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Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Kajabi: A Full Comparison [2024]


Apr 11, 2024
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Are you seeking an all-in-one course and membership platform or an SEO-optimized, customizable website?

Wix, GoDaddy, and Kajabi are the top options for building a website, hosting, email, e-commerce, or selling online courses in 2024.

Wix is known best for its intuitive drag-and-drop website builder, while GoDaddy is primarily known for domain registration and web hosting. 

Kajabi stands out for its all-in-one platform specialized for creating and selling online courses and memberships.

In this comparison guide for 2024, we’ll explore the key features and ideal users for each platform.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Kajabi At A Glance

Table comparing Wix, GoDaddy and Kajabi's features.

Kajabi Overview

Kajabi's homepage

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for entrepreneurs, coaches, and small business owners to sell online courses, memberships, and digital products.

As of January 2024, creators have made over $6 billion on Kajabi, serving over 75 million customers.

Kajabi provides powerful tools for creating and managing online courses, including video hosting, progress tracking, quizzes, and assignments. It also supports various multimedia formats to enrich the learning experience.

You can build membership platforms offering tiered access to content, fostering community and recurring revenue.

Kajabi empowers you to own your brand, content, and community — rather than be locked into someone else’s platform.

Kajabi Features

1. No Technical Skills Required

Kajabi makes creating an online presence accessible even to users without a technical background. 

With our intuitive drag-and-drop website builder and course creator streamlines, you can create beautiful websites and educational content without knowing how to code.

You can easily upload videos, documents, and multimedia resources without understanding coding or complex file management systems.

Beginners can choose from professionally designed templates for course delivery pages, membership portals, and landing pages. These are optimized for marketing and selling online products.

Eliminating the need for design or coding skills allows you to focus on content rather than worrying about the technical aspects of your website and course design.

Also, Kajabi won’t lock you out if you have some coding knowledge. You can add custom code on Kajabi to embed, for example, a calendar on your page.

Kajabi also seamlessly integrates with popular payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal. For example, Kajabi partnered with Stripe to offer Kajabi Payments, a payment processing solution built directly into the Kajabi platform and powered by Stripe.

This integration removes the technical hurdles associated with online payment processing, allowing you to focus on your content and sales strategy.

Finally, recognizing that you may come from non-technical backgrounds, Kajabi offers extensive support and educational resources such as:

  • A comprehensive knowledge base
  • Video tutorials
  • Customer support channels

2. Customizable Templates

Kajabi offers customizable templates to easily build online courses, membership sites, landing pages, and funnels with your branding and style.

This variety ensures you find a starting point that aligns with your brand identity and content strategy.

Kajabi's website template library

Beyond the initial design, our templates are highly customizable.

The drag-and-drop user-friendly approach eliminates the need for graphic design or web development expertise. You can do everything by yourself.

The templates are also optimized for user engagement and conversion. Templates for landing pages, sales pages, and email campaigns are designed using best practices to maximize conversions.

Elements like call-to-action (CTA) buttons, testimonial sections, and course previews are strategically placed to encourage your visitors to take action.

All templates in Kajabi are responsive, ensuring that websites and content look great and function seamlessly across all devices.

Remember that mobile-optimized websites have a 40% higher conversion rate than non-optimized sites.

3. Mobile App Availability

Kajabi offers a mobile app to access your products anywhere, anytime. This enhances the learning experience by allowing learners to access course materials at any moment.

The Kajabi mobile app enables:

  • Creating and scheduling email sequences
  • Tracking sales and enrollment numbers
  • Facilitating community discussions
  • Reviewing content analytics
  • Accessing other platform data while on the move rather than being tied to a desktop

The app doesn’t require any coding or development, and no development costs are associated with it.

The mobile app also allows course creators and entrepreneurs to check on sales, monitor student progress, and respond to messages or comments.

Creators receive instant notifications about new sign-ups, comments, and other important activities on their mobile devices. 

Some functionalities allow creators to publish or update content directly from their phones, making it easier to keep courses and communications fresh and up-to-date.

For learners, the app facilitates community interaction through features like comments and discussions. Learners can engage with each other and with course creators directly from their mobile devices.

The mobile app's convenience and accessibility encourage more frequent and sustained engagement from learners. This benefits creators by increasing course completion rates and fostering a more active community.

4. Marketing Automation Features

Kajabi helps drive traffic, leads, and sales by automating and optimizing marketing campaigns for your online courses and offerings.

The marketing automation features automate repetitive tasks, personalize the user experience, and optimize the sales funnel.

Kajabi employs a straightforward yet powerful automation system based on a "when, then, if" logic. This system lets you create custom workflows that automate actions based on specific triggers and conditions.

For example, you could automate a welcome email sequence to new subscribers or adjust membership access levels based on user activity. 

This functionality ensures timely and relevant interactions with your audience.

Email marketing within Kajabi is both flexible and robust. Personalization features allow you to tailor your messages for a more individualized approach, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

In addition, conditional automations mean these email sequences can be triggered by specific user actions, such as completing a lesson or joining a membership tier.

Here is how advanced email automation works. Take an example of creating a lead nurturing sequence where:

  • When visitors sign up for a free eBook on your landing page, they're added to a specific email list.
  • The day they sign up, they receive a thank you for the download and provide additional value.
  • Two days later, they receive another email introducing a related mini-course.
  • If they engage with the second email, they'll receive a third email offering a special discount on the mini-course the next day.

Further, Kajabi provides pre-designed marketing funnel templates to facilitate effective lead conversion.

Optimized for conversion, these templates can be customized to align with your brand identity. 

Once set up, these funnels operate automatically, guiding prospects through the buying journey from initial interest to final purchase with minimal manual intervention. 

This saves you significant time and resources while maximizing conversion opportunities.

Kajabi Pricing

Kajabi has three main pricing plans that cater to different needs and stages of business growth.


Each plan is structured to provide comprehensive features that support creating, marketing, and selling digital products like online courses, membership sites, and coaching programs.

You get all the basic features in each plan — what changes are the offerings (the scale).

  • Basic Plan: $149 per month (or $119 monthly when billed annually). This plan is for small businesses with a limited number of products and includes access to 3 products, 3 funnels, unlimited landing pages, unlimited marketing emails, and up to 25,000 contacts.
  • Growth Plan: $199 per month (or $159 monthly when billed annually). This plan expands on the Basic plan by offering up to 15 products, 15 funnels, 25,000 contacts, 10,000 active customers, 1 website, 10 admin users, advanced automations, affiliate marketing, and the ability to remove Kajabi branding. It’s ideal for growing businesses.
  • Pro Plan: $399 per month (or $319 monthly when billed annually). Designed for established businesses, this plan includes up to 100 products, 100 funnels, 100,000 contacts, 20,000 active customers, 3 websites, 25 admin users, and all the features of the Growth plan. The Pro plan supports larger businesses with many products and a larger customer base.

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Wix Overview

Wix homepage

Wix is a leading freemium website builder platform. It’s known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, high-quality templates, and powerful customization capabilities. 

Wix offers an incredibly user-friendly drag-and-drop interface to create stunning websites without coding knowledge. 

Its platform is designed for beginners and experienced users, offering creative freedom and customization.

Beyond basic website building, Wix offers advanced design features like video backgrounds, animation, and scroll effects through Wix Studio. These features allow users to create visually compelling and interactive websites.

Wix Features

1. Drag-And-Drop Editing

Wix's drag-and-drop website builder

Wix has an intuitive drag-and-drop editor. It’s easy to build and design a professional-quality website with no coding experience. 

Users can choose from over 800 designer-made templates, tweak them with a few clicks using Wix’s visual customization tools, and organize their pages and application integrations by dragging, dropping, and editing text and media with pop-up in-line menus.

The editing platform updates in real-time as you adjust your design, providing immediate feedback on how changes will appear on the live site.

Wix enriches this drag-and-drop interface with an extensive library of pre-designed elements, including galleries, buttons, forms, and menus. These elements are fully customizable. You can modify colors, sizes, fonts, and more to complement your site's aesthetic and branding.

Wix also has a feature called Wix's ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence). This AI-powered website builder asks you a few questions. It then automatically creates an aesthetically pleasing site containing relevant images, text, color schemes, and layouts. 

You retain full editing control to tweak this auto-generated website with ease.

2. Wix Studio

Wix Studio is a web creation platform designed for agencies and freelancers. 

It provides tools and features that let you create, develop, and manage digital experiences for your clients at any scale.

Wix Studio's responsive editor allows users to create designs freely on a canvas, including in pixels. The editor automatically scales designs for different screen sizes, ensuring websites look good on all devices.

You can personalize the build process with custom roles, permissions, and client-specific resources. Allowing agencies to define specific roles and permissions for their team members and clients facilitates efficient workflow management.

It ensures that only authorized users can make changes to certain parts of a project.

With Wix Studio, your clients can add data and update content without touching the design, making it easy for non-technical users to manage their website content.

Wix Studio also provides extensive design libraries that enable the sharing of reusable assets and templates within the agency or the broader Studio community.

Beyond ADI, you also get AI in Wix Studio. This functionality simplifies the creation of websites that look and function flawlessly across a wide range of devices and screen sizes.

Traditional responsive web design requires careful planning and testing to ensure that a website's layout and elements adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes. 

The AI in Wix Studio automates this process by analyzing the relationships between various elements on a webpage and adjusting their size, position, and behavior to fit different screens optimally.

3. Marketing & SEO Tools

Wix equips you with a comprehensive suite of marketing and SEO tools designed to enhance your online presence and effectively reach your target audience.

You can create stunning, mobile-optimized email campaigns that resonate with your audience. 

Utilize customizable templates to craft emails that match your brand. Once sent, you can track your campaign's success through advanced analytics to see how many people opened, clicked, and viewed your emails.

You also get social media tools to create engaging content for platforms like Facebook and Instagram. 

With the Wix Video Maker, you can produce captivating videos to share with your fans. Additionally, you can manage and run ad campaigns directly from the Wix dashboard, streamlining your social media marketing efforts and enhancing your ability to connect with your audience.

4. E-commerce Features

Wix offers a comprehensive suite of e-commerce features to help businesses efficiently build, manage, and grow their online stores.

However, you need to be on the Business and E-Commerce Plan.

Wix supports multichannel sales. From a single dashboard, you can sell on Facebook, Instagram, Google Shopping, eBay, and more. This feature helps you expand your commercial reach and adapt your business to an international audience.

Wix makes it easy to manage your store catalog and inventory. The platform supports up to 50,000 physical or digital products and subscriptions. 

Open APIs allow for easy connection of preferred inventory tools to keep everything fully synced.

Wix Pricing

Wix offers three pricing plans for personal use, business, e-commerce, and enterprise.

Wix's plans and pricing

Website Plans

  • Connect Domain: $4.50/month
  • Combo: $8.50/month
  • Unlimited: $12.50/month
  • VIP: $24.50/month

Business and E-commerce Plans

  • Business Basic: $17/month
  • Business Unlimited: $25/month
  • Business VIP: $35/month

Enterprise Plans

Custom pricing. This is for large-scale businesses.

GoDaddy Overview

GoDaddy's homepage

GoDaddy is a globally recognized web hosting and domain registrar company that has expanded its offerings to include a wide range of internet services.

GoDaddy's website builder is designed for users who want to create a professional-looking website without coding knowledge. It offers customizable templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and mobile optimization.

GoDaddy is divided into two parts: Applications & Commerce and Core Platform. 

Beyond helping customers establish their websites, GoDaddy provides managed WordPress hosting to launch content management sites easily. 

Its marketing tool suite helps you build your brand, connect via email, and sell products online. Integrated e-commerce solutions help entrepreneurs sell products, while payments enable secure transactions. 

GoDaddy Features

1. User-Friendly Interface

GoDaddy's intuitive, easy-to-use website builder enables technical and non-technical users to create professional-quality websites with minimal effort.

GoDaddy's website builder

Their drag-and-drop interface allows you to visually build pages, tweak layouts, and customize designs through simple point-and-click controls rather than complex coding.

You can move sections and elements around seamlessly to construct a tailored site. The GoDaddy website creator emphasizes usability for small business owners and entrepreneurs, simplifying rather than overwhelming users with advanced options.

Further simplifying website creation, GoDaddy offers ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) to build customized sites instantly in minutes.

GoDaddy's ADI questionnaire

You just have to answer questions about your business, industry, preferred style, and content. Then, the ADI's algorithm generates a fully functioning website with matching images, layout, navigational menus, and sample text tailored to the responses provided. 

The AI-generated designs combine color schemes, content structure, and visual elements that match user parameters and follow industry best practices.

2. Marketing Tools

GoDaddy offers marketing tools as part of its Digital Marketing Suite to help businesses promote themselves online.

These tools are user-friendly and accessible. You can manage your online marketing efforts from a single dashboard.

Some of the key marketing tools offered include:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): GoDaddy has a built-in search engine optimizer. It helps you get found online. They also guide you through optimization, suggesting keywords and providing actionable tips to enhance your search rankings.
  • GoDaddy Studio Content Creator: Available on desktop and mobile, this tool offers professional, customizable templates for social media posts, ads, promotions, etc.
  • Analytics and Reporting: GoDaddy offers detailed analytics and reporting features that allow you to track the success of your campaigns across different platforms.
  • Tailored Planner Tool: Organization is key to a successful marketing strategy. GoDaddy's planner tool helps you schedule and manage your marketing activities, ensuring that you stay on track with your campaigns and never miss an opportunity to engage with your audience.

3. E-commerce Capabilities

GoDaddy's e-commerce capabilities provide a robust solution if you’re looking to start or grow your online store.

You can list unlimited products with GoDaddy's Managed WordPress E-commerce plan.

The platform supports various product options, such as size, material, and color, making it easier to showcase products exactly how you want them.

With GoDaddy's Marketplaces feature, you can expand your reach by selling on multiple platforms such as Amazon, Etsy, Google, Instagram, and Facebook.

GoDaddy supports major payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, and Square. You can also accept payments through Apple Pay and Google Pay via GoDaddy Payments, giving your customers various payment options.

4. Mobile-Optimized Templates

GoDaddy's website builder emphasizes the importance of mobile optimization by offering a range of mobile-optimized templates. 

These templates ensure your website looks great and functions smoothly across all devices.

GoDaddy's mobile-optimized templates

Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their search results. So, using GoDaddy's mobile-optimized templates makes you more likely to rank higher in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find your website.

GoDaddy Pricing

GoDaddy offers a range of pricing plans for its website builder:

GoDaddy's plans and pricing
  • GoDaddy Website Builder: £6.99 per month. Includes design flexibility, marketing tools, and online payment capabilities.
  • Managed WordPress: £3.99 per month. Includes 40 GB SSD storage, 59,000+ plugins for customization and functionality, an e-commerce-ready site, 3 free Microsoft mailboxes, and 1-click restore.
  • Managed WordPress E-commerce Hosting: £21.99 per month. Includes everything needed to build an ideal e-commerce site, premium WooCommerce extensions for easy payment processing, cart and checkout customization, and product merchandising. 

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Kajabi: Website Builder

Wix has a highly intuitive drag-and-drop interface. It makes website creation accessible to beginners without sacrificing depth for more experienced users. The platform offers real-time previews and pre-designed elements, enabling rapid, live adjustments to your site.

GoDaddy focuses on simplicity and speed. The user-friendly website builder features AI-driven design suggestions that help streamline the website creation process. It's well-suited for users looking for a straightforward path to getting online.

Kajabi specializes in building sites for online education and memberships. While the website builder is secondary to its core course and community features, Kajabi provides tailored templates, customizable page builders, and landing pages for promoting online programs, training, and knowledge hubs.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Kajabi: Design And User Interface

Wix provides over 800+ templates and extensive customization options, allowing for a high degree of flexibility in design. This makes Wix ideal for users who prioritize creative freedom and unique branding.

GoDaddy offers professionally designed templates with limited customization options compared to Wix. This may be less daunting for users seeking simplicity, but it’s restrictive for those looking to customize their site heavily.

Kajabi provides customizable design options tailored for educational content, including course delivery pages and membership portals. While it might not offer the breadth of design options that Wix does, Kajabi's interface makes the creation of online courses and digital products as straightforward as possible, focusing on functionality and user engagement.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Kajabi: E-commerce Options

Wix offers robust e-commerce capabilities, supporting multichannel sales, extensive product listings, and advanced store management features. Wix is ideal for businesses looking to create a comprehensive online store with customizability and growth in mind.

GoDaddy's Managed WordPress E-Commerce Hosting provides a solid foundation for online selling, with features like unlimited product listings, various payment processing options, and integration with multiple sales channels. It's suitable if you want a blend of WordPress' flexibility with GoDaddy's ease of use.

Kajabi excels in selling digital products, online courses, and memberships. Its e-commerce tools are geared towards content creators, with options for payment processing, product management, and student enrollment seamlessly integrated into the course creation and management process.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Kajabi: Marketing Tools

Wix has a comprehensive suite of marketing and SEO tools, including email marketing, social media content creation, and advanced SEO features. Wix's integrated analytics and reporting tools provide valuable insights into website performance and visitor behavior.

GoDaddy offers a Digital Marketing Suite that simplifies online marketing, from SEO to social media advertising and email marketing. Its user-friendly dashboard allows for easy management of marketing campaigns, with tools designed to help you improve your online visibility and engagement.

Unlike Wix, Kajabi offers powerful marketing automation features for digital entrepreneurs and educators. With its powerful email marketing capabilities, customizable funnel templates, and integrations with major marketing tools, Kajabi is best suited if you're looking to automate and optimize your marketing efforts for online courses and memberships.

Final Thoughts

Wix provides the most extensive all-in-one platform with features ranging from intuitive website building to vast design personalization, integrated e-commerce stores, and comprehensive marketing tools.

GoDaddy offers reliable web hosting infrastructure, basic design templates, and online selling capabilities.

Kajabi is the best choice if you want to sell your knowledge through online courses or memberships. It provides everything needed to create, market, and profit from your content.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Kajabi: Frequently Asked Questions

Which Is Faster To Build A Website With: Wix, GoDaddy, Or Kajabi?

Wix is generally the fastest for website building due to its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and wide range of pre-designed templates.

GoDaddy also allows for quick website setup, especially with its AI-driven design suggestions, but it might not offer the same design flexibility as Wix. 

Kajabi, while streamlined for ease of use, caters to online course creation. It might require more time to set up if you focus on detailed customization and content organization.

How Do The Pricing Structures Of Wix, GoDaddy, And Kajabi Compare?

Wix operates on a freemium model, offering a basic service for free, with various paid plans that increase in price as you add more features. If you want to expand Wix’s core functionality, investing in additional plug-ins, add-ons, or extensions is often necessary.

GoDaddy's pricing is straightforward, with tiered plans catering to different needs levels, from simple websites to more complex e-commerce solutions.

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for entrepreneurs, educators, and content creators. While Kajabi’s starting price is higher than some of Wix's or GoDaddy's initial plans, it offers comprehensive features without additional purchases.

Wix vs. GoDaddy vs. Kajabi For A Simple Landing Page?

Kajabi is the most suitable choice for creating a simple landing page. It offers specialized templates just for landing pages, designed with conversion in mind. These templates are tailored to promote your offerings and engage visitors effectively.

Which Platform Is Best Suited For Beginners With No Technical Background?

For beginners with no technical background, Wix is the best-suited platform. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, extensive selection of templates, and user-friendly design tools make website creation straightforward.

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