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Meet The Creators

Who Switched To Kajabi

I think creators are blown away by how much more money there is to be made by having your own products that you sell, or your own paid communities. You could easily 4X what you're making.

Graham Cochrane
Business Coach, YouTuber & Podcaster

Thinkific is where I first started, and then I was like, this platform's not working for me. I get on Teachable, but the usability, the interface was really challenging. I discovered Kajabi. And I said, okay, this aligns with everything that I'm trying to do now.

Abu Fofanah
Marketing Coach & Content Creator

I started off as a WordPress creator, and I was always super stressed that my WordPress site was always breaking. When I migrated my business over to Kajabi, it brought a greater ease and flow in my life.

Anne Marie Pizzaro
Wellness Course Creator & Teacher

Frequently asked questions

How do I create and sell an online course?

Great news! Chances are, you already have just about everything you need to create and sell your own online courses, but here is a quick breakdown:

a. Knowledge, a skill, or passion

b. A desire to share.

c. Equipment such as a computer, internet connection, a camera, and video editing software.

d. A means of creating and distributing your knowledge.

Kajabi is here to help with the creation and distribution of your course. Customizable templates, blueprints, and intuitive design tools let you easily create your course, while Stripe and Paypal integrations let you quickly and seamlessly sell it.

Visit our guide for a full breakdown of how to teach an online course.

Is creating online courses profitable?

We’re glad you asked. Yes, online courses are highly profitable! While how much money you can make depends on several factors, like pricing and audience size, there’s no denying that there’s a lot of opportunity in the eLearning industry market, which is projected to reach a worth of $325 billion by 2025. Learn how to create a profitable course today.

Does Kajabi integrate with other tools?

Absolutely! Kajabi integrates with over 10 top software providers including email marketing, member experience, and analytics softwares.

What is membership management software?

Whether you have 30 or 30,000 members, our membership management software is designed to help you create an exclusive space where you can consistently connect and communicate with your members who’ve paid for access. Share unique content and offers with your members while also providing a place for them to engage with one another.

How does the membership model work?

The membership model is a type of business model in which individuals pay a recurring fee for access to an organization’s paywalled content. Generally, members pay for a monthly or annual subscription that provides entry to a space (your membership site) where they can access content and offers that are only available to them.

What are the benefits of a membership site?

The main benefits of a membership site include recurring revenue, improved customer loyalty, established authority within your industry or niche, and direct communication with your audience.

What should my membership site include?

A successful membership site should feature a consistent stream of content that your audience finds valuable. This could include articles, videos, audios, courses, live webinars, downloadable resources, perks (like event tickets or physical merchandise), and/or a community section or forum.

Can I cancel my Kajabi subscription at any time?

Of course! If you decide that Kajabi isn't the right fit for your business, you can easily cancel your account from your dashboard at any time.

Does Kajabi take a cut of my revenue?

No! When you make a sale with Kajabi, we don’t take a percentage cut of your revenue from that sale (unlike most creator platforms). If you use Stripe or Paypal to collect payments, you will still pay their merchant processing fees (for example, Stripe’s merchant processing fee is 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction).

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