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Meet Edgar: Our Favorite Tool for Social Media Scheduling


Oct 13, 2017
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Kajabi Hero Live
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Over the last month, we have been brainstorming different ways to boost productivity and overall effectiveness of Kajabi’s social media accounts.

After not being completely satisfied with our current programs, we did a little research on new and upcoming social media scheduling software.

This is when we met Edgar 😉

Meet Edgar is the name of a social media software that helps you maximize the reach of your content by shuffling posts to gain new audiences every time.

All that really means is that you put all your content (status updates, blog posts, offers, videos, photos, etc) in Edgar’s “library” and he re-posts it in a “queue” that keeps rotating.

All the work for recycling content and getting new eyes on them is done for you, so you can set it and forget it!

Save Time While Growing Your Brand

The promise of Edgar is that it will shuffle your content so that new eyes can be exposed to it every time it gets posted. Edgar was created in order to make sure your content lives on, while also collecting better analytics as time goes on.

Edgar minimizes time spent growing your brand, and it helps reduces the horrible feeling of pouring a ton of time into a specific piece of content, only for it to drizzle down in views as it gets older.

Automate Your Social Media Marketing Via RSS 

One of the BEST features that Edgar has, is its ability to connect to an RSS feed and pull your content automatically.

For example, when we post something to the Kajabi blog, the next day it is sitting in our Edgar RSS feed, waiting for approval. We can add a quick social media caption, and add it to our library to be added to the queue.

Edgar makes adding content + keeping up with posting regularly the easiest thing.

Consistent Feeds = Higher Engagement

Now that we have Edgar, we can post our content more frequently, with absolutely no time taken away from other tasks. Now that our feed is more consistent, our engagement and activity on our Facebook & Twitter pages have grown exponentially!

This also allows us as a team to devote more time/energy in producing fun social media campaigns, without having to get caught in the day-to-day content posting.

Overall, Meet Edgar has been an amazing addition to our social media strategy, and we highly recommend it to anyone looking to maximize time while still building an engaged social media platform for their business!

And one of the most exciting things about Meet Edgar is that it is HALF the price of some of the other systems we have used in the past.

Needless to say, we are so pumped to have “met” Edgar 🙌🏼  

What are some of the tools you use for your businesses social media? Leave a comment below to share with our community!

Also, if you would like to see more reviews of our favorite companies/tools for entrepreneurs, just let us know!

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