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What to do after you launch your course


May 2, 2019
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Welcome to The Course Creators Series, a new recurring blog feature focused on helping you grow your business with Kajabi! 

Today we’re going to tackle one of the most common questions we get asked.

What should you do AFTER you launch your course to grow your business? 

There are 3 main areas you want to focus on after you create your first course to grow your business.

The 3 Areas To Focus On After You Create Your First Course:

1. Turning your students into raving fans! Your number one goal after you launch your course is to turn your existing students into raving fans who can't wait to tell everyone about your amazing life-changing course! 

2. Increasing your customer lifetime value. In order for your business to really become profitable, you need to raise your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) by selling more products to your customers. After you launch your initial course, you want to think about what your next product will be,  and how you will sell it to your existing customers.

3. Making your launch “evergreen.” An “evergreen” launch is a launch that uses paid traffic to run 24/7, automatically making sales for you while you sleep, work on other parts of your business or hang out on the beach.  

Now that you know what the three areas are that you should be focused on, let’s get into some more specifics on each area.  

Turning Your Students Into Raving Fans:

The first thing you want to do after you release your course is work on turning your students into raving fans! 

Most products overpromise and under deliver. 

In order to turn your students into raving fans, you're going to need to do the opposite; underpromise and over deliver!

4 Ways To Turn Your Students Into Raving Fans: 

1. Create a FREE unadvertised bonus and Welcome Package. You want your students to get excited when they join your course. An easy way to get your new members excited right away is to create an unadvertised welcome package and an unadvertised bonus that they receive as soon as they sign up for your course.  

2. Create a “feedback” group. The best way to improve your course and come up with ideas for new products is to get feedback from your students. You can use assessments to gather feedback in Kajabi then use that feedback to improve your course or come up with ideas for new products. 

3. Create a community! At Kajabi we have already talked about the importance of creating a community around your course. When people join your course, a community helps them feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves.  You can now use the new community feature to create a community for your students right inside Kajabi. 

4. Upgrade Your Course Based On Feedback. You want to think about your course the way software developers think about their programs, in terms of versions. Your current product is version 1.0, and you will use feedback from your students to develop version 2.0 and beyond.      

The key to turning your students into raving fans is showing them you care!

By giving your students unadvertised bonuses, implementing their feedback and creating a community, you show them that you care and want them to succeed.

When your students feel like you care about them, they turn into raving fans who will be happy to tell people about you and your life-changing course.

Now that you know how to turn your students into raving fans, let's move on to increasing Customer Lifetime Value.

Increasing Customer Lifetime Value:

Did you know it costs 5 times as much to acquire a new customer than it does to sell something else to an existing one?

Existing customers are also 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more when compared to new customers.

While most course creators get obsessed with getting new customers, the key to becoming profitable is actually increasing your customer lifetime value by selling more products to your existing customers.

Your customer lifetime value is how much you can expect to make when a new member joins your course. 

If you’re not sure how to calculate your CLV this article will show you.

The easiest way to increase your CLV is by offering more products to your customers.

How to increase your customer lifetime value in 3 steps:

1. Offer Coaching. The fastest way to increase your LTV is to offer coaching in addition to your core product.  Coaching is a great way to increase your CLV and help your students get more success!  

2. Create a second product based on student feedback. Earlier in this post, we talked about using feedback to upgrade your first course; now we’re going to use it to create your second course. Go back through your assessments and see what your students have questions about then create a 2nd course around those questions.   

3. Create a continuity course. A continuity course is an online course which runs for a certain amount of time. Continuity courses like membership sites last anywhere from 3 months to a year and charge a monthly fee giving you recurring income every month without having to create a new product.    

Those are just 3 of an almost unlimited number of ways you can increase your CLV by offering more products.

Now that you know how to increase your Lifetime Customer Value, let's talk about taking your launch evergreen.

Taking Your Launch Evergreen!

Everyone wants to have an evergreen launch, but you don’t want to rush out there and waste thousands of dollars on paid traffic without knowing whether or not you have a winning offer.

Instead, you'll want to follow this simple 3-step process. 

3 Steps To Creating An Evergreen Launch:

1. Create a sales pipeline. The first step to going evergreen is to create or upgrade your existing sales pipeline. You can put together your entire sales pipeline in Kajabi including landing pages, automated email sequences, and sales pages. You can even use one of our proven sales pipeline blueprints if you don't want to start from scratch!

2. Re-launch the course as a joint venture. Once you’ve got your sales pipeline working with your existing audience, it’s time to test it out on someone else’s audience by setting up a joint venture or JV. With a joint venture, you’re going to approach another course creator and ask them to tell their audience about your offer. Imagine how many new leads and clients you could get if you partnered with someone with a list of 10,000, 20,000 or 50,000 people?

3. Test your offer with paid traffic. When you have a winning offer that worked for your own list and with JV traffic, it’s time to test it with paid traffic. Paid traffic is expensive and competitive so you want to start with Facebook ads which are the easiest to use as a beginner. Once you start to see some success on Facebook you can gradually expand to Google Adwords and other display networks.

The key to making your launch evergreen is to make sure that your offer and pipeline work with your audience and with a joint venture audience before you start trying to use paid traffic.

Using this simple 3-step process will save you a lot of time and money when trying to take your course evergreen.   

In this article, you learned the three areas that you need to focus on after you create your first course; turning your students into raving fans, increasing customer lifetime value and going evergreen. 

You also learned specific techniques, tactics, and strategies for each of these areas. 

Now it’s up to you to take this information and put it into action to build the business of your dreams! 

Still struggling to create your first course? 

If you're still figuring out what you want to teach in your first course, check out this video on how to structure your online course:

If you already know what you’d like to teach and would rather jump right into the Kajabi platform and take it for a risk-free test drive, below you’ll find a link for your 14-day free trial.

We know that you have something to teach the world. We also know there are people out there who want to learn what you know.

That’s why we created Kajabi. It’s a full-featured platform that allows professionals like you to create their own businesses from home.

Create online courses, establish membership sites, and sell other digital products. We offer tons of marketing tools to help you spread the word about your products and earn more revenue.

Are you ready to become your own boss?

Now’s the time!

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