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Woman using headphones and a course sales page. Text above reads "HOW TO SELL A COURSE THROUGH LANDING PAGE."

How To Sell A Course Online Through A Landing Page


Jun 5, 2024
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An online course is an excellent opportunity to monetize your knowledge. But, how can you do it in a special way that would make it different from those thousands of others?

A key part of your course should be the landing page, a page on which your course is introduced and visitors are convinced to sign up.

A course landing page can be a game-changer for a course creator, helping increase sales and connect with the right audience. Let's dive right into the key components of a successful course landing page.

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What Is A Course Landing Page?

A landing page is a single web page exclusively developed to sell a specific online course. The mission is to convert visitors into students by demonstrating the course's value.

Key elements of a course landing page include:

  • Compelling headline: Get attention and clearly show the big benefit of the course.
  • Engaging visuals: Grab interest within a glance by showing some images, videos, or graphics that give a sneak peek of the course content and the instructor.
  • Persuasive copy: Elaborate on the innovative course, the learning outcomes that learners might achieve, and the credentials.
  • Obvious call-to-action: Make it obvious and easy for the visitors to sign up or purchase by using big buttons.
  • Social proof: Testimonials, reviews, or company logos to make visitors trust the course by showing them that other people have taken it and liked it.

A great course landing page is focused on one course. It should guide the visitor to sign up and minimize any distractions or links leading to different pages.

Course landing pages can feature a mix of courses, from micro-courses intended just to be short tutorials to deeper certification courses. This works equally well for free and paid courses.

The key is understanding what your targeted students desire and building a page around it to talk directly to them. Master these elements and build a landing page that helps you attract students and grow your online course business.

Why Use A Landing Page To Sell Your Online Course?

A dedicated landing page will allow you to effectively market your course, increase conversions, and maintain the focus of the visitor on this individual product, minimizing ambiguity in what you want them to do.

Landing pages allow you to attract your targeted audiences from your ads and campaigns. The copy and design can be set to appease several target market segments.

However, a landing page should remove all the distractions and navigation seen on your main website to create a distraction-free environment where visitors can learn more about your course. This reduces the odds of bouncing away, resulting in more engagement and, ultimately, more conversion.

A landing page gives you ample space to include everything key about your course: its benefits, your expertise, its content, and what makes it unique.

Online course landing pages will always be a powerful sales channel, especially now that the e-learning market is growing. Due to this growth, much has been invested in creating landing pages that draw attention and echo the course value.

How To Create A High-Converting Course Landing Page

A high-converting course landing page persuades visitors to enroll in your online course. To create an effective landing page, follow these steps:

1. Craft A Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing potential students see. It needs to grab their attention and make them want to keep reading. A great headline clearly communicates the main benefit of your course and the transformation students will achieve.

Focus On The End Result

Instead of just stating the course topic, highlight what students will be able to do after taking your course. For example:

  • "Launch Your Own Profitable Online Store in 30 Days"
  • "Master Spanish Conversation Skills for Your Next Trip Abroad"
  • "Become a Certified Yoga Instructor and Teach Classes Worldwide"

Use Power Words

Incorporate powerful, emotion-evoking words to make your headline stand out. Some examples:

  • Skyrocket
  • Effortless
  • Insider
  • Proven

Keep It Clear And Concise

Your headline should be easy to understand at a glance. Avoid using jargon or complex language. Aim for around 10-20 words.

Test Different Headlines

Come up with a few different headline options and test them with your target audience. You can use tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner to see which headlines get the most interest.

Remember, your headline is a promise to potential students. It should accurately reflect what your course delivers and get them excited to learn more.

2. Provide An Engaging Course Description

Your course description is your opportunity to showcase the value and uniqueness of your course. It should give potential students a clear idea of what they will learn and how it will benefit them.

Highlight The Key Learning Outcomes

  • Focus on the transformation: Emphasize how your course will change students' lives, careers, or skills. Will they be able to land their dream job, start a successful business, or master a new hobby?
  • Be specific: Instead of generic statements like "improve your skills," mention the specific skills students will gain, such as "learn how to create a Facebook ad campaign that generates leads on autopilot."
  • Quantify the results: If possible, include measurable outcomes, such as "increase your website traffic by 200% in 90 days" or "save 10 hours per week by automating your social media posting."

Use Engaging Formatting

  • Break up the text: Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to make your description easy to scan. Most people won't read every word, so make sure the key points stand out.
  • Add visuals: Include relevant images, infographics, or videos to illustrate your points and break up the text. Visuals can help convey complex ideas and make your page more engaging.
  • Highlight key phrases: Use bold, italics, or color to emphasize the most important points. This can help draw the reader's eye to your course's main benefits and features.

Tell A Story

  • Share your journey: If you have a personal story related to the course topic, share it in your description. This can help build a connection with potential students and show them that you understand their challenges.
  • Use case studies: If you have successful students or clients, showcase their stories in your description. This provides social proof and helps potential students envision their own success.
  • Paint a picture: Use descriptive language to help potential students imagine their life livesr taking your course. Will they have more free time, financial freedom, or a fulfilling career?

Optimize For Search Engines

  • Use relevant keywords: Include the main keywords related to your course topic in your description, such as "learn social media marketing" or "beginner yoga course." This can help your landing page rank higher in search results.
  • Include FAQ sections: Anticipate potential students' common questions and answer them in your description. This provides valuable information andge rank for long-tail keywords.
  • Add alt text to images: Include relevant keywords in the alt text of your images. This helps search engines understand the content of your images and can improve your page's visibility.

Remember, your course description should be all about your potential students and how your course can help them achieve their goals. Keep it engaging, informative, and focused on the benefits, and you'll be well on your way to creating a high-converting course landing page.

3. Establish Your Credibility As An Instructor

Your potential students want to learn from an expert they can trust. Showcasing your credentials and experience demonstrates why you're qualified to teach the course.

Share Your Relevant Background

  • Highlight your expertise: Mention any relevant degrees, certifications, or awards you've earned in your field. If you've worked with well-known companies or clients, include their names to build credibility.
  • Showcase your experience: Share how long you've been working in your industry and any notable accomplishments or projects you've completed. If you've taught similar courses before, mention the results your students achieved.
  • Provide social proof: If you've been featured in media outlets, spoken at conferences, or received endorsements from industry leaders, include these to further establish your authority.

Create A Compelling Bio

  • Keep it concise: Your bio should be short and to the point, highlighting your most impressive and relevant achievements. Aim for 100-200 words.
  • Write in the third person: Using "he/she" instead of "I" can make your bio feel more objective and professional.
  • Inject personality: While staying professional, let your unique voice and personality shine through. This can help potential students feel more connected to you as an instructor.

Include A Professional Photo

  • Use a high-quality headshot: Choose a clear, well-lit photo that shows your face and upper body. Avoid using group photos or full-body shots.
  • Dress appropriately: Wear clothing that aligns with your brand and the tone of your course. If your course is more formal, wear business attire. If it's more casual, opt for a relaxed but put-together look.
  • Smile and make eye contact: A warm, friendly expression can help potential students feel more connected to you and confident in your ability to teach them.

4. Include Social Proof And Testimonials

Social proof is a powerful psychological phenomenon where people tend to follow the actions and opinions of others. When selling your online course, incorporating social proof on your landing page can significantly boost your conversions.

Showcase Testimonials From Past Students

Testimonials from satisfied students who have taken your course provide credibility and reassurance to potential enrollees. They demonstrate that your course delivers real results and value.

  • Include specific results: Instead of generic praise, use testimonials that highlight measurable outcomes students achieved after taking your course. For example, "Thanks to this course, I landed my dream job within 2 months of completing it!"
  • Use real names and photos: Attributing testimonials to real people with their names and photos makes them more relatable and trustworthy. Be sure to get permission before using any personal information.
  • Vary the testimonials: Include a mix of testimonials that speak to different benefits of your course, such as gaining new skills, saving time, or increasing income. This helps appeal to a wider range of potential students.

Feature Case Studies

Case studies take testimonials to the next level by providing a more in-depth look at how your course has helped individual students succeed. They tell a story that potential students can envision themselves in.

  • Choose representative examples: Select case studies that reflect your target audience and the main outcomes of your course. This helps potential students see how the course can help them achieve their specific goals.
  • Provide concrete details: Include specific challenges the student faced before taking your course, the steps they took during the course, and the results they achieved afterward. Use numbers and data points whenever possible.
  • Include visuals: Adding photos, videos, or screenshots of the student's work can make the case study more engaging and memorable.

Display Trust Badges And Logos

If your course or website has received any awards, certifications, or media mentions, showcase them on your landing page. These trust signals can help establish your credibility and authority in your industry.

  • Industry associations: If you belong to any relevant industry associations or have earned any special designations, include their logos or badges on your page.
  • Media mentions: If your course has been featured in any well-known publications or websites, include their logos or quotes from the coverage.
  • Security badges: If you use any security measures or trusted payment processors, display their badges to reassure potential students that their personal and financial information is safe.

Leverage Social Media Proof

In addition to testimonials and case studies, you can also use social proof from social media to build trust and credibility.

  • Embed social media posts: If students have shared positive feedback about your course on social media, embed their posts directly on your landing page. This shows that real people are talking about your course in real-time.
  • Display follower counts: If you have a significant social media following, showcase your follower counts on your landing page. This demonstrates that you have an engaged audience who trusts your expertise.
  • Include social sharing buttons: By including social sharing buttons, you can encourage visitors to share your landing page on their own social media profiles. This can help expand your reach and attract more potential students.

5. Have A Single, Clear Call-to-Action

Your course landing page should have one primary goal: to get visitors to enroll in or purchase your course. A clear, prominent call-to-action (CTA) button guides visitors toward this desired action.

  • Place your CTA above the fold: Position your main CTA button near the top of your landing page so visitors see it without having to scroll. This ensures they know exactly what action to take when they arrive on your page.
  • Use action-oriented language: Your CTA button text should be clear and compelling. Use phrases that encourage visitors to take immediate action, such as "Enroll Now," "Join the Course," or "Start Learning Today."
  • Make your CTA stand out: Use contrasting colors and ample white space around your CTA button to make it visually prominent. It should be the most eye-catching element on your page.
  • Repeat your CTA throughout the page: While your main CTA should be above the fold, it's also effective to repeat it at strategic points throughout your landing page. This reminds visitors of the desired action and gives them multiple opportunities to enroll or purchase.
  • Remove distractions: Your course landing page should be focused on a single goal. Remove any unnecessary links, navigation menus, or external references that could distract visitors from taking action. Keep them focused on your course offering and the benefits of enrolling.
  • Test different CTAs: Experiment with different CTA button text, colors, and placement to see what resonates best with your audience. Use A/B testing to compare the performance of different variations and optimize for the highest conversion rate.

Remember, your CTA is the final step in convincing visitors to become students. Make it clear, compelling, and easy to find, and you'll be well on your way to boosting course enrollments.

6. Optimize Page Design And Usability

An effective course landing page design is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions. Nowadays, mobile-friendliness is non-negotiable, as more and more people access the internet primarily through their smartphones.

  • Use a clean, uncluttered layout: A simple design with plenty of white space makes your content easy to read and guides visitors' attention to key elements like your headline, course benefits, and call-to-action button.
  • Choose colors and fonts that reflect your brand: Consistency helps build trust and recognition. Use the same color scheme, logo, and typography as your main website and course materials.
  • Prioritize page speed: A slow-loading page can frustrate visitors and hurt your search engine rankings. Optimize your images, use a content delivery network (CDN), and minimize the use of third-party scripts.
  • Make your page responsive: Ensure your landing page looks and functions great on all devices, from desktop computers to smartphones. Use a mobile-responsive template or design your page with a mobile-first approach.
  • Use visual hierarchy: Arrange your page elements in order of importance, with the most critical information and call-to-action button above the fold. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up your text and make it scannable.
  • Include multimedia elements: Videos, images, and interactive features can engage visitors and showcase your course content in a more dynamic way. Just be sure to optimize them for fast loading times.

Navigation And User Experience

Your course landing page should be easy to navigate, with a clear path to enrollment.

  • Minimize distractions: Remove any unnecessary links, ads, or external references that could divert visitors away from your primary goal. Keep your navigation menu simple and focused.
  • Use clear and concise labels: Make sure your call-to-action buttons and links are labeled with action-oriented, easy-to-understand text. Avoid generic labels like "Click Here" or "Submit."
  • Provide social proof near your CTA: Include testimonials, customer logos, or trust badges near your call-to-action button to reassure visitors and boost conversions.

A/B Testing

To optimize your course landing page for the highest conversion rate, conduct A/B tests regularly.

Create two versions of your page with a single element changed, such as your headline, call-to-action text, or page layout. Drive equal traffic to both versions and measure their performance.

Use the insights gained from your tests to make data-driven design decisions and continuously improve your page's usability and conversion rate.

7. Integrate With Your Course Platform And Tools

Your course landing page should seamlessly connect with your learning management system (LMS) and other marketing tools. This integration ensures a smooth user experience for potential students and allows you to track the effectiveness of your landing page.

  • Connect your landing page to your LMS: When visitors click call-to-action button, they should be directed to your course platform's enrollment or checkout page. This eliminates friction in the enrollment process and reduces the risk of losing potential students.
  • Use an all-in-one platform: Choosing an all-in-one platform that includes landing page builders, course creation tools, and marketing features, like Kajabi, can simplify the integration process. With everything under one roof, you can ensure a seamless user experience and avoid technical headaches.
  • Integrate with your email marketing software: Connect your landing page with your email marketing platform to automatically add new leads to your mailing list. This allows you to nurture potential students who may not be ready to enroll immediately and keep them engaged with your brand.
  • Set up tracking and analytics: Integrate your landing page with tools like Google Analytics to track visitor behavior, conversion rates, and traffic sources. This data can help you optimize your landing page over time and make data-driven decisions to improve your course sales.
  • Test your integrations regularly: As you update your course or marketing tools, regularly test your landing page integrations to ensure everything works smoothly. Broken links or malfunctioning enrollment processes can frustrate potential students and harm your conversion rates.

Maximize Conversions With A Well-Integrated Landing Page

Integrating your course landing page with your LMS and marketing tools creates a seamless journey for potential students, from initial interest to enrollment. This streamlined experience not only improves user satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of conversions.

As the online course market continues to grow, a well-integrated landing page will be a key differentiator for successful course creators. 

By leveraging the power of all-in-one platforms, like Kajabi, and ensuring smooth integrations, you can focus on creating compelling course content while your landing page works hard to attract and convert potential students.

Final Thoughts

The course landing page is the most important element in converting visitors to paying students. With Kajabi, creating a landing page that speaks to your audience and inspires enrollment is very simple.

Creating, building, and optimizing your course landing page is easy with Kajabi. Use Kajabi to create your website, host your course material, and track student performance and analytics. Start crafting your unique landing page and convert your knowledge into the most profitable online courses with Kajabi.

Look at these great example landing pages and learn how easily Kajabi can help you create your own irresistible online presence for your course.

Get started with our 14-day free trial.

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