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5 types of compelling content your website needs


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When starting a website, you’ll likely first choose a website theme. Then, the next step is to populate the site. After visitors process the design and functionality of your site, they’ll begin to digest the information you provide. 

Filling your site with great content serves multiple purposes. Great website content:

  • builds excitement
  • gives customers the information they need to feel confident purchasing
  • can increase the amount of time visitors spend on your site, which is an element of how your website comes up in search results

People respond to content mediums differently. For that reason, it’s helpful to employ different types of content so you can communicate in your visitor’s preferred method.

Here’s a breakdown of your content options and some suggestions for how to maximize each.


Effective copy motivates the reader to take action. There are many ways to make your copy more compelling, though many are subjective. 

You can use a tool like Hemingway to see what grade level your writing matches. It will also provide suggestions on how to clarify your writing

But in general, keep your target audience in mind. Are you writing to people with advanced degrees and reading levels? Are you writing to people who are near-experts in your field, or less familiar with the jargon and lingo?

Whether you’re writing new website copy or tweaking existing copy, make sure your website copy clearly does the following:

  • Shares your unique value proposition as a knowledge entrepreneur
  • Shares your product’s unique value proposition
  • Acknowledges the challenges your target audience faces
  • Addresses the needs of your audience
  • Connects with your audience’s deeper motivations to buy your knowledge product


It’s important to have strong visual communication. Photos can often set the tone of your brand and convey messages faster than words. 

cites research papers that studied the use of photos on websites. Research has found consumers find websites with photos more trustworthy than websites without photos. Website visitors also more positively receive websites with photos of human faces than those with photos without human faces or no photos. 

Kajabi Hero and sobriety coach Julie Bahrami of Rethink Your Drink uses a professional quality branding photo of herself on the front page of her website. She is smiling and looks optimistic. This sets the tone for how website visitors could feel if they choose to sign up for her coaching program.

screenshot of the Rethink your Drink website with a photo of a smiling woman and copy about overcoming alcohol abuse

Even if you aren’t selling physical items, hire a professional photographer to capture images that represent you and your brand. Professional quality photos make your site look more polished. They communicate that you take your business seriously and help consumers build a sense of trust in you. 

If you need stock photos to get started, check out these sources for free photos you can use on your website. Or, check out this article on how to improve your social media photography.

Testimonials and Reviews

Testimonials from past customers can persuade website visitors. They describe the impact your knowledge product had on other customers.

Reviews are powerful because they are so widely used. Qualtrics reports that 93% of customers read reviews before buying a product. They also report that online shoppers trust reviews almost as much as personal recommendations. 

references a study that found that the more expensive a product or service is, the more important it is to get reviews. Reviews for higher-priced products increased conversion rate by 380%. But, when reviews were shown for lower-priced products, the conversion rate increased by 190%. 

Adding testimonials to your site is as easy as typing out a quotation and citing the past customer. But, you’ll want to take a few steps to demonstrate that the reviews are real.

If the past customer has a website or notable following on a social platform, link to it on your site to impress your website visitors. And, If you have existing reviews on a platform like Google My Business, Yelp, or Facebook, you can link to them or embed them onto your website for additional validation. 

If you don’t yet have a testimonial or need more reviews, fortunately, consumers are willing to leave them. One study found that people aged 25-34 were most likely to write reviews. Another found that 72% of consumers wrote a review when asked.


Consumers love video. Numerous studies find that the consumption of online video grows each year, and many consumers consider it their favorite content medium. Animoto reports that the top three types of branded videos are how-to videos, videos about sales and promotions, and top five lists.

Video also helps people along their buyer’s journey. Wyzowl reports that 84% of people purchased a product or service after watching a brand’s video. If you sell video courses, videos are an especially relevant content medium because they help your potential customers understand what to expect from the product.

Videos also help increase the time spent on your website. Plus, you can use the video content marketing as material on other channels to drive traffic to your site. 

Kajabi includes unlimited video hosting with Wistia as part of your membership which makes including videos on your site a breeze.


Blogs are an excellent channel for you to share your expertise. When it comes to blogging, the keys to success are to be consistent and specific. Blogs look best when they are regularly updated, and experts recommend posting a minimum of once per week.

Kajabi Hero and scuba diving coach Gareth Lock of The Human Diver has an active blog. Since his field is very specialized with lots of technical and specific information, a blog is an excellent chance to share what he knows. He also includes photos to make this part of the site visually appealing as well. 

Screenshot of The Human Diver blog with articles and images about scuba diving

Being specific in a post helps you deliver more value to the reader in a shorter piece of content. And, writing to a narrower topic can help you use the right keywords and phrases that may help your post show up in search results. 

How long should your blog posts be? That depends on the topic, and quality is more important than quantity. But interestingly, Backlinko found that the pages on the first page of Google search results contain 1,447 words on average.

How Kajabi enables you to use compelling content

Kajabi provides a number of areas on your site that you can populate with your content. 

  • About me. Kajabi themes and navigation include an “about me” page which you can use to inform website visitors about you and your company.

  • Landing pages. Kajabi comes with numerous landing pages categorized by the type of page so you can attract, impress, and convert customers.

  • Blog. Kajabi includes built-in blogging capability so you can educate website visitors on relevant topics and make your site more likely to show up in search results.

  • Checkout page. Kajabi allows for checkout page customization by adding testimonials and images, so you can keep selling to your customers even at the point of sale.

Get started with Kajabi

Kajabi is built by digital entrepreneurs, for digital entrepreneurs. It has everything you need to build your products and website, generate sales, and the analytics you need to evaluate performance. 

Sign up for a 14-day free trial of Kajabi today. You can see first-hand how easy it is to run your business from a true all-in-one online course platform.

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