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Time management coach launches membership with private podcast on Kajabi


Aug 1, 2022
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It can feel challenging finding an open slot in the calendar to meet with even just one person in your organization. Now, imagine being responsible for the schedule of an elected official serving in the federal government! That’s how Anna Dearmon Kornick kicked off her career in time management.

She described, “I started out as a congressional scheduler click-clacking around in high heels and pencil skirts in the marble halls of Congress managing one of the most hectic schedules in the country. I spent 10 hours a day in front of an Outlook calendar, moving around meetings and fielding invitations and just all kinds of requests for my boss's time.”

Was her next step in her career any less stressful? Not at all. She worked for a decade in crisis management, handling public relations for clients in the midst of situations ranging from natural disasters to embezzlement schemes. 

“That kind of 24-7 always-on lifestyle, always being in the middle of a crisis can begin to take its toll on you,” she said. Anna reflected that her motivation to change career paths, “was really less of a spark and more of a fire being put out, because I was completely in a state of burnout.”

Read on to see how Anna used her time management skills and communications expertise to establish herself as a coach - and how Kajabi helped her better serve her audience.

Anna’s early coaching days

Like many creators and coaches with niche expertise, Anna had to forge and carve out a field for herself.

She remembered, “I did a lot of trial and error to look for how I could take my weird time management background and my love for speaking and communications, but also help others, (especially women) dig themselves out of the dark place of overwhelm and burnout that I had found myself in - or how can I help them avoid it altogether.”

Finally, she committed to herself and her well-being in May 2019. She recalled, “I still remember standing in my office and making the decision to be a time management coach. I had my first client within two weeks. I started with just doing one-on-one sessions, like so many coaches do.” 

At the time, she used a more general business management platform to handle things like her scheduling and invoicing. But, her business quickly grew and needed more tools.

In December 2019, she launched her podcast, It’s About Time, which required a podcast syndication tool. Then in May 2020, she launched her first online course, Get a Game Plan, which required a learning management platform.

Factoring in her email marketing provider, she was using four different softwares to manage her business - talk about a technology headache.

“Honestly, the online course platform was really just starting to get on my nerves because I felt like every time I tried to use another feature, it felt like I was being nickel and dimed.”

Migrating to Kajabi

Anna learned about Kajabi from other online courses and coaching programs she had taken in the past. Because she had a positive experience using it, she felt confident in using Kajabi for her own business. “I knew that Kajabi was going to create such a better experience for my clients and give me the opportunity to grow with the platform,” she said.

In July of 2021, Kajabi ran a promotion offering three months of access to the platform for $99. Anna took advantage of the special offer to migrate her business. She says, “It was the incentive that I needed to switch to Kajabi. It served as a time deadline for me as well. I told myself, ‘You've got three months. You've gotta get everything moved over. You've gotta start promoting the course.’”

Her first plan of action? Migrate her course. She found migrating incredibly easy. She says, “It was just some very easy copying and pasting. The tool was intuitive enough to get set up. It was a smaller course with three modules and five videos, but it also had transcripts and worksheets associated with different parts.”

Another item on the to-do list was to rebuild her sales pages. She describes, “I created the sales page for Get a Game Plan in like one evening, the night before a promo was going to run for it in an episode of my podcast.”

Launching a membership and private podcast with Kajabi

Nearly a year after migrating to Kajabi, Anna was able to take advantage of additional features within the all-in-one platform to further grow her business.

By using Kajabi’s private podcast feature to deliver the content with a subscription model, Anna is able to meet the unique needs of her members while building recurring revenue.

It’s been a win-win for her business and her members. She says “My membership site,  It's About Time Academy, is all about finding your version of work-life balance. My members have very full lives and full schedules to go with it. They need a way to learn that goes with them anywhere. The whole reason why they're in the It's About Time Academy is because they want better work-life balance - that means they probably don't have tons of time to sit and watch videos, so I love that the private podcast enables me to meet them where they are.”

The best part? She far surpassed the goal for her signups, bringing in nearly four times the members she was aiming for! 

But the real test is what it’s like for the creator and audience to actually use the tool. Luckily, Kajabi has been a good fit. She said, “It's been pretty easy to get everyone set up, and everyone has really enjoyed having this method of learning.” 

Anna’s tips for new Kajabi Heroes

As a time management coach, Anna has a unique perspective about what it takes to be successful. So what does she recommend for someone looking to get started with Kajabi?

She advised, “Set a deadline, and tell somebody about it! Have that accountability to get it done, and whether it's creating your first course or launching a private podcast or getting your email list, set up, whatever it is. Give yourself a deadline and get some accountability so that you'll take action and follow through.”

Plus, take it from a time management coach - an all-in-one software can be the tool you really need. Time is money - saving your own, can be well worth the cost.

She said, “Kajabi just has everything you need. Stop trying to stick everything together with duct tape. I think sometimes people are afraid of the investment. Jumping in and using all of the functionality and the tools that Kajabi has will honestly save you not only money in the long run, but it saves you time. Your time is non-renewable, so make things easier on yourself.”

Getting started with Kajabi

If you’re ready to build a life and business around your knowledge (and reduce tech stack-related headaches), like Anna, Kajabi is the tool for you.

With Kajabi, you can easily sell your expertise online. You’ll get an online course builder, coaching platform, podcast tool, and membership management software. Plus, we pair it with sales and marketing tools like a website and email marketing platform. All for one low cost.

For 14 days, fully explore everything Kajabi has to offer you for free! Start your free 14-day trial of Kajabi today.

For more inspiration, check out these other successful Heroes who jumped on the opportunity to try Kajabi at a discounted price:

First-time course creator goes from zero to Hero with single mini-course

Personal development coach turns wellness into her work

Still researching? 

Check out Kajabi’s free downloadable ebook resources and attend free Kajabi webinars Monday - Friday to answer your questions about Kajabi's capabilities.

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