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Personal development coach meets student and business needs with Kajabi


Oct 9, 2021
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Catherine Russo Epstein seeks to help people tap into their inner wisdom and find peace. She’s an author, Reiki instructor, and certified Transformational Life Coach. She founded Living Lotus Group, based in Sea Cliff, New York, in 1989.

She says, “I love to teach people to make peace with themselves so they can stop living on autopilot and start creating a life of purpose and meaning.”

Catherine decided to start coaching, “out of a deep desire to help people and give them specific tools to move forward in their lives and not just dwell in the past like some therapeutic models.”

Catherine’s business tool challenges

An early challenge she faced in her coaching journey was finding the right tools to facilitate her sessions and keep track of the supplemental materials. Previously she had a tool, but she recalls that her students did not like the original interface, finding it cumbersome. So they stopped using it, leaving her with no way to track her students’ progress.

Ease of navigation was super important to her so she could more effectively run her coaching groups. With Kajabi, she found a tool that works for both her clients and her own needs. 

With Kajabi coaching, she can schedule single coaching sessions or a package of multiple sessions, share an agenda and resources, keep notes, and provide an easy to use interface for the client.

She’s looking forward to how the Kajabi coaching product can support her as she transitions more from in person coaching to online coaching. She says, “by streamlining everything, it will be less stress and headache for me!”

Plus, since Kajabi has an all-in-one functionality, she can get more value. She says, “the courses are easy to build out, drip if needed, they look professional, and they track the student's progress.” So for coaches who may look to expand into online courses, membership communities, or podcasting, Kajabi is a great place to start building your online knowledge commerce business.

Over the years, she has learned, “that if the right tools are in place, everything becomes more streamlined and stress-free.” 

Coaching with Kajabi

If you’re a coach or looking to get into coaching, check out Kajabi’s coaching tool. It’s easy to use and can help you launch or grow your online coaching business. 

Wondering how to get into coaching? Watch our guide on how to structure a group coaching program:

Plus, Kajabi has more to offer than just coaching. Kajabi is an all in one knowledge commerce platform that makes it easy to sell online courses, membership sites, private podcasts, and digital downloads. It also includes a website, CRM, analytics, automations, and email marketing tools, making it easier to build or maintain a coaching business.

Join the 60,000 Kajabi Heroes who have earned over $5 billion in revenue on our platform. Start your free trial today!

Still researching?

What is Kajabi?
Women’s life coach streamlines business with Kajabi coaching tool
Global business coach delivers faster results with Coaching on Kajabi

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