Monetize your knowledge. Own your future.

Join the #1 most trusted knowledge commerce platform with the most ways to directly monetize your content: build courses, coaching programs, podcasts, memberships, and more.
All the tools you need in one place
No need to be tech-savvy
0% revenue fees
Kajabi all-in-one course creation, online course, crm
Alla Driksne
Teaches people how to bake on Kajabi
Dominique Broadway
Teaches people how to win with their finances
Kajabi all-in-one course creation, online course, crm
Avery Smith
Teaches people how to land their dream careers

Kajabi makes it easy to create a profitable business online

All-in-one solution

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that includes everything you need to run your online business, including website hosting, email marketing, payment processing, and more.

Create a digital product and start selling it in a matter of days. That’s why Kajabi creators earn an average of $15K in just their first year.

Your products, your way

Kajabi doesn’t limit you to one type of product. Build a business that’s responsive and agile to market demands. Offer coaching, distribute podcasts, launch courses — the sky’s the limit.

Create a digital product and start selling it in a matter of days. That’s why Kajabi creators earn an average of $15K in just their first year.

Customer obsession

We’re obsessed with customer success. On Kajabi, you’ve got a 25K+ supportive online community, live and on-demand training, events like virtual meetups, and world-class 24/7 customer service.

Create a digital product and start selling it in a matter of days. That’s why Kajabi creators earn an average of $15K in just their first year.

Kajabi idea to income in 30 days

Go from zero to launch quickly

Create a digital product and start selling it in a matter of days. That’s why Kajabi creators earn an average of $15k in their first year!

Create a digital product and start selling it in a matter of days. That’s why Kajabi creators earn an average of $15K in just their first year.

Kajabi get all the tools you need

Get all the tools you need

Kajabi is your one-stop shop for websites, funnels, emails, landing pages, analytics, payments, and more!

Create a digital product and start selling it in a matter of days. That’s why Kajabi creators earn an average of $15K in just their first year.

0% revenue fees for Kajabi

0% revenue fees

Unlike other creator platforms, you don’t pay more for earning more on Kajabi because we don’t take a percentage cut of your revenue.

Create a digital product and start selling it in a matter of days. That’s why Kajabi creators earn an average of $15K in just their first year.

Pricing plans that
Grow With You

Choose a Kajabi plan that fits your budget and business goals.

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Annual Pricing (save 20%)
Annual Pricing (save 20%)
Not sure which plan is best for you?
Help me choose

Get the foundations right to set up your business.

$55/mo* - Billed Annually
Get started
0% Transaction Fee
50 Landing Pages
1,250 Marketing Emails
1 product
1 funnel
250 contacts
50 active customers
1 website
Kajabi AI Features
Creator Studio
*+ applicable taxes. Only available to new users.

Everything you need to start running your business.

$119/mo* - Billed Annually
Get started
0% Transaction Fee
Unlimited Landing Pages
Unlimited Marketing Emails
3 products
3 funnels
10,000 contacts
1,000 active customers
1 website
Kajabi AI Features
Creator Studio
*+ applicable taxes

Expand your business and get serious about growing.

$159/mo* - Billed Annually
Get started
0% Transaction Fee
Unlimited Landing Pages
Unlimited Marketing Emails
15 products
15 funnels
25,000 contacts
10,000 active customers
1 website
Kajabi AI Features
Creator Studio
Advanced automations
Affiliate program
Custom branding
24/7 Support
*+ applicable taxes

Scale your business and team with advanced features.

$319/mo*  - Billed Annually
Get started
0% Transaction Fee
Unlimited Landing Pages
Unlimited Marketing Emails
100 products
100 funnels
100,000 contacts
20,000 active customers
3 website
Kajabi AI Features
Creator Studio
Advanced automations
Affiliate program
Custom branding
24/7 Support
Custom Code Editor
*+ applicable taxes

Get the foundations right to set up your business.

Get started
0% Transaction Fee
50 Landing Pages
1,250 Marketing Emails
1 product
1 funnel
250 contacts
50 active customers
1 website
Kajabi AI Features
Creator Studio
*+ applicable taxes. Only available to new users.

Everything you need to start running your business.

Get started
0% Transaction Fee
Unlimited Landing Pages
Unlimited Marketing Emails
3 products
3 funnels
10,000 contacts
1,000 active customers
1 website
Kajabi AI Features
Creator Studio
*+ applicable taxes

Expand your business and get serious about growing.

Get started
0% Transaction Fee
Unlimited Landing Pages
Unlimited Marketing Emails
15 products
15 funnels
25,000 contacts
10,000 active customers
1 website
Kajabi AI Features
Creator Studio
Advanced automations
Affiliate program
Custom branding
24/7 Support
*+ applicable taxes

Scale your business and team with advanced features.

Get started
0% Transaction Fee
Unlimited Landing Pages
Unlimited Marketing Emails
100 products
100 funnels
100,000 contacts
20,000 active customers
3 website
Kajabi AI Features
Creator Studio
Advanced automations
Affiliate program
Custom branding
24/7 Support
Custom Code Editor
*+ applicable taxes

Real People.
Real Results.

When you build on Kajabi, you’re joining 50,000+ serious experts, entrepreneurs and influencers around the world — you know, people like you.

Get started on Kajabi
Kajabi customer testimonials
Ross Grant

“Since moving to Kajabi email, from Drip, my open rates have risen from 16% to 23%+.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Jenine Dilts Bayman
Fitness Entrepreneur

“I’ve been totally blown away by the customer service.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Mel Abraham
Bestselling Author

“With Kajabi, I have everything I need to create, build and scale my thought leader business.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Amy Porterfield
Online Marketing Expert

“Kajabi makes it incredibly easy to turn your knowledge into products you can sell.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Brendon Burchard
Personal Development Coach

“With Kajabi, I get all the tools I need in one platform.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Michelle Helmers Lagaly
Teacher, Healer, Coach

“Thank you to Kajabi for creating an awesome platform and community.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Ross Grant

“Since moving to Kajabi email, from Drip, my open rates have risen from 16% to 23%+.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Jenine Dilts Bayman
Fitness Entrepreneur

“I’ve been totally blown away by the customer service.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Mel Abraham
Bestselling Author

“With Kajabi, I have everything I need to create, build and scale my thought leader business.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Amy Porterfield
Online Marketing Expert

“Kajabi makes it incredibly easy to turn your knowledge into products you can sell.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Brendon Burchard
Personal Development Coach

“With Kajabi, I get all the tools I need in one platform.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Michelle Helmers Lagaly
Teacher, Healer, Coach

“Thank you to Kajabi for creating an awesome platform and community.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Brian J. Dixon
Business Coach

“So grateful for this incredible platform and the awesome team behind it.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Haley Burkhead
Marketing Strategist

“It took me one day to setup everything I needed to sell with Kajabi.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Dirk van Reenen

“Kajabi is the perfect platform for us to have launched our business on.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Monica Hershaft
Holistic Health Expert

“There is an overall 'helpful' feeling in here.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Chris Luck

“Thank you Kajabi for giving us all the tools we need to build a successful online business.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Sarah-Jane Walls
Posture Expert

“I joined Kajabi just a month ago, and I made my first 1K in a few days.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Brian J. Dixon
Business Coach

“So grateful for this incredible platform and the awesome team behind it.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Haley Burkhead
Marketing Strategist

“It took me one day to setup everything I needed to sell with Kajabi.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Dirk van Reenen

“Kajabi is the perfect platform for us to have launched our business on.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Monica Hershaft
Holistic Health Expert

“There is an overall 'helpful' feeling in here.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Chris Luck

“Thank you Kajabi for giving us all the tools we need to build a successful online business.”

Kajabi customer testimonials
Sarah-Jane Walls
Posture Expert

“I joined Kajabi just a month ago, and I made my first 1K in a few days.”

Frequently asked questions

What is Kajabi?

Of course! If you decide that Kajabi isn't the right fit for your business, you can easily cancel your account from your dashboard at any time.

Kajabi is an all-in-one knowledge commerce platform that has helped 40,000+ entrepreneurs turn their passion and skills into thriving online courses, membership sites, coaching programs, podcasts, and more.

And when we say all-in-one, we mean it. With Kajabi, you have all the tools you need to create, market, and sell professional digital products from the same dashboard — no messy integrations or prior tech skills required.

Why choose Kajabi?

Entrepreneurs created Kajabi for entrepreneurs, so we're familiar with the challenges faced by today's online business owners. With over a decade in the industry, we've helped our customers collectively earn over $5 billion in revenue from digital products. When you choose Kajabi, you're choosing a platform with a proven track record and a culture obsessed with your success. That means you can expect constant platform enhancements and best-in-class customer support as you build and scale your business.

And if you’re not so great at the tech side of things, you’re in the right place. Kajabi was created specifically for non-techie people to help them achieve entrepreneurial success online.

How does Kajabi help me build my business?

Kajabi gives you all the tools you need to run your business, plus guidance and support every step of the way.

You're never starting from scratch on Kajabi. We have customizable templates, blueprints, and intuitive design tools that allow you to easily create professional digital products, websites, landing pages, emails, sales funnels, and more. Top it all off with our built-in CRM, powerful analytics, and a ready-made mobile app, and you have everything you need to build and scale the online business you've been dreaming about — all from one platform.

How does Kajabi help me grow my business?

Kajabi gives you all the tools you need to run your business, plus guidance and support every step of the way.

You're never starting from scratch on Kajabi. We have customizable templates, blueprints, and intuitive design tools that allow you to easily create professional digital products, websites, landing pages, emails, sales funnels, and more.

Top it all off with our built-in CRM, powerful analytics, and a ready-made mobile app, and you have everything you need to build and scale the online business you've been dreaming about — all from one platform.

Your Kajabi account is designed to grow with you. With multiple plan tiers, you can choose the one that best suits your needs and change at any time.You'll also have easy-to-read metrics to optimize your business for growth, a robust library of resources, and a supportive community to help you take your business to the next level.

How does Kajabi compare with other knowledge commerce platforms?

Of course! If you decide that Kajabi isn't the right fit for your business, you can easily cancel your account from your dashboard at any time.Other platforms give you the tools to create an online course, but you'll have to look elsewhere for websites, landing pages, email marketing, etc.

Kajabi is an all-in-one solution that helps you simplify your process and maximize your results. With everything you need to create, market, and sell digital products on the same dashboard, you'll save time, money, and the tech headache associated with integrating multiple tools.Other platforms take a % cut of your revenue. The more you earn, the more you have to pay them. At Kajabi, we believe that's your money. You earned it, and you should keep it. We don't take a cut.

Choosing Kajabi also means joining a thriving and supportive community like no other. If you get stuck, you'll get help to get you back on track. When you reach a new milestone, we celebrate with you and send you rewards to mark your achievements. That's all part of our culture: we champion your success.

Can I save money with Kajabi?

Yes, absolutely.

Check out this comparison of what you’d pay for a “tech stack” of tools that cover all of the functionality you’ll find inside Kajabi:

Can I cancel my Kajabi subscription at any time?

Of course! If you decide that Kajabi isn't the right fit for your business, you can easily cancel your account from your dashboard at any time.

Does Kajabi take a cut of my revenue?

No! When you make a sale with Kajabi, we don’t take a percentage cut of your revenue from that sale (unlike most creator platforms). If you use Stripe or Paypal to collect payments, you will still pay their merchant processing fees (for example, Stripe’s merchant processing fee is 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction).

Still have more questions?

Visit our Help Center!