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Kajabi Product Highlight 2022: The Year of Growth


Dec 21, 2022
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Wow, what a year it’s been! From the slap heard around the world to the Olympic Games in Beijing, 2022 quickly became a trip around the sun we’ll never forget. 

As the world made history, our Kajabi Heroes were busy fueling business growth like never before. Check out these impressive milestones!


Right alongside our Heroes, we were accomplishing our own goals to better the Kajabi platform. Starting at the sign-up experience and going all the way to the checkout flow, we released a staggering 65 product updates this year all with one thing in mind: improving our Kajabi Heroes’ experience.

Together, let’s celebrate a few of our favorite product updates that our very own customers helped us bring to life in 2022.


The creator economy was a hot topic this year. In fact, we released two reports—The State of the Creator Economy and The Creator Pulse—covering this $100 billion industry! But through our research, we began to notice a glaring issue: the creator economy’s current economic model doesn’t work for everyday creators. Creators are struggling to make enough money to survive, let alone thrive. 

We’re here to usher in the future of the creator economy, one that works for creators, not against them. Here are our top product releases actively working towards this goal.

  1. Vibely acquisition. Our Heroes asked for a new community experience, and we listened! Vibely will power the next generation of Kajabi Communities. Now your community will feature community leaderboards, challenges, and accountability tools like habit trackers.
  1. Live Video. Now with the improved Kajabi Coaching product, coaches on Kajabi can meet with their clients, record sessions, and upload the recording to their site, all without paying for a separate video meeting tool. 
  1. The Kajabi Creator app. This update provides real-time insight into your business performance, access to your contacts, and the ability to manage your account from anywhere you desire.
  1. Offer Creation Wizard. With this product release, you now have a robust, easy-to-use tool to set up new product offers.


Our Heroes were excited about all of the updates, but there was a clear winner: Kajabi Communities! Here’s what a couple of Kajabi Heroes said about this big update:

“I’m almost as excited to see Kajabi making huge moves by acquiring existing platforms that specialize in these areas as I am internally created solutions!”
“This is awesome. After running some communities on Kajabi, I switched over to Circle because some features just weren’t available. I’d love to bring it all back to Kajabi!”

The title isn’t sexy, but the new product updates were. The following feature improvements help you earn—and keep—more of your creator income on our platform. Let’s dive in!

  1. Multiple upsells and downsells. Now, you can include up to 10 post-purchase upsell and downsells per offer. Fun fact: Kajabi Heroes using upsells, plus primary offers, earn twice as much as those who use primary offers only!
  1. Build coupon codes. This new functionality allows you to create coupon codes for your affiliates for transparent referral marketing to drive even more revenue. Cha-ching!
  1. Password redirection. With this feature, customers who forgot their password during checkout are redirected back to the checkout page to provide an uninterrupted, seamless experience.
  1. Podcast redirect tools. We rolled out these tools to help you use ad-integration services to earn more revenue.

Here’s what one Kajabi Hero had to say about using upsells:

“My annual subscription with Kajabi is renewing tomorrow… I guess I made my money’s worth? The most important feature that helped me achieve these results? OFFERS! The upsells + order bumps specifically. You’d be amazed at how much money you leave on the table if you don’t have an order bump or upsell!”
“Dear Kajabi, I love what you’ve done for my business and I have a request to make the platform even better: Can you make the login requirements of email and password for our free products optional please?” - Kajabi Hero

Since 2010, it has been a part of our ethos to listen to our customers’ feedback and integrate it into our product. No matter how small the update is, if it makes a big impact on our customers’ experience, we support it! The following feature improvements are small yet mighty, helping you increase your speed and efficiency when it comes to your business. Check them out!

  1. Optional log-in. We removed the requirement to log in before checking out providing your customers with a smoother, faster purchasing experience. Fun fact: On average, Kajabi Heroes now have a 3% higher conversion rate! 
  1. Email and Page Builder Tools redesign. We redesigned the editing tools for our Email and Page Builder, reducing load time, which means you can build your campaigns and pages faster and easier than ever!
  1. Enabled offer duplication. Now, you can set up your Automations faster than ever before. Simple as that!
  1. Kajabi Coaching and Google Calendar integration. Coaches can quickly and easily schedule sessions with their clients without having to pay for a calendering tool! That’s saving both time and money.
  1. Improved file upload speed. Spend more time sharing your knowledge and less time uploading it.

This is what one excited Kajabi Hero had to say about these features:

“I love the duplicate lesson and quiz functionality! Have been enjoying the duplicate offer automation functionality for the last month, fantastic! Saves so much time and can focus on more value-added stuff. Thank you!”

Keeping our Kajabi Heroes, and their businesses, safe is one of our top priorities at Kajabi, but many of these product updates take place behind the scenes—which is why we want to shed light on these important improvements. Explore the digital security watching over your business:

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication. We’ve added another line of defense in the form of a multi-factor authenticator! Now, your account has a double-layer wall between it and hackers—you’re protected even if your password is compromised.
  1. Increased billing method communication. In the case your billing method fails, we’ve beefed up communication to prevent surprise charges and reduce the risk that your account is suspended or deactivated.
  1. Proactive risk monitoring and unsubscribe compliance for email. We’ve improved our risk monitoring and email compliance to ensure your marketing list stays clean and your messages make it to your customers’ inboxes. Go, data hygiene!

      4. Updated email processing tools. On the backend of our site, we’ve made our email processing tools more resilient to further protect your business from service

         outages that could prevent sending emails.

That’s a Wrap!

Thank you to all of our Heroes for making what we do here at Kajabi worth it every single day! None of these improvements and updates would matter if we didn’t have you. 

We are already setting our sights on the new year’s next product improvements and developments. But before we get down to work, we’re hitting the pause button to allow ourselves time to rest, reflect, and refresh. We invite you to do the same so you can return ready to take your business to the next level in 2023!

Have feedback you’d like to share with us? You can do that right here. We’re all ears always!

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