Vlogging YouTube Channel Name Ideas

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So you want to start a vlogging channel on YouTube, but you're stuck on choosing the perfect name. 

Your channel name is one of the first things potential subscribers will see, so it's important to make a good impression.

In this article, I'll share some tips and ideas for choosing a catchy, memorable name that reflects your brand and content.

Types of vlogging YouTube channel names

When it comes to naming your vlogging channel, you have a few options:

  • Personal name or brand: Using your own name or an established brand name can help with recognition and building a personal connection with your audience. This works well if you already have a following on other platforms or want to establish yourself as the face of your channel. Examples include "Casey Neistat" and "The Blonde Abroad."
  • Descriptive of content/niche: A name that clearly describes what your channel is about can attract viewers interested in that topic. It also helps with search visibility by including relevant keywords. For instance, "Yoga With Adriene" tells you exactly what to expect from the channel.
  • Catchy phrase or pun: A clever play on words or a memorable phrase can make your channel stand out and stick in people's minds. It can also give a sense of your personality and style. "The Endless Adventure" and "Kara and Nate" are good examples of catchy travel vlog names.
  • Keyword optimized: Including relevant keywords in your channel name can improve your search rankings and help your target audience find you. However, avoid stuffing your name with too many keywords or making it sound unnatural. "Tech Gear Talk" and "Movie Recaps Daily" incorporate keywords while still sounding like authentic channel names.

Benefits of a good vlogging YouTube channel name

A well-chosen vlogging YouTube channel name:

  • Establishes your brand identity and recognition. Your channel name becomes your brand, helping you stand out in a crowded market and making it easier for viewers to remember and recognize your content. A strong brand identity fosters loyalty and encourages viewers to return for more.
  • Makes your channel memorable and shareable. A catchy, unique name sticks in people's minds, increasing the likelihood they'll remember and share your channel with others. Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful for growing your audience organically.
  • Reflects your professionalism and creativity. A thoughtful, creative channel name shows you've put effort into your brand, signaling the quality and uniqueness of your content. It sets you apart as a serious content creator worth following.
  • Improves your search visibility for your target audience. Incorporating relevant keywords into your channel name can help your videos rank higher in YouTube search results for those terms. This makes it easier for potential subscribers interested in your niche to discover your channel when searching for related content.

How to choose a vlogging YouTube channel name

Brainstorm keywords related to your content niche

Jot down words and phrases that describe your vlogging topics, style, and target audience. These could be your main subject matter, your unique selling proposition, or your personality traits. For example, if you plan to vlog about budget travel tips for solo female travelers, your list might include "budget travel," "solo female travel," "travel hacks," "adventurous," "empowering," and "fun."

Having a list of relevant keywords not only helps you generate name ideas, but also optimizes your channel for search discovery. When your channel name includes terms people are searching for, it's more likely to show up in YouTube search results and suggested videos. 

Keep it concise, easy to remember and pronounce

  • Aim for brevity: Channel names should be no more than 3-4 words or about 15-20 characters. Shorter names are snappier and easier to remember, spell, and type into a search bar. Avoid long, rambling names that get cut off in search results or are hard to fit in channel art and thumbnails.
  • Make it memorable: Your name should be catchy and stick in viewers' minds so they can easily recall and return to your channel. Use alliteration, rhyme, puns, or other creative wordplay to make your name memorable and fun to say. For example, "Globetrotting Gal" or "Backpacking Blonde" roll off the tongue and paint a picture.
  • Ensure it's easy to spell and pronounce: Avoid names with commonly misspelled words, numbers in place of letters, or symbols and special characters. You want people to be able to easily search for and share your channel name without confusion. Say your name ideas out loud to check that they're easy to pronounce and understand.

Make it unique and avoid similar names to competitors

Search for your potential channel names on YouTube and see what comes up. If there are already established channels with the same or very similar names, it's best to differentiate yourself to avoid confusion and competition. Adding modifiers like "TV," "Channel," or "Vlog" to a name can help distinguish it, but it's better to choose a completely unique name if possible.

Also check social media platforms, domain names, and trademarks to make sure your desired name isn't already taken. Consistent branding across all touchpoints makes you look more professional and helps people find you easily.

Get feedback from others in your niche

Once you have a shortlist of 5-10 potential names, get feedback from friends, family, and people in your target audience. Share your channel concept and name ideas in online forums or social media groups related to your niche. 

Ask for first impressions, which names are most memorable, and which ones best represent your brand. Outside perspectives can help you gauge how well a name resonates with viewers and spot any potential issues you overlooked.

Check availability on YouTube and other social platforms

Before fully committing to a name, do a final check that it's available as a YouTube custom URL and handle on key social media sites. A consistent brand name across platforms makes it easier for people to find and follow you.

On YouTube, you can check if a name is available by typing "youtube.com/c/yourchannelname" into a browser. If the channel doesn't exist, you'll see a 404 error page. For social media handles, simply search for the name on each platform.

Follow YouTube's community guidelines

When choosing a name, be mindful of YouTube's Community Guidelines and Impersonation Policy. Avoid names that:

  • Impersonate a real person, brand, or organization in a misleading way
  • Use someone else's trademark without permission
  • Contain hate speech, profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, or sexual innuendo
  • Refer to dangerous or illegal activities
  • Violate any of YouTube's other policies

Failing to follow these guidelines could result in your channel being removed, so it's important to choose an appropriate name from the start. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and pick a name that's advertiser-friendly and suitable for all ages.

50+ Vlogging YouTube channel name ideas

Lifestyle names

  • My Day
  • Around The Clock
  • Daily Vlog Mix
  • Lifestyle Manual
  • Vibes Vista
  • Essence Edge
  • Serene Scene
  • Lifestyle Leap
  • Super Sabine
  • To The Fullest
  • Carpe Diem
  • New Adventures

Music names

  • Play Beat
  • Piano Horizon
  • School Song
  • Lullaby Land
  • Music to my ears
  • Soothing Sounds
  • Golden Theme
  • Retro Hits
  • Every Minute
  • Viva Vida
  • Jimmy Joy
  • Groove Grove

Motivational names

  • Inspiring Minds
  • Feeling Motivated
  • Endless Inspiration
  • Achievement From Hardwork
  • Inspire Before Expire
  • Daily Inspiration
  • Learn and Motivate
  • Motivated Person
  • Motivational Fever
  • Inspiring Tycoon
  • Life is Energy
  • Got Motive

Dance names

  • Just Dance
  • Jam On The Beats
  • Poetry in Motion
  • Moves & Shapes
  • Groovy Studio
  • Move It!
  • Dance Is Life
  • Dance Masters
  • Shake Yourself
  • Dancefloor Gurus
  • Flashy Feet
  • Smooth Moves

Travel names

  • Travel With Me
  • Solo Tripper
  • Bike Vibes
  • World Explorer
  • Exploring Nation
  • Wander Wave
  • Roam Rover
  • Explore Epic
  • Somewhere Down The Road
  • Beyond Closed Doors
  • The Highway Resident
  • Road Riding Hood

Tips for starting a YouTube channel

  • Define your content niche and target audience: Determining your specific niche and ideal viewer helps you create focused, relevant content that resonates. Identify the topics you're passionate about and knowledgeable in, then research your potential audience's demographics, interests, and pain points. A clearly defined niche like "budget travel tips for solo female travelers" makes it easier to come up with video ideas, optimize your videos for search, and attract a loyal subscriber base.
  • Invest in quality recording equipment and editing software: While you don't need Hollywood-level gear, good production value helps you stand out and retain viewers. At a minimum, use a decent camera or smartphone with a tripod for stability, an external microphone for clear audio, and natural lighting or softbox lights. For editing, start with free options like iMovie or OpenShot, then consider upgrading to paid software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X as your needs grow.
  • Create a consistent posting schedule: Regularly releasing new videos keeps your subscribers engaged and signals to the YouTube algorithm that you're an active creator worth promoting. Commit to a realistic upload frequency you can maintain long-term, whether that's once a week or a few times a month. Let your viewers know your typical posting days/times and tease upcoming content to build anticipation. Batch-filming and scheduling videos in advance helps you stay consistent even when life gets busy.
  • Engage with your audience through comments: Building a community around your channel strengthens viewer loyalty and encourages people to keep coming back. Respond to comments on your videos, even if it's just a simple "Thanks for watching!" or a heart emoji. Pin a comment on each video asking a question related to the topic to spark discussion. Host live Q&A sessions or create a Discord server where subscribers can connect with you and each other. Featuring viewers' comments or content in your videos makes them feel valued and invested in your channel's success.
  • Optimize your videos for search with keywords: YouTube is the second largest search engine, so treating your videos like searchable blog posts helps them get discovered. Research keywords related to your video topics using tools like Google Keyword Planner or TubeBuddy. Include 1-2 target keywords naturally in your video title, description, and tags. Say the keywords out loud in your video to increase chances of them appearing in the auto-generated captions. Add chapters with keyword-rich titles to help viewers find relevant sections and keep them watching longer.
  • Promote your channel on other social media platforms: Cross-promoting your videos on sites like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter drives traffic back to your YouTube channel and helps you reach new audiences. Post short teaser clips or behind-the-scenes content on your other social accounts with a clear call-to-action to watch the full video on YouTube. Engage in relevant conversations and comment threads, offering helpful insights with a link to a related video. Collaborate with other creators in your niche to tap into their followings and expand your reach.

How to use YouTube Shorts to grow your vlogging channel

YouTube Shorts are a powerful tool for attracting new viewers and subscribers to your vlogging channel. These vertical, mobile-friendly videos can be up to 60 seconds long and appear in a dedicated Shorts feed on the YouTube app.

To get started with Shorts, repurpose your existing long-form vlogs into bite-sized clips that showcase your personality and highlight your best content. Edit down longer videos into short, engaging segments that work well as standalone pieces. Focus on hooking viewers in the first few seconds with eye-catching visuals and an intriguing opening line.

When creating Shorts, tap into current trends and challenges to increase your visibility. Use popular sounds, songs, and hashtags that are gaining traction on the platform. Put your own spin on viral dance routines, lip sync trends, or storytelling formats. Participating in these trends can help your Shorts appear in more users' feeds and attract viewers interested in that content.

To convert Shorts viewers into loyal subscribers, always include a clear call-to-action in your videos. Add subscribe buttons and verbal reminders to follow your channel for more content. Place these CTAs strategically, such as at the beginning, middle, and end of your Shorts. Entice viewers with teasers of upcoming vlogs or series they won't want to miss.

  • Post Shorts regularly: Aim to publish at least one Short per day to keep your channel top of mind and increase your chances of being recommended to new viewers. You can post up to 10 Shorts per day, but prioritize quality over quantity.
  • Cross-promote your Shorts: Share your Shorts on your other social media platforms, such as Instagram Reels, TikTok, and Twitter. Encourage your followers on those sites to check out your YouTube channel for more content. Embed popular Shorts in relevant blog posts or website pages to drive traffic.
  • Analyze your Shorts performance: Dive into your YouTube Analytics to track key metrics like views, average view duration, likes, comments, and subscriber growth. Identify which Shorts resonate most with your audience and use those insights to inform your future content strategy. Double down on formats, topics, and trends that generate the best results.

Pinned comments are another effective way to drive actions from Shorts. Pin a comment on each Short asking viewers to like, comment, and subscribe to your channel. Pinning keeps this CTA visible at the top of the comments section, making it more likely to be seen and acted upon.

Shorts can also help you test new content ideas and get feedback from your audience. Experiment with different vlogging styles, topics, and formats in your Shorts to gauge viewer interest. Pay attention to which Shorts generate the most engagement and use that data to plan longer vlogs that dive deeper into popular themes.

What makes a vlogging YouTube channel name catchy and memorable?

  • Incorporates relevant keywords: A catchy vlogging channel name often includes words related to the channel's niche or content themes. This helps potential viewers immediately understand what the channel is about and improves search visibility. For example, "Budget Travel Hacks" clearly indicates a channel focused on affordable travel tips, while "Fit Foodie Finds" suggests a vlog about healthy eating and exercise.
  • Reflects the vlogger's unique brand: The best vlogging channel names capture the distinctive personality, style, or value proposition of the creator. They give viewers a sense of what sets this vlogger apart from others in their niche. "The Blonde Abroad" conveys a chic, adventurous solo female traveler brand, while "The Endless Adventure" suggests an intrepid, free-spirited couple documenting their non-stop travels.
  • Tells a story or paints a picture: Memorable vlogging channel names often evoke an emotion, lifestyle aspiration, or vivid mental image. They transport viewers into the world of the vlog and make them feel something. "Somewhere Down The Road" conjures a sense of wanderlust and possibility, while "Epicurean in Epaulets" paints a picture of a fashionable foodie living a luxurious military life.
  • Uses clever wordplay or puns: Many catchy vlogging channel names incorporate creative linguistic devices like alliteration, rhyme, or puns. These make the name more fun to say and easier to remember. "Globetrotting Gal" and "Backpacking Blonde" roll off the tongue with alliterative flair, while "Dine N Fine Wine" playfully rhymes. Puns like "One Swing to Bind Them" (for a golfing channel) or "Stitch Wars" (for a sewing vlog) add wit and humor.
  • Keeps it concise and easy to spell: The most effective vlogging channel names are usually short, simple, and easy to spell. Aim for no more than 3-4 words or about 15-20 characters so the full name displays in search results. Avoid names that are too long, complex, or difficult to remember how to spell. "Vibes Vista" and "Road Riding Hood" are snappy and straightforward, while "Achievement From Hardwork" is a bit wordy and clunky.
  • Checks for availability and trademarks: Before falling in love with a particular name, always search YouTube and social media to make sure it's not already taken by a popular channel. You want your vlogging brand to be unique and avoid confusion with competitors. Also check that the name isn't trademarked by an existing business using tools like the US Patent and Trademark Office database. Choosing a name that's available as a YouTube custom URL and social media handle ensures consistent branding across platforms.

Choosing the right name for your vlogging YouTube channel sets the foundation for your brand's success. Kajabi understands the importance of establishing a strong online presence and offers comprehensive tools to build and grow your channel. Try Kajabi free for 14 days and discover how it can elevate your vlogging journey.