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What Is The Best Platform To Sell Online Courses?


Aug 16, 2024
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You've got a wealth of knowledge to share, a passion for teaching, and a burning desire to create an online course. But as you start researching how to bring your vision to life, you're hit with a tidal wave of options. 

Kajabi, Teachable, Thinkific, Podia - the list goes on. Suddenly, what seemed like an exciting venture now feels like a maze of features, pricing plans, and technical jargon.

With so many platforms available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your needs.

In this article, we'll explore what online course platforms are, their benefits, and key features to look for when selecting the best platform for your business.

What Are Online Course Platforms?

Online course platforms are all-in-one solutions that enable you to create, market, and sell digital courses. They provide the tools and infrastructure necessary to build and deliver engaging online learning experiences.

These platforms offer features such as course builders, video hosting, student management, payment processing, and marketing tools. 

By using an online course platform, you can focus on creating valuable content while the platform handles the technical aspects of delivering and selling your courses.

Benefits Of Using An Online Course Platform

Online course platforms offer numerous advantages that simplify the process of creating and selling digital courses. 

Let's explore some of the key benefits you can expect when using an online course platform.

Streamlined Course Creation

One of the most significant advantages of using an online course platform is the ease of course creation. 

These platforms provide intuitive course builders and templates that let you quickly structure and organize your content. 

You can easily upload videos, create lessons, and design interactive elements without needing advanced technical skills. This streamlined approach saves you time and effort, enabling you to focus on crafting engaging course material.

Built-In Marketing And Sales Tools

Online course platforms come equipped with powerful marketing and sales features to help you promote and sell your courses effectively. 

You can create professional landing pages to showcase your course offerings and attract potential students. 

Integrated email marketing tools allow you to nurture leads and keep your audience engaged. 

Additionally, these platforms offer seamless checkout processes and secure payment gateways, making it convenient for students to enroll in your courses.

Student Engagement Features

Keeping students engaged is crucial for the success of your online course. 

Online course platforms provide a range of features to foster student engagement and interaction. 

Discussion forums enable students to connect with each other, ask questions, and share insights. 

Quizzes and assessments help reinforce learning and track student progress. Some platforms even offer gamification elements, such as badges and leaderboards, to motivate and incentivize students.

Scalability And Automation

As your course business grows, an online course platform can scale with you. These platforms are designed to handle a large number of students and courses without compromising performance. 

You can easily add new courses, manage enrollments, and track student progress from a centralized dashboard. 

Moreover, online course platforms offer automation features that streamline repetitive tasks, such as sending course completion certificates or triggering email sequences based on student actions. 

This automation saves you time and allows you to focus on creating content and engaging with your students.

Key Features To Look For In An Online Course Platform

When choosing an online course platform, consider the following key features to ensure you have the tools necessary to create, market, and deliver a successful online course.

Robust Course Builder

A user-friendly course builder is the foundation of any online course platform. 

Look for a platform that offers intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to easily structure your course content, upload multimedia files, and create engaging lessons without requiring technical expertise. 

The course builder should support various content formats, such as videos, audio, text, and interactive elements, to cater to different learning styles.

Customizable Branding

Branding plays a significant role in establishing your online course business. 

Choose a platform that lets you customize the look and feel of your course website, landing pages, and course player to align with your brand identity. 

The ability to use your own domain name and integrate your logo and color scheme throughout the platform will help create a cohesive and professional image for your course.

Secure Payment Processing

To ensure a smooth and secure checkout process for your students, choose an online course platform with reliable payment processing capabilities. 

The platform should integrate with trusted payment gateways, such as Stripe or PayPal, and handle transactions securely. 

Look for features like multiple currency support, flexible pricing options (one-time payments, subscriptions, or payment plans), and the ability to offer coupons and discounts to incentivize enrollments.

Comprehensive Analytics

Data-driven insights help you optimize your online course and make informed business decisions. 

An online course platform with comprehensive analytics will provide you with detailed information about student enrollment, engagement, and completion rates. 

Look for features that allow you to track student progress, identify areas for improvement, and gain insights into your marketing efforts. 

These analytics will help you refine your course content, target your marketing strategies, and ultimately grow your online course business.

Reliable Customer Support

When you encounter technical issues or have questions about using the platform, having access to reliable customer support is crucial. 

Choose an online course platform that offers responsive and knowledgeable support through multiple channels, such as live chat, email, or phone. 

A comprehensive knowledge base, tutorials, and a community forum can also provide valuable resources for troubleshooting and learning best practices.

How To Choose The Best Online Course Platform For Your Business

Selecting the right online course platform is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact the success of your digital education venture. 

Approaching this decision strategically and considering your specific needs, goals, and business model, you can find the perfect platform to bring your vision to life. 

In this section, we'll walk you through a step-by-step process to evaluate and choose the best online course platform for your business, ensuring that your digital classroom meets your current needs and supports your future growth.

1. Identify Your Specific Needs And Goals

Before diving into online course platforms, take a moment to reflect on your unique requirements and objectives. 

Consider the type of courses you plan to create, your target audience, and the level of interactivity and engagement you want to offer. 

Determine whether you need features like live webinars, discussion forums, or gamification elements. Having a clear understanding of your needs will help you narrow down your options and find a platform that aligns with your goals.

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2. Compare Features And Pricing

Once you have a list of potential platforms, dive into their feature sets and pricing structures. 

Look for platforms that offer the tools and functionalities you need to create and deliver your courses effectively. 

You should be comparing factors like:

  • Course creation tools
  • Student management features
  • Marketing capabilities
  • Analytics

Compare the pricing plans of different platforms, taking into account any transaction fees, setup costs, or additional charges for certain features. 

Ensure that the platform you choose fits within your budget while providing the necessary tools for your course business.

3. Evaluate Ease Of Use

The ease of use of an online course platform can significantly impact your course creation process and overall experience. 

Look for platforms with intuitive interfaces and user-friendly navigation. 

Consider the learning curve required to master the platform's features and whether it offers comprehensive documentation and tutorials. 

A platform that’s easy to use will save you time and frustration, allowing you to focus on creating engaging course content rather than struggling with technical complexities.

4. Consider Integrations With Other Tools

Online course platforms rarely operate in isolation. You likely use other tools and services to run your business, such as email marketing software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, or payment gateways. 

When evaluating online course platforms, consider their integration capabilities with the tools you already use. 

Seamless integrations can streamline your workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and ensure a cohesive experience for both you and your students.

5. Read Reviews And Case Studies

Before making a final decision, take the time to read reviews and case studies from other course creators who have used the platforms you're considering. 

Look for testimonials and success stories that highlight the platform's strengths and weaknesses. 

Pay attention to feedback on customer support, user experience, and overall satisfaction. Reading real-world experiences can provide valuable insights into how the platform performs in practice and help you make an informed decision.

Is Selling Online Courses Profitable?

The potential profitability of selling online courses has attracted educators, entrepreneurs, and experts from various fields. 

While success isn't guaranteed, many have found this venture to be highly lucrative. The key to profitability lies in a combination of factors, each playing a crucial role in your course's success.

Demand is the cornerstone of profitability in the online course market. Choosing a niche with a large, engaged audience can significantly boost your chances of attracting students and generating sales. 

Your expertise and the perceived value of your content also play pivotal roles in determining your course's price point and, ultimately, its profitability.

Marketing emerges as a critical factor in driving course sales. A robust marketing strategy can help you:

  • Reach your target audience effectively
  • Convert leads into enrolled students
  • Build a strong personal brand
  • Engage with your audience consistently

Leveraging various channels such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising can amplify your reach and impact. Investing time and resources in crafting and executing a solid marketing plan can dramatically influence your course's profitability.

The online course industry has seen remarkable success stories. 

Some course creators report annual earnings in the six or even seven-figure range. These high achievers often share common traits: a strong personal brand, a highly engaged audience, and a track record of delivering exceptional value. 

Consider the success story of Chloe Daniels, a financial literacy educator who built a seven-figure business using Kajabi. Chloe started her journey offering free and paid financial literacy training. Within a year of implementing an all-in-one platform for her online courses, her business generated over $300,000. The following year, it was on track to hit $1 million. 

Chloe's success demonstrates the potential of online courses when combined with the right platform, valuable content, and effective marketing strategies.

However, it's important to note that these results aren't typical and require substantial effort and strategic planning.

As we look ahead to 2024, the online course market continues to evolve. Staying informed about current trends, emerging technologies, and shifting student preferences will be crucial for those considering entering this space. Understanding these factors can help you assess the viability of your course idea and make informed decisions about pricing, marketing, and overall business strategy.

While the potential for profitability is significant, success in selling online courses demands dedication, hard work, and adaptability. The landscape is competitive, and student expectations are continually rising. To increase your chances of building a successful and profitable online course business, focus on:

  • Consistently delivering high-quality, valuable content
  • Engaging actively with your student community
  • Continuously refining your marketing approach
  • Adapting to the evolving needs of your audience

By committing to these principles and staying attuned to market dynamics, you can position yourself for success in the exciting and potentially lucrative world of online course creation.

What Are The Best Online Course Platforms?

Now that you understand the benefits and key features of online course platforms, let's explore some of the top options available in the market. 

Each platform has its own strengths and unique offerings, so consider your specific needs and goals when making a decision.

1. Kajabi

Kajabi is the leading all-in-one platform designed for entrepreneurs and creators who want to build, market, and sell online courses. 

With Kajabi, you get a comprehensive suite of tools that go beyond just course creation, including advanced marketing automation, customizable websites, and powerful analytics. 

Kajabi stands out for its ease of use, robust feature set, and ability to integrate seamlessly with other tools, making it the best option for those serious about scaling their online business. 

Key features of Kajabi include:

  • Course creation: Kajabi's intuitive course builder allows you to easily structure your content, add multimedia elements, and create engaging lessons. You can organize your course into categories, subcategories, and posts, providing a clear learning path for your students.
  • Website builder: With customizable themes and a user-friendly interface, you can create a professional-looking website to showcase your courses without any coding knowledge.
  • Marketing automation: Kajabi's powerful marketing tools include email campaigns, sales funnels, and landing pages. You can set up automated sequences to nurture leads and convert them into paying customers.
  • Sales and payment processing: The platform handles all aspects of selling your courses, from secure payment processing to managing subscriptions and one-time purchases.
  • Analytics and reporting: Gain valuable insights into your business performance with detailed analytics on sales, student engagement, and marketing campaign effectiveness.
  • Community features: Foster student engagement with built-in community forums, allowing learners to interact with each other and with you

2. Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks is an all-in-one platform that combines online courses with community features. 

It allows you to create engaging courses and build a thriving network around your content. 

With Mighty Networks, you can host discussions, live events, and member profiles, fostering a sense of belonging and interaction among your students. 

The platform's community-centric approach sets it apart from other course platforms, making it an excellent choice if you want to create a vibrant learning community.

Mighty Networks provides flexible monetization options, giving you the ability to generate revenue through multiple streams. 

You can charge for access to your courses, community memberships, or even individual posts or events. The platform supports one-time payments, subscriptions, and bundles, allowing you to create pricing models that suit your business needs. 

Key features include:

  • Community-centric approach: At its core, Mighty Networks is designed to foster engaging communities around your courses. You can create discussion forums, live events, and member profiles, encouraging student interaction and peer-to-peer learning.
  • Course creation: While not as robust as some dedicated course platforms, Mighty Networks offers solid course-building tools. You can create multimedia lessons, quizzes, and assignments to deliver your content effectively.
  • Native mobile app: Mighty Networks provides a branded mobile app for your community and courses, increasing accessibility and engagement for your students.
  • Live streaming: Host live video events, webinars, or Q&A sessions directly within your network, enhancing real-time interaction with your audience.
  • Monetization options: Offer paid memberships, charge for course access, or sell digital products within your network.
  • Analytics: Track member engagement, course progress, and overall community health with built-in analytics tools.

3. Thinkific

Thinkific is a user-friendly platform that offers a range of course creation tools and customizable branding options. 

It provides an intuitive course builder, allowing you to easily structure your content and add multimedia elements. 

Thinkific also offers marketing integrations, enabling you to promote your courses effectively. 

With its focus on ease of use and flexibility, Thinkific is a solid choice for course creators who want a straightforward platform with robust features.

Key features include:

  • User-friendly course builder: Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for easy course creation and organization.
  • Customizable branding and design: Extensive options to personalize your course site, including layouts, colors, fonts, and the ability to use your own domain name.
  • Marketing and sales tools: Built-in tools for landing pages, email marketing integration, coupons, and discounts, with support for third-party marketing tools.
  • Flexible pricing options: Support for various pricing models, including one-time payments, subscriptions, memberships, payment plans, and course bundles.
  • Comprehensive student management: Tools for tracking student progress, segmenting students, sending targeted messages, and automating tasks like issuing certificates.
  • Analytics and reporting: Detailed insights into course performance, including student enrollment, course completion rates, and revenue generation.

4. Teachable

Teachable is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it an attractive option for beginners. 

The platform offers a drag-and-drop builder that makes it easy to upload videos, create quizzes, and add downloadable resources. 

You can organize your content into sections and lectures, giving your students a clear and structured learning path. 

The simplicity of Teachable’s course builder ensures that you can focus on delivering valuable content rather than getting bogged down by technical details.

Teachable offers a range of student management features, such as tracking progress and issuing completion certificates. It also integrates with popular marketing tools, enabling you to promote your courses effectively.

Teachable key features include:

  • Intuitive course builder: Easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface for quick course creation and organization.
  • Customizable course pages: Options to personalize course landing pages with your brand’s layout, colors, fonts, and imagery.
  • Seamless payment processing: Built-in payment processing that supports multiple payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay, with features for one-time payments, subscriptions, and payment plans.
  • Marketing and affiliate tools: Tools for creating sales pages, offering discounts, and setting up affiliate programs to promote your courses, with integrations for email marketing services.

5. Podia

Podia is an all-in-one platform that allows you to create and sell various digital products, including online courses, memberships, and digital downloads. 

It offers a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy to set up your course and customize your storefront. 

One of Podia’s standout features is its built-in email marketing tools, which allow you to communicate with your audience directly from the platform. 

You can create and send email campaigns, segment your audience, and automate email sequences to nurture leads and drive sales. This integration eliminates the need for third-party email marketing services, streamlining your marketing efforts and keeping everything under one roof.

Podia key features include:

  • Versatile digital product sales: Supports the sale of online courses, memberships, webinars, eBooks, and digital downloads.
  • Clean and intuitive interface: User-friendly design with a drag-and-drop builder for easy content organization.
  • Built-in email marketing: Integrated email marketing tools for creating campaigns, segmenting audiences, and automating email sequences.
  • Memberships and community features: Tools for creating and managing memberships, including exclusive content and community interaction.
  • Customizable storefront: Options to personalize your storefront with brand colors, fonts, imagery, and custom domains.


Selecting the right platform to sell your online courses is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the success of your digital education venture. 

As we've explored, each platform offers unique features and advantages, catering to different needs and preferences of course creators.

When making your choice, consider these key factors:

  • Ease of use and learning curve
  • Customization options for branding
  • Robustness of marketing and sales tools
  • Student engagement and community features
  • Pricing structure and transaction fees
  • Scalability as your business grows

Remember, the "best" platform is the one that aligns most closely with your specific goals, teaching style, and target audience. 

What works brilliantly for one creator might not be the ideal solution for another.

For a more comprehensive analysis, our article on the top online course platforms provides an in-depth comparison. It covers crucial aspects such as pricing, course creation tools, marketing features, and customer support for a wider range of platforms.

Among the top choices, Kajabi stands out as an all-in-one solution that makes creating, marketing, and selling your courses easier than ever. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Kajabi allows you to focus on delivering valuable content while it handles the technical details.

Kajabi offers you a 14-day free trial, giving you the perfect opportunity to explore its features and see how it can empower your online course business. 

Start your 14-day free trial with Kajabi now.

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