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Black History Month Employee Showcase: Quinton Jason Jr.


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Quinton Jason Jr. is a UX Developer here at Kajabi. We’re turning the spotlight over to him on our blog to showcase his role at Kajabi, how he celebrates Black History Month, and more!

What do you do here at Kajabi?

I’m a UX Developer working closely with the Sage Design System. I create semantic and robust components while focusing on accessibility and the user’s experience. I’m also a Co-chair for the Minorities in Tech Diversity employee resource group here at Kajabi. In that group we work to advance a respectful and inclusive company culture. We also create an open forum where folks who share common identity meet and support each other in building our community and sense of belonging.

What is a professional accomplishment you’re particularly proud of?

In 2019 I was the recipient of the Mosaic Champion Award for the American Advertising Federation. That award recognizes companies and agencies whose commitment to diversity and inclusion is evident through their creative work and organization-wide initiatives. During that time I also co-organized Baton Rouge’s first web conference. In addition to that, I was also the dean of a tech academy and coding boot camp. I don’t do all the things I do for recognition, but it was nice to be recognized by my peers for simply giving back.

How has your cultural identity impacted your journey working in tech?

I have to balance being guarded with being productive. Sometimes my being guarded may show as code switching. Many times being the only minority in a room means you’ve become accustomed to letting a certain level of things slide for the sake of keeping your sanity. Balancing those feelings and emotions with your day to day work and productivity. Either early in my career or now, that’s something that seems to be there and still impacts my journey working in tech.

How have you honored Black History Month?

I write calligraphy in my spare time, and love to write random black history facts. It started a couple years ago as a year long Instagram project of learning one new fact a day. I was proud of that as I didn’t miss a single day, regardless of circumstance. Now during Black History Month I try to learn more new things: folks who had a great impact but are just forgotten about. The month as a whole is humbling. It’s a reminder of those who came before me and gives an overall appreciation for just how hard the journey is and the resiliency it takes to keep pushing forward.

What is a quotation, mantra or affirmation you live by?

“A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” - Malcolm X

I believe you must have values you live by and they define you. I also believe that you have to stand for something. It’s often easy to sit on the fence of comfort and to be silent on matter. I also believe that inaction also helps to push the status quo of whatever that subject is and true change doesn’t actually occur.

How will you be inspiring others in your community this year?

Currently I have two jobs. Kajabi is my primary job, but I’m also a web design instructor at Louisiana State University. I use my time on campus to engage with students in general, not just my own. Being one of the few instructors that is actually a current professional in that field gives me instant credibility and I make it a point to go beyond just school. I prep them with life and career advice that is often missed. Being a sixth year instructor, it’s always nice when my students get their jobs and just talk about the lessons from class. It’s really dope.

What do you love about working at Kajabi?

My UXD team. I got into UX mainly because of the many touch points on accessibility. Accessibility simply defined is making the web as available to as many people. 

Keep reading

Check out another Black History Month profile on Kajabi team member Julian Skinner and our article on Black Kajabi Heroes!

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