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Pharmacist earns over $230,000 with first online course


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Can someone with no online course experience make over $230,000 in their first year in knowledge commerce? Kajabi Hero Dr. Jamie Wilkey did!

She signed up for Kajabi’s Idea to Income challenge in January 2021. She had always been curious about sharing her expertise with the world but did not know how. After a friend introduced her to a course on Kajabi, she discovered she liked the platform. 

Noting that January felt like a time of new beginnings, she felt ready to jump in and make her course, helping pharmacists with career development. That’s transformed into the PGx Consulting Confidence Academy.

Keep reading to learn more about Dr. Wilkey’s fantastic first year on Kajabi and what she has planned for 2022.

What inspired you to get into knowledge commerce?

I was inspired to get into knowledge commerce because it is such a great time in the history of the world to share what you know with others. Just think of it; living in 2022 at your fingertips you have access to anyone in the globe who is looking for you and your knowledge. To me it seems a little crazy NOT to want to help others in this way.  

What did you do first in Kajabi? 

I jumped right in and made a scrappy beta course. The course was an instant success so I kept building and polishing from there.

When did you launch your first digital product?

At the end of January 2021--the beta version of my course: PGx Consulting Confidence Academy. It is a course to teach pharmacists how to use personalized medicine to change the trajectory of their careers.

How do you promote your digital information product? What’s been the most successful marketing method for you?

I only promote my product two ways: through LinkedIn posts and live webinars. Both have been extremely successful for me, and I haven't yet had to pay for any advertising. All of my course growth has  thus far come organically.

Did you experience any difficulties or setbacks since joining Kajabi?

My only difficulty was the learning curve associated with a new platform, plus ZERO prior online or business experience. I'd never navigated making a course, building an email list, etc. I watched a lot of tutorial videos and just played with Kajabi until I got it all to work smoothly. Plus, I utilized Kajabi Help Desk and Support and their team was so amazing and quick to help me out. If I can do it, I'm positive anyone can do it. 

What milestones or accomplishments have you reached on Kajabi?

I earned more than $230,000, grew my LinkedIn followers to nearly 13,000, and was voted one of the 'Top 50 Most Influential Leaders in Pharmacy' thanks to my online Academy hosted by Kajabi. Not bad for a rookie, huh? I'm particularly proud of this because I'm a brand new female solopreneur who just launched her business a few months prior to launching my course. I'm a pharmacist who gets to have a bigger impact on the world now, with zero prior business or education experience. What a great time to be alive!

What other takeaways do you have from your first year using Kajabi?

My takeaway is that I can do anything! After launching one course I'm already planning more courses, coaching and retreats using the Kajabi platform. It is so easy to use that I feel very empowered to do more and keep growing. 

What do you plan to do going into your second year on Kajabi?

I plan to grow, grow, grow! While I did have a blockbuster first year I also felt like I spent a majority of my time optimizing my course. Now that it feels like the course I want it to be my emphasis in 2022 is going to be on growth. I plan to at least double my 2021 income from my existing course and even start a new course for a different demographic. 

Do you have any other advice for new Kajabi Heroes?

Just do it. If you have an idea, just start and do it. Start scrappy, and don't second guess yourself. There are people in the world looking for you and your unique knowledge. Now is the best time in the history of the world to help other people and to be YOU!

Get started on Kajabi

Ready to take the leap and start selling your knowledge? Build, market, and sell an online course, coaching program, membership community, or podcast all with one tool. Kajabi makes it possible to run a knowledge commerce business with no integrations needed. 

Start your 14-day free trial today!

Read the 2022 State of the Creator Economy Report to get the latest data on industry trends and growth for knowledge content creators.

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