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Meet The Kajabi Team: Kimberly Hudson


Jul 30, 2019
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Welcome back to another fun-filled edition of the Meet The Kajabi Team blog series!

Today you’re going to meet Kimberly Hudson, our Senior Accountant. 

Name: Kimberly Hudson

Job Title: Senior Accountant

What do you do at Kajabi?

I handle the money, honey!

Review and post all expenses and revenue.

Pay bills, run payroll, bank reconciliations, pay our Affiliates, etc.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started working for Kajabi.

After graduating high school I didn't know what I wanted to major in once I got to college so I decided to go to a trade school instead to learn computer office systems.

As soon as I took the QuickBooks/Accounting course I was hooked and knew what I wanted to do.

Once I graduated, I found an entry-level Accounting Assistant job and slowly started working my way up to the level of where I'm at right now as a Senior Accountant.

I had a couple of great bosses that took me under their wing knowing I didn't have my Accounting degree but still gave me a chance.

I found this position at Kajabi simply by doing a search on Indeed and the company sounded awesome so I applied!

What’s your favorite part of working for Kajabi?

The people that work at Kajabi are the best!

Everyone truly cares about this company and helping our customers.

It's an amazing thing to see and be a part of.

What’s your spirit animal?


They are bold in the face of danger, protective and very strong-willed.

What’s something about your job people wouldn't expect?


I'm not sure.

I guess it's that you always have to be on top of your calendar.

Money is very important to a lot of people and if you mess with that then you will not be liked by many.

You always have to make sure you are paying on the correct day and it's something you are always thinking about.

What’s the most rewarding part of working for Kajabi?

I love that we are a growing company and are helping so many people achieve their goals!

It's so amazing to see!

What emoji are you?


What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

I don't think anyone would classify Accounting as cool haha... but I'm working on migrating to a new Accounting system that is bigger and better and will give us a clear insight into how great Kajabi is doing as a company.

What personal item represents you best?

I love to cook and bake so I brought my Grandma's old Betty Crocker cookbook from the '70s because there is nothing like a good old school home-cooked meal!

To learn more about our awesome team here at Kajabi, follow us on social!

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