What To Expect

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will know:

  • What a funnel is and why they’re important for your business
  • Our most popular funnels and the purpose they serve
  • How to customize your funnel for your unique needs
  • The importance of testing your funnel
  • The various ways you can share your funnel using Kajabi

The online space has been around for some time now, and if you are just starting to sell your knowledge and share your passions online, I am sure you have heard someone mention that you NEED a funnel. This suggestion often comes with force and leaves you feeling …. Overwhelmed. My goal is for you to finish this course full of confidence knowing that a funnel is simple to create and implement on Kajabi, so overwhelm can be a word of the past.

This course will be broken into a few sections:
  1. The first is how a funnel can support you and your business’ growth.
  2. The second is our most popular funnels and what purpose they could serve within your business.
  3. Third, a walk-through of how you can customize and edit a funnel template for your business.
  4. Fourth, a brief overview of the funnels available within your account.

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