You'll burn out within a couple of weeks and you won't be able to keep your commitment to your audience.
Can Fewer Posts Per Week Benefit Your Business?
What if you published new blog posts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday? You've created a blogging schedule that works for your needs and your audience's.
No, you won't publish a blog post every day, she might be able to put more effort into each blog post and therefore increase its value for your audience.
Why Does Consistency Beat Quantity?

You'll notice that we didn't say you have to post with any specific frequency. There's an important reason for that.
Imagine that you announce a new online course and set its release date. Then, the release date comes and goes, and you still haven't released your course.
How would your audience feel about that broken promise? You might not lose any sales, but you could easily lose credibility.
Just because your audience doesn't pay for your blog content doesn't mean that you should betray their expectations. They assume that your conduct on your blog will reflect your conduct in paying products.
It's far more important to maintain consistency in your blogging schedule and to blog as often as you possibly can. You might have weeks when you can post every day, but that doesn't mean you should. One month down the road, you might only be able to post once per week.
Instead of using that extra time to post new content, create content that you will release later on your chosen blogging schedule. Your consistency remains intact and you don't have to worry about running out of content — especially if you run into a busy week and find that you have no time to write.
How Can You Find a Realistic Posting Schedule?
Think about the time you devote to your online business. How much of your time do you spend creating online courses, answering emails, and conducting other tasks?
Now think about your available time. Remember to factor in things like family obligations and your social life. You don't want to burn yourself out through blogging.
You must also think about the blog post length we discussed earlier. It takes far more time to produce a 2000-word article than a 300-word post.
Armed with that information, you can determine what blog posting schedule will work best for you.
What Tests Should You Conduct to Find the Ideal Posting Schedule?
One way to figure out the ideal posting schedule is to directly ask your audience. Use a social media poll to gain feedback from your audience about how often they would like to read your content.
You can also test your posting frequency. The first week, publish just three times per week. The next week, post every day. Compare engagement levels and traffic numbers.
Have You Promoted Your Blog Posts?

As we mentioned before, blog post frequency should depend not only on the actual writing of the blog posts but also on the other activities required to make your blog successful.
Specifically, promoting your blog posts can have an incredible impact on traffic, social shares, and other metrics. If you never share your blog posts, you might never get any traffic at all.
Here are a few ways to promote your blog posts and increase your visibility.
Start Spreading the Word Through Email Marketing
Email marketing offers an ideal way to make sure that your most devoted followers see your blog posts. Promote two or three blog posts in every email newsletter. Include an image, an excerpt, and a link for each.
You don't want to overwhelm your audience with content. Sending a daily digest of your most recent blog posts will likely result in irritated subscribers. That's the opposite of the result you want.
Get Active on Social Media
Next, turn to social media to promote your blog posts. Tools like Buffer allow you to automatically share your blog posts and to schedule content well in advance.
Remember, though, that you don't want to use social media exclusively — or even primarily — for promotional posts. In between sharing your latest blog posts, sure other interesting information with your audience.
Learn the Basics of SEO
If you're not familiar with SEO, now is the time to educate yourself. Learn the basics of SEO, from keyword selection and usage to linking and meta-data.
SEO helps your blog content get found on Google and other search engines. You don't want to waste valuable words that might never get mad your target audience.
Advertise Your Blog on Social or Through Search
Advertising offers another way to get your content seen quicker by your target audience. While it does cost money to advertise through search engines or on social media, you might find that the ROI proves worth the expense.
For example, you could boost a Facebook post that mentions your latest article. It's not expensive to boost a post and you can target users who are not already aware of your brand.
Submit Your Content to Forums and Communities
If you get involved in communities outside your blog, you can reach audiences you might not have otherwise found you. Trade organizations, for example, often have online communities dedicated to people who work within that industry.
Online forums and other communities can also help you spread the word. Just remember that you shouldn't spam those communities with links to your blog posts. Keep any promotion extremely subtle and only link to your content when it can help other users.
Add Social Share Buttons on Your Blog
Including social share buttons on your website will encourage visitors to share your blog posts with their communities. WordPress plugins like AddThis make this process extremely easy.
Join Facebook & LinkedIn Groups
Getting active on Facebook and LinkedIn can help you promote your blog posts. Take it a step further by joining groups on those two social media platforms and connect with like-minded people.
If you can't find a group that resonates with you or relates to your online business, consider creating your own group. You can always invite people who follow you on those platforms to join the group and interact.
Start Selling You Knowledge Using Kajabi Today

When it comes to Knowledge Commerce, blogging is one of the most powerful ways to reach your audience. It demonstrates your ability to teach with confidence and to establish your credibility with people who might buy your online courses.
Fortunately, you can create your own blog within the Kajabi platform. Choose a theme that you like, name your blog, and write your first post.
Use Kajabi's built-in email marketing system and other tools to promote your blog posts individually in your blog as a whole. Before you know it, you'll start attracting traffic from people you might buy your online courses.
Conclusion: The World Needs Your Knowledge
Now that you are more familiar with the basics of blogging and the need to carefully choose your blogging frequency, you can make educated decisions about your own blog.
Consider the frequency with which you blog now — if you blog at all. Consider reasons to increase your blogging frequency, from getting the opportunity to share your knowledge with people to becoming more visible in the search engines.
Set up blogging frequency that works with your schedule as well as your audience's expectations. Remember that consistency beats quantity every time. Once you create a realistic posting schedule, find the time to promote each blog post.
Add your blog post links to your email newsletters, get active on social media, learn SEO, and consider advertising.
You might also want to participate in other online communities, add social share buttons to your blog posts, and join or create Facebook and LinkedIn groups.
Now all you have to do is set up or start posting on your Kajabi blog. This is one of the best ways to build credibility and equity in the Knowledge Commerce sphere.
How often do you blog? Are you thinking about changing your frequency or starting a blog?
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