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New Year, New Features!


Jan 11, 2017
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Happy New Year and Welcome To 2017!

With the year beginning, it's time for some new features in the Kajabi dashboard. 

We have so many exciting features that are coming out in the next few months you'll want to stay updated, so don't miss any emails :-)

Let's start this app update off with an important tip!

Terms of Use

Many of you may have already been on top of this tip, but we feel it's important enough to remind our awesome members.

Start the year off by establishing, reviewing/editing, or updating your terms of service within your Kajabi account. 

These are the terms that your members and customers agree to upon checkout, or view in the footer of most websites

Within your Terms, you'll see blank placeholders that say [YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE], so you'll want to go through and insert your name accordingly, assuming you haven't already done so.

If you've already gotten a jumpstart on your terms, or if they're up to date, then don't forget about changing the 'Terms Updated' date at the bottom of the page.

Now that the Terms tip is out of the way, let's move on to some amazing new features!

Email Background

ALL emails, both for marketing and notifications, now have a white background rather than the grey background previously defaulted. 

We've listened to many people voice their opinions about the background color and also looking at the effectiveness of personal style emails, we hope you're as excited about this update as we are!

Product Cloning

Yes! You've read that right! You can now clone products directly within your dashboard with a single click!

All you have to do is simply open the product you'd like to replicate, then select the Clone button next to the Customize tab.

You'll be able to track the cloning progress in your dashboard as well. 

Landing Page Cloning

Just as you can with Products, you can now even clone your landing pages!

Even though it was pretty easy to export and import a theme to replicate, we decided to make it even easier for our members.

Now, with the click of a button, you can choose to clone any landing page you'd like.

Select the dropdown menu icon next to the page, and select clone, it's THAT EASY!

Zapier Form Submission

This is a day that I've been patiently awaiting, and it's finally here!

You can now automatically submit a form on behalf of a contact as an action in Kajabi's Zapier app!

If you don't use Zapier, keep in mind that Kajabi has it's own native app in their marketplace, which is entirely available with a free Zap account. 

You don't have to spend a single penny to utilize Kajabi's app in Zapier, and there are hundreds of free apps to pair with. 

Now you can make most action apps trigger a contact form submission, which will then allow you to broadcast emails to corresponding members. 

Featured Help Article

At the Kajabi HQ, we have an amazing support team that produces some wonderfully helpful articles.

In this app update, we wanted to showcase an article, by our very own Jamell, regarding revoking access to a product through Zapier.

You can CLICK HERE to read all about how to revoke access, after a given time period, automatically and for free through Zapier. 

This is ideal for people who want, for example, a 30-day-only product with access being cut off permanently at a given point in time. 

Keep Your Eyes Peeled

Here at Kajabi, we're so thrilled about what's to come in 2017, and we'll be posting all about it in the announcements section of your dashboard.

You're definitely going to want to stay tuned for what's to come in the next few months!

We can't wait to see what 2017 brings for our valued Kajabi family and the powerful sites and portals that you create!

If you haven't already done so, you're going to want to sign up for Kajabi today, because if you act now, you can grab our FREE TRIAL.

You know that 2017 is a very promising year for you, so let us take care of bringing you ALL the tools you need to maximize your efficiency and create a life-changing income for yourself. 

Not sure you believe me when I say you can do this? Well...check out some of the amazing content our #KajabiHeroes have created!

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